Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1324: One more chance


High in the sky, a barrier was gradually opened.

Within the barrier is the place of inheritance.

That huge space is extremely vast.

But in the eyes of the old man and the Master of Chengfeng Palace, the panoramic view is nothing but easy.

At this time, within the land of inheritance.

It was precisely when Xiao Yi rushed out of the valley and took back the mist demon and the holy pot of wind.

Xiao Yi is looking at the surrounding environment.

Beyond the heritage.

The old man frowned, "If the old man is right, this kid should have just rushed out of the wind brake prison, right?"

The Lord of Chengfeng Palace frowned, "How can this kid fall into places like Fengcha Jail?"

"For countless years, all the thieves who tried to confuse our Fengsha Temple heritage and sneak into it have all died in the Fengsha prison."

"This kid, shouldn't he have done something disrespectful in it, he was bombed down?"

The old man glanced at Palace Master Chengfeng, "I mean, how did this kid come up?"

"This..." Palace Master Chengfeng frowned.

"Forget it," the old man said, "take him out first."

"Yes." The Palace Master Chengfeng replied and disappeared instantly.


In the land of inheritance.

Xiao Yi just rushed out of the bottom of the canyon.

The fog demon and the holy pot of wind had already been taken back by him.

Under the canyon, there is no sky, and there is an inexplicable force suppressing it.

So it doesn't matter if he uses some hole cards.

But as soon as he rushed out, some of his hole cards were taken back instantly.

Otherwise, if someone peeped and saw the terrible fog demon, and he was in such a sensitive place as the land of inheritance, he would not know what to think.

Xiao Yi has always been cautious.

He was looking around to see where it belonged to the heritage.

At this time, he hadn't waited for him to understand.

Swish...Beside, a figure appeared out of thin air.

It is the Master of Chengfeng Palace.

Xiao Yi was taken aback, and after he could see the incoming person, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Hall Master Chengfeng."

Palace Master Chengfeng is so fast that his eyes can't keep up, and he will be surprised.

"Boy." Palace Master Chengfeng frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

"Don't tell me that you have been in the Wind Brake Prison this month, and you haven't got half of the inheritance."

"Um." Xiao Yi touched his nose awkwardly and nodded.

"A month ago, I just came to the place of inheritance and accidentally fell into this canyon."

"As for the inheritance, there really is no time to comprehend it."

"Since the inheritance assessment has failed, the boy has also left."

Since there was nothing else in the main hall, Xiao Yi also left.

Unexpectedly, the Lord Chengfeng's face sank, "Who said you failed the assessment?"

"Didn't I say that? Your assessment path has not yet started."

"You are just a test of inheritance this month."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Let's go." Palace Master Chengfeng grabbed Xiao Yi's arm like last time.

Xiao Yi has not yet reacted.

I felt my eyes bloomed, and he had already left the place of inheritance.

When he appeared again, he was already in a canyon.

Xiao Yi settled down and looked around.

He knew that although it was also a canyon, it was not a canyon in the land of inheritance.

If he remembers correctly, it should be the valley under the high mountain last time.

"Hall Master Chengfeng, is this?" Xiao Yi looked suspicious.

The Lord Chengfeng said in a deep voice, "This is your way of assessment."

"All examiners who come out of the land of inheritance need to pass this gorge."

"This is your assessment."

When Xiao Yi heard the words, he was suddenly stunned.

If he didn't guess wrong, the inheritance in the land of inheritance is just a benefit.

Belongs to the examiner's benefit.

However, what benefits you can get and what level of inheritance you can get depends on your own ability.

Comprehend January in the land of inheritance.

After that, I crossed this gorge.

This canyon passage is the place to test examiners.

"Let's go." The tone of the Palace Master Chengfeng was a little impatient.

"If you pass this canyon passage, you will go directly back to the main hall of the Fengsha Temple."

"That also means that you passed this assessment."

"If you can't make it, I will take you away."

"However, that will mean you have failed this assessment."

Xiao Yi nodded and frowned again.

"What are you still waiting for?" Palace Master Chengfeng scolded.

"Although you haven't got half of the inheritance in this month's time, it is almost impossible to pass this assessment."

"But the rules are the rules, just as a cutscene."

"Walking?" Xiao Yi's face twitched.

He had heard of the temperament of this Palace Master Chengfeng, which was unusually rigid.

"Is this assessment road difficult?" Xiao Yi frowned, then stepped forward into the canyon passage.

Just stepped in.


A gust of wind blew in.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Isn't this situation exactly the same as the prison-like canyon in the land of inheritance?

Moreover, the wind blowing here is still slightly weaker.

Xiao Yi shook his head and quickened his pace.

The entire canyon channel is not short, but extremely long.

At a glance, you can't see the end.

According to Xiao Yi's guess, it should be more than a hundred miles away.

In other words, the mountain stretches for hundreds of miles.

The gorge under the two high mountains passes through, which is also more than a hundred miles away.

Xiao Yi kept walking forward, his brows suddenly frowned.

Because, like the prison canyon in the land of inheritance, the more you rise, the stronger the wind power.

Here, the more forcefully it is, the power of Gangfeng is also constantly strengthening.

He suddenly understood the meaning of the Lord Chengfeng.

Without half of the inheritance, it is almost impossible to pass this canyon channel.

This canyon passage, so long, the increasing strength of the wind wind, I don't know how far it will increase.

If you want to live easily, you can only be good at it.

With the power of imperial wind, pass this assessment road.

The inheritances in the land of inheritance are all powerful people in the past generations of Fengsha Temple, and they are all powerful winds.

Naturally, the stronger the inheritance obtained in the inheritance land, the easier it is to pass this assessment.

Suddenly Xiao Yi turned his head, looked at the Palace Master Chengfeng, and asked, "Dare to ask the Palace Master Chengfeng, what restrictions are there to pass this assessment path?"

"None." Palace Master Chengfeng said impatiently, "You can do everything you can if you can."

"That's good." Xiao Yi smiled confidently.

"Boy." Behind him, there was a sudden rebuke from Palace Master Chengfeng.

"If you can't hold it anymore, don't be brave, call me to save you and leave."

After that, the Lord Chengfeng slammed and disappeared in place.

Xiao Yi curled his lips.


Above the mountain, the old man looked at Xiao Yi under the canyon.

Beside him, Palace Master Chengfeng suddenly appeared, "This Xiao Yi is really a mess."

"The place of inheritance cannot be opened at will."

"He couldn't get half of the precious time for enlightenment that month, huh, a place was wasted for nothing."

"Not necessarily." The old man smiled faintly, "He has another chance."

"It's up to him whether he can grasp the opportunity when he passes this assessment road."


Third more.

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