Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1348: Breakthrough, the ninth floor of the Shura battle body

Leaving Wanjin Mansion, Xiao Yi left in the air.

But in half an hour, he had already flown away from Wanjin City.

The entire Wanjin area is extremely vast.

In addition to Wanjin City, there are naturally countless small cities, large and small.

Xiao Yi fell down casually on a small city, found an inn, and stayed there.

Inside the inn room.

Bang... bang... bang...

One by one barriers and prohibitions were laid down instantly.

Xiao Yi made a special trip to Wanjin Mansion, one was to protect Jinzhuo back, and the other was to buy a large amount of monster blood.

Now that the monster blood has been bought, it is natural to practice.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged on the bed, following the exercises of the eighth layer of the Asura battle body, and began to practice.

While practicing, look inside the body.

At this moment, a deep black "small drop of water" in the body was very eye-catching.

Looking at it more seriously, there are six of these "little drops".

On the small drops of water, the aura of destruction exuded was shocking.

Those are the power of Shura.

When there was no back 5th floor of the Shura battle body, the physical power was stuck at the peak of the seventh floor, which was the peak of the celestial realm.

At that time, the strength of Shura in the body was enough 999 drops.

At that time Xiao Yi guessed that if he wanted to break through his physical strength, these 999 drops of Shura's power must be the key.

A few days ago, after getting the 5th floor in the main hall of the Asura Hall, he really confirmed his guess.

When the body of Shura breaks through the seventh floor and enters the eighth floor.

That is when the physical strength breaks through the peak of the celestial realm and enters the holy realm.

The power of Shura in the body reached 1,000 drops instantly.

At that moment, 1,000 drops of Shura's power merged and even sublimated.

So there are these ‘huge’ small black drops of water.

Of course, the so-called hugeness is just relative to the tiny drops of Shura power before.

Now, these small black water drops in the body, any one, its strength and strength far exceed the previous thousand.

It's like 1,000 small **** before, but now 1,000 small **** merge into one huge ball.

Naturally, it is much more powerful.

And the ball is just a metaphor, the whole small black water droplet is a qualitative leap compared to the past.

At this time, the six small black water drops in his body represented his physical strength, reaching the sixth level of the Holy Realm.

Sure enough, the seventh layer of the Shura battle body was a hurdle.

After all, this is the gap between the Celestial Realm and the Promise Realm.

"Wuji, martial arts Wuji." Xiao Yi frowned and muttered to himself.

Wu Ji, this is the rule of this world.

Xiao Yi believes that this applies not only to normal martial arts training, but also to physical training.

In other words, his physical body had already entered the realm of martial arts as early as the moment he broke through the holy realm.

As for the Shura battle body, the biggest source of strength is the power of these Shura.

Budo Wuji is also Shura Wuji.

Xiao Yi was full of expectations for how far these stronger Shura powers would grow.

Xiao Yi's mind gradually receded.

With the operation of the eighth level of exercises, Xiao Yi's palm began to take photos.

The three Universe Rings, one filled with the blood of the holy realm level monsters, began to pour out a steady stream of blood jade bottles.

Almost the moment the jade bottle appeared, the blood of the monster beast inside, leaped out one after another under Xiao Yi's absorption.

Drops of monster blood, in a huge amount, turned into a river of blood.

The river of demon blood continuously disappeared from Xiao Yi's hands and entered Xiao Yi's body.

Xiao Yi also clearly felt that his physical strength was constantly rising.

At the same time, the strength of Shura in the body is constantly condensing independently.

But in one hour, all the blood of the monsters in the Universe Ring was sucked and taken by Xiao Yi.

Of course, it was filled with the blood of monsters at the holy realm level.

"Holy King Realm, it's finished." Xiao Yi smiled and said to himself.

It was as if the last bottle of demon beast's blood was completely absorbed, the physical power broke through again.

At this time, the strength of Shura in the body has reached 10.

I have to say that the blood of the monster beast needed to cultivate the Asura battle body is really a terrifying number.

Within the Universe Ring, in such a large area, the holy realm-level monster blood jade bottles pile up like a mountain.

But in such a short time, it was completely absorbed.

This is still the Holy Realm, what about the Holy King Realm?

Thinking of this, the joy on Xiao Yi's face turned into a slight frown.

"Huh." Xiao Yi lightly exhaled a turbid breath.

The Qiankun Ring in his hand flashed again.

A bottle of jade bottle containing the blood of the holy king level monster beast appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yi followed the exercises of the ninth level of the Asura battle body and practiced again.

As before, a drop of monster blood was sucked out and then turned into a river of blood.

While practicing, Xiao Yi absorbed it, and also absorbed it in his inner vision.

Obviously, it can be felt that the blood surging of the demon beasts at the holy king level far exceeds the blood of the demon beasts at the holy realm level.

Xiao Yi's physical strength was constantly rising at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

It was a few hours later.

After waiting, the blood of the monsters in the universe ring was completely absorbed.

Xiao Yi's brows wrinkled tightly.

Because, at this time, the physical power only reached the eighth level of the Saint King Realm.

Although the blood contained in the blood of the beast of the holy king level far exceeds that of the blood of the beast of the holy realm.

But at the same time, there is also a huge gap between the ninth and eighth levels of the Shura battle body.

After reaching the Holy King Realm, there were 10 Shura Powers in his body.

But the subsequent improvement, almost every time 10 Shura power condenses, the physical strength is considered a breakthrough.

In other words, his current physical strength has reached the eighth level of the Holy King Realm.

The power of Shura in the body is also 80.

"The blood of the monsters at the Saint King level is not enough." Xiao Yi frowned.

He obviously slightly underestimated the huge monster blood needed for the Shura battle body.

But of course, after all, after the seventh floor, he only got it at the headquarters a few days ago.

Naturally, he can only roughly guess what he needs to cultivate for the subsequent levels.

This also caused the current embarrassment, only a little short of reaching the ninth level of the Saint King Realm.

In other words, the distance to break through the ninth layer is still a little more than a lot.

The blood of the demon beast at the holy realm level and the blood of the demon beast at the holy king level had been absorbed by him.

In fact, he still has a lot of blood from the holy emperor realm level monsters.

But he thought about it, and didn't intend to absorb it.

The blood levels of monsters are different, and the effects are also very different.

For example, when he had the physical power of the holy realm before, the blood of the monsters at the holy realm level and the holy king realm level can exert its full effect.

However, when the physical power of the Saint King Realm is now absorbed, the effect will be greatly reduced by absorbing the blood of the monsters at the Saint Realm level.

The best effect is the Saint King level and the Saint Emperor level.

At this level, it is probably best to keep it in line with your own physical strength, or to the first level of higher level.

That being the case, he would rather save the blood of the monster beasts at the Saint Emperor level until the physical power reaches the Saint Emperor level before absorbing it.


Sixth more. (burst)

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