Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1330: Choose yourself

Above the sky.

A meteorite-like streamer ran across at a speed hard to see with the naked eye.

After half an hour.

The streamer stopped, revealing the burly figure of the Lord Hengtian.

At the same time, there was a bewildered figure beside him.

The figure, the clothes and hair are messy, and the face is full of embarrassment.

The figure is Xiao Yi.

At this moment, Xiao Yi had a face full of helplessness in addition to his embarrassed face.

The other seniors, flying at such a fast speed, will generally resist the swift winds for the juniors.

Such as Chengfeng senior.

Although every time he suddenly took Xiao Yi to walk, he frightened Xiao Yi.

But every time Xiao Yi was only at the moment when he landed, his footsteps were a little unstable, other than that, there was nothing wrong with it.

And Senior Hengtian, who just took him across an unknown number of millions of miles, has been flying by himself.

Xiao Yi once tried to condense the vitality to protect the body.

But with his strength, the condensed surging vitality was only the moment of condensing, and it collapsed under the rapid wind speed.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and straightened out his messy clothes as if he had just fought a fierce battle.

Aside, the Lord Hengtian glanced at Xiao Yi's embarrassed figure and shook his head.

"Boy, are you just this capable?"

"It looked like this just a while after flying. It really made you fight against the enemy. Didn't it fall in a flash?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention.

The horror of the strength of the Hengtian Palace Lord can be seen by speed alone.

The strength of this person is definitely far above that of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

"Okay, come with me." The Hengtian Hall Master glanced at Xiao Yi, and a trace of impatientness flashed in his eyes.

In his opinion, the inheritance assessment of the main hall only started once in many years.

Sometimes, if the young Tianjiao in the temple fails to meet the requirements, if there are less than ten people, it will be difficult to open it once in a hundred years.

But every time it was turned on, the heavenly arrogant in the hall would rush to it immediately.

Only this time, the General Hall even sent several orders, but failed to summon Xiao Yi, and even asked his respected senior to personally invite people.

In the eyes of the Lord Hengtian, Xiao Yi is undoubtedly a person of extreme arrogance.

Madness is not necessarily a bad thing.

But it's too mad to be defiant.

At this time, Xiao Yi followed the Lord of Hengtian Temple.

If there is no accident, it should be converging with the other nine Asura Palace Tianjiao to open the place of inheritance together.

Xiao Yi looked around as he walked.

Here is the inner hall of the main hall of Shura Hall.

Its pattern and size are similar to those of Fengsha Temple.

By the way, the distance between the main hall of Shura Hall and the main hall of Fengsha Hall is not that far.

At least looking at the big midfielder, this is not far.

The two main halls are almost next to each other.

After all, the two halls are the halls of the alliance.

Of course, the so-called not far is only relative.

The Lord of Hengtian Temple spanned half an hour, and Xiao Yi was afraid that he would fly at full speed for more than ten days, or even longer.

A few minutes later.

The pace of the two of them stopped suddenly.

In front of him, there appeared an old man standing with his hands.

Tyrannical like the Lord of the Hengtian Temple, when he saw the old man, he quickly saluted, "See the Lord."

"How can the Lord of the Palace..."

The old man waved his hand, indicating that the Lord Hengtian didn't need to say much.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi also hurriedly saluted, "See the main hall master."

In the same way, the Lord of the Temple of Hengtian can bow and bow and call the Lord of the Temple. In this world, there is only the Master of the Temple of Asura.

Naturally, Xiao Yi recognized the identity of the old man at a glance.

In addition, the old man in front of him gave him exactly the same feeling as the master of Fengsha Temple.

If it is said that the main hall master of Fengsha Temple gave him the feeling that the sky is ethereal; then, the feeling that the old man in front of him gave him was as heavy as the whole earth.

The physical strength of the old man in front of him has already reached an unimaginable level.

Xiao Yi even felt that even in this world, it was not as good as the old man's punch.

The old man's burly body, which does not seem to be as burly as the Lord of Hengtian Temple, is like an unattainable, ancient mountain that traverses the world.

"Is Xiao Yi?" The old man's tone was very serious.

No, to be precise, the old man exudes a serious breath all over his body.

Under that majestic face, even if only speaking plainly, it was extremely solemn.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Yeah." The old man nodded, "You don't have to go to the inheritance, just go to the retreat room."

"Hallmaster, this..." Hengtian Hallmaster was taken aback.

A faint admiration flashed across the old man's majestic face.

"It's just a waste of time to be able to easily comprehend Silent Sky Swordsmanship, get the entire inheritance of the evildoer, and then to comprehend other inheritance."

"It's better to spend more time on cultivation."

"Hengtian." The old man looked at the Lord Hengtian, "The inheritance of the remaining nine arrogances is opened. You preside over, go."

"This..." Hengtian Hall master hesitated for a moment, then stared at Xiao Yi.

After that, he nodded and said, "Yes."

The Lord of Hengtian Temple left.

In place, only the old man and Xiao Yi remained.

Similarly, Xiao Yi felt uncomfortable.

However, when I first saw the main hall master of Fengsha Temple before, I felt a lot more calm at the moment.

"Not bad." The old man looked at Xiao Yi and nodded, showing appreciation.

Then, the expression on the old man's face disappeared, turning into a usual seriousness.

"Fengshadian, have passed your dossier information to me."

"Your talents don't need to be evaluated anymore."

"Next, just reach out."

"The main hall master thinks..." Xiao Yi hesitated.

The old man interrupted, "If you don't mind, I want to check your body."

Xiao Yi hesitated and did not move.

The body of the warrior, but the secret of the warrior himself, is absolutely impossible for outsiders to detect and perceive.

The old man frowned, "If I don't check your physical condition, I don't know what kind of physical cultivation technique you cultivate and how to pass it on to you?"

As he said, the old man tapped his finger.

In the air, a glowing light flickered.

Books about exercises and martial arts appeared out of thin air.

"Fine." The old man said solemnly, "You don't want it, and I don't force it."

"Your own body, you know best."

"Choose one for yourself, and then go to the retreat room to retreat by yourself. In the retreat room, you are ready to practice."

After that, the old man turned and left.

Suddenly, the old man paused, "By the way, after leaving the customs, come and find me."

After all, the old man left for himself.

Xiao Yi stood there and bowed slightly.

Then, I looked at the book floating in the air.

The ancient atmosphere in the books proves their extraordinary.

Xiao Yi looked at it roughly, his face was startled.

This book of martial arts, any book, is above the peak of the holy rank.

The worst practice of a body is far above the Lei Gang combat body.

Xiao Yi took a breath.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yi chose a exercise method.

The moment he picked up the book.

Wow...In the air, the rest of the books have all turned into a cloud of smoke and ceased to exist.


Third more.

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