Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1123: Non-human

Xiao Yi looked at the crater above.

There, five thousand stars arrived, dazzling and shining.

Originally, these starlights should have landed on the star phantom glove below.

But there was something at the crater that blocked these stars.

The five thousand starlights are constantly thinning.

Xiao Yi could not see clearly what was in the dazzling starlight.

I perceive it, but it is extremely vague and unclear.

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned.

With his perceptual power, he actually felt a blur, and he could only perceive that his starlight was being swallowed and disappearing.

Moreover, his starlight contains the power of starlight.

There are five thousand Dao Qi, extremely tyrannical, I am afraid that a strong Saint King Realm will be enough to wear it in an instant, just die.

Is this thing directly ignored?

"Looking for death." Xiao Yi's eyes instantly cold.

Lowering the starlight, especially when there are so many, requires a lot of energy.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and went straight to the high-altitude crater.

Boom... before anyone arrives, there is already a burst of purple inflammation in his hands.

A blaze shot directly into the starlight at the crater.

Ren Zhi, a powerful fist wrapped in flames has already grasped the thing in front of him.

Xiao Yi was about to make a move, but was stunned.

"Uh... this..."

Xiao Yi saw what was in front of him, his eyes widened.

That was a little girl, gulping the surrounding stars.

Xiao Yi was holding her collar at the moment.

At this moment, the little girl felt different, turned her head slightly, her eyes were fixed on Xiao Yi's fist wrapped in purple inflammation.

"Ah, um." The little girl took a bite without hesitation.

Bang...The purple inflammation on Xiao Yi's fist disappeared instantly.

No, Xiao Yi knew very well that it was not dissipated, but was eaten.

"My purple inflammation..." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

The amethyst spirit flame burned everything and was swallowed instantly...

"Is it the human form of a monster beast?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

He knew very well that this place was within a dangerous place, with a radius of 100,000 li, monsters and beasts, how could there be a human child.

"No, there is no evil spirit." Xiao Yi frowned, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

He is a demon hunter, whether or not he is a monster, he can naturally recognize it at a glance.

Obviously, the person in front of him is not half demon.

"Huh?" When the little girl heard the voice, she raised her head and looked at Xiao Yi with a happy and comfortable face.

In the next second, his face changed drastically, "Human?"

In fact, when Xiao Yi saw the person in front of him clearly and did not perceive the aura of a monster, he had subconsciously planned to let go.

But the little girl's exclamation suddenly changed his face, his face was vigilant, and he grasped the little girl's throat.

"Who are you? No, what are you?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, staring directly at the person in front of, things.

If the person in front of you is really human, you will definitely not exclaim the word ‘human’.

Then, there is only one possibility, she is not human.

"How... how could..." The little girl panicked.

"I obviously didn't feel the human aura around here... where did you mask man emerge from?"

Xiao Yi sneered.

He was wearing a ghost mask, his breath disappeared, naturally no one could perceive him.

Even in the previous battle against the Demon Flame Beast, even if he had stood firmly on the surface of the molten metal, if it hadn't been for him to blast the molten metal with a punch, the Demon Flame Beast would never spot him and show up.

This is a little girl, it's strange to find him.

"What the **** are you? Celestial Realm aura?" Xiao Yi asked coldly.

Xiao Yi sensed it carefully, and he couldn't perceive anything unusual about the breath of the person in front of him.

This is also the reason why he couldn't perceive what was eating his starlight before.

The only thing he can perceive is the intensity of this breath, reaching the level of the celestial extreme realm.

Moreover, this breath is extremely pure.

Especially in this molten world, the aura is mixed, and her pure aura looks very strange.

"I...I...don't kill me..." The little girl panicked.

The little girl was dressed in flaming red clothes, very gorgeous.

A face carved from pink jade is very cute.

Under the panic on the face, it makes people feel sorry.

However, with Xiao Yi's mind, how could he care about these?

The thing in front of him is not human, and he will not be half confused.

However, the thought in his mind lasted only half a second.

In the next second, Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly became blurred.

The palm of the little girl's throat was originally held and slightly loosened.

In my heart, no matter when, a sense of comfort and unbearable closeness emerged unconsciously.

"So comfortable." An inexplicable comfort emerged on Xiao Yi's face.

The little girl's breath actually made him hard to extricate himself.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but slowly approached the little girl, sniffing on her.

"Human...human..." The little girl still panicked and did not dare to move, letting Xiao Yi keep sniffing on her.

Pop... The closeness and comfort in Xiao Yi's heart became more unbearable, and he hugged the little girl.

For some reason, in Xiao Yi's heart, the little girl's lovely face was lingering.

He even approached the little girl's face affectionately, feeling the little girl's comfortable warmth.

The little girl's panicked face was already red.

After a long while, Xiao Yi's blurred eyes suddenly cold, returning to normal.

"Your breath..." Xiao Yi suffocated, and quickly loosened his tightly held hands.

In the body, Jian Xin was cold, and his body instantly regained clarity.

"Human...human...what did you just want to do..." the little girl asked in horror.

"Nothing." Xiao Yi said coldly, and shook his head.

But the old face under his mask was actually flushed.

Although he was in a state of confusion just now, he clearly remembered that he had an indiscreet thought that seemed to melt the people in front of him.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, "What the **** are you, how can you have such a pure breath."

Xiao Yi realized that the strangeness in his mind just now was because of the breath of the little girl.

That kind of pure, even more pure than the middle-grade spirit stone.

That kind of purity is more like the primitive breath of heaven and earth, which makes everything unbearable. I can't help but get close and can't help but take it for myself.

Even, I can't help but...have irrational thoughts.

"Damn, Xiao Yi, are you a beast?" Xiao Yi couldn't help cursing in his heart, and stopped thinking for a moment.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi shook his head and looked at the little girl, "I'm sorry just now, these stars belong to you."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi dashed away.

Obviously, the appearance of this little girl was just to eat these stars, not to be malicious.

So Xiao Yi didn't bother to pursue it.

As for what she was, Xiao Yi was not interested in paying attention to it.

Moreover, he was afraid that if he stayed a little longer, the feeling that made him difficult to extricate himself would appear again.


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