Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1305: I care, I won't pay it back


There was an uproar in the spectator seats around.

The original competition platform was repaired, and the moment Xiao Yi took the stage, the faces of the surrounding spectators looked angry.

Because this represents the nightmare for all the academy disciples present, and it will continue again.

That constant ‘bang’ and ‘bang’ spike boom became the most dazzling melody of the entire Hundred Academy dispute, but it was also the harshest sound of other academies.

At this moment, with a loud shout from the deputy dean.

The entire spectator stand suddenly fell into a panic of consternation.

What followed was an explosive exclaim.

"What? Chase Xiao Yi out of the dark clouds to learn and teach?"

"Want to expel this kendo evildoer from Heiyun learning and teaching?"

In this exclaim, there was horror, doubt, and confusion.

This kind of evildoer will have a boundless future in the future, shocking Zhongyu.

Even now, it is enough to bring countless glory to any force.

This kind of evildoer, to which power is it not as a treasure?

Now, he was expelled in public?

Some exclaimed, some with joy.

Because this nightmare seems to be over.

This overbearing, ruthless, and even arrogant boy has today.

On the stage.

Xiao Yi stood indifferently in the center of the exclamation.

In the indifference, a trace of consternation flashed between the eyebrows.

It's just that this frightening color is fleeting, and as always, only indifference remains on that handsome face.

Several elders sneered at the spectator stand of Tianzang Academy.

"Sure enough, they couldn't agree." Tongtianfeng elder sneered with a grin.

"I knew this kid wouldn't agree."

"What can't we talk about?" Huo Linlang frowned and asked.

"Oh, nothing." Tongtianfeng elder shook his head, but the sneer and pride on his face remained lingering.

On the stage.

Whoosh... a figure jumped to Xiao Yi's side instantly.

It is Qinglin.

"Xiao Yi, go down first." Qing Lin looked anxious.

"It's a big deal, promise them two old guys first." Qing Lin lowered his voice and looked at Xiao Yi seriously.

"This third round of competition, there is nothing to participate in."

"Compared to cleaning up the **** in the colleges, I would rather you stay studying and teaching."

"I'm going to get the old guy to take back the order."

Below, the expressions of the Deputy Dean and Deacon You are hard to see.

They did not expect that their lobbying in every possible way and constant concessions were never able to make Xiao Yi change any decision.

Even Yu Xiao Yi took the stage without hesitation.

The deputy dean also made an expulsion order without hesitation.


Qing Lin turned around to leave, but Xiao Yi grabbed his arm.

"No need." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Why?" Qing Lin gritted his teeth, "I was expelled from Heiyun to study and teach just because of this little thing. Is it worth it?"

"It's just withdrawing from the third round of competition."

"The compensation given by Tianzang Academy and Tianjiao is much better than this third round of rewards."

Qing Lin lowered his voice.

He knew that since the former deputy dean had laid a barrier, he did not want outsiders to know.

So he lowered his voice now, admonishing Xiao Yi.

As for the second round, he had already left him behind.

"This is different." Xiao Yi shook his head, his tone indifferent.

The conditions given by Tianzang Academy are more than good, they are simply generous and even tempting.


"There are some things that I don't want to accept." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"It has nothing to do with Tianzang Academy, it has nothing to do with learning, and it has nothing to do with competition."

"Then why..." Qing Lin asked.

Xiao Yi smiled, "As you said before, is it because there are reasons to change the decision? You can do anything?..."

Xiao Yi's words stopped abruptly and did not continue.

"Since I am no longer a disciple of Heiyun Xuejiao, I am also not eligible to participate in this third round, and I have no need to stay."

"If there is a chance in the future, goodbye."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, said indifferently, turned around, and left.

Qing Lin was taken aback.

Originally, he wanted to continue to question and continue to discourage.

But at this moment, when he saw Xiao Yi's back, he recalled Xiao Yi's indifferent smile just now, but suddenly he suddenly felt dissuaded.

That back figure is not so broad, but powerful and calm.

Exuding from all over his body, it was extremely arrogant.

Yes, arrogance.

After getting along for a long time, he yelled "Xiao Yi" or "Junior Brother Xiao Yi"; but subconsciously forgot, this is a arrogant evildoer.

This is an enchanting evildoer who has never disappointed before, and has reached the limit.

This is an evildoer who holds a sword in his hand and dared to go everywhere.

Why should he withdraw from the third round?

Why should he compromise?

He didn't do anything wrong, so why drove him out of school?

If he is expelled because of this, he will leave.

There are very few things that can make this evildoer willing to put aside his arrogance temporarily.

Among them, it absolutely does not include the status of a disciple of Heiyun School; it does not include the status of a disciple of the old dean of the Tianzang Academy; and it does not include the so-called attractive conditions.

So he left, without hesitation.

"Xiao Yi." Qing Lin murmured to himself, his expression complicated.

"Want to go?" At this moment, a loud shout rang out from the seat.

A figure came in an instant.

"Boy, it's okay to go, and return the Nine Profound Fruits from the Sky Store."

"You are not a disciple of the various colleges, and you are not qualified to participate in the battle of the hundred academies, and you are not even qualified to obtain anything in the secret territory of the heaven."

The one who came suddenly was Deacon Tongtianfeng.

That difficult tone and that sneer were exactly the same as when he made things difficult for Xiao Yi two years ago outside the Twelve Peaks.

On the spectator stand, the corners of Elder Tongtian's mouth sneered.

"Asshole thing." Qing Lin shouted violently, "I picked it up in the hidden realm of heaven."

"According to the rules, that is Lao Tzu's thing."

"I give it to whoever I love."

The Nine Profound Fruits were hidden in the sky, and Qing Lin had given it to Xiao Yi long before.

Xiao Yi didn't want to take it, but after thinking about it, it was what Qinglin had saved with his injuries, so he took it too.

"Humph." Deacon Tongtianfeng snorted coldly.

"If you teach the disciples of Heiyun, you can."

"But to an outsider who is no longer a disciple of Heiyun Learning, but it won't work."

"You..." Qing Lin's face was cold.

"Heh." Xiao Yi turned around instantly, staring directly at Deacon Tong Tianfeng with his cold eyes.

"If I remember correctly, two years ago, you asked me to return the Tongtian Jade in the same way."

"Tongtianyu, I didn't care about it, so I paid it back."

"This time, I care about the Nine Profound Fruits in the sky, so I won't return them."

"If you want to take it, it depends on whether you have that strength."


A cold white sword light flashed past.

"Why? Do you want to hurt people with a sword like two years ago?" The Deacon Tongtianfeng was not afraid, but sneered.

"In front of the martial artists of the various colleges, attacking in my Tianzang Academy? Abandoned Xiao Yi, you are so bold."

The words fell, and a torrent of weather suddenly depressed from the seat of the Tianzang Academy.


Second more.

Three shifts in one hour.

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