Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1367: Golden Cave

In the distance, King Kong White Ape's grinning smile was sly.

Xiao Yi held the sword in one hand, feeling the severe pain in his chest, his face instantly ugly.

The impact of that hill blasted him away, and instantly caused him serious injuries.

This is the strength of the martial arts majesty level, so powerful.

"How is it possible?" A strange color flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes.

The gap between the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm and the martial arts power is huge.

How could the strength of the King Kong White Ape suddenly soar to this point?

At the same time, Xiao Yi noticed the cunning of the King Kong White Ape.

If the guess is correct, the smirk and true self-confidence of this King Kong White Ape will really be revealed at this time.


The body of the King Kong White Ape suddenly exploded, much faster than before.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and struck out with a sword.

A sword fell, and 30 starlight rivers crushed down.

The King Kong White Ape blasted out with a punch, and it was obvious that there was already a look of disdain in its huge eyes.


When the 30 starlight rivers collided with the fists of the King Kong White Ape, an explosion sounded through the entire sky.

At that moment, the sky seemed to burst.

The 30 starlight rivers are constantly collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The disdain in King Kong White Ape's eyes became more intense.

However, this disdain suddenly freezes for an instant.

In the air, a stream of light exuding a thousand kinds of breath flashed by.

Gu Lulu...

The river of 30 stars has completely collapsed.

But the King Kong White Ape blasted Xiao Yi's huge fist, and suddenly stopped, not making any money.

Look more realistically, the huge Vajra White Ape body in front of him is already a headless corpse.

The huge head rolled on the ground for nearly a hundred meters before stopping.

Behind him, a fog demon with a sickle in his hand exudes a frightening atmosphere.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly.

The strength of the King Kong White Ape soared to that level, and he was no longer an object of experience.

Moreover, he is no match for it.

Therefore, only fog demon can be released.

I have to say that the strength of the fog demon is extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that the sickle was transformed from Qianfengfengsha, extremely sharp.

Even the powerful body of the King Kong White Ape couldn't resist it at all.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand and collected the inner alchemy of the King Kong White Ape and the blood of the monster beast.

"Master." The Wu Yao flashed and came to Xiao Yi's side.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

Although the appearance of the fog demon looked terrifying; every time the enemy's corpse was separated, it was a bit cruel.

However, Wu Yao has a simple mind and is extremely loyal to him.

It's a huge midfielder, and it's everywhere in danger.

This seems cruel, but nothing.


Xiao Yi looked at the huge inner alchemy in his hand, and suddenly frowned.

At this moment, the golden light on this inner alchemy was extremely dazzling.

Compared with the monster beast killed before, although the size of the inner core is not as good as this one, the golden light power it contains is not as good as this one.

However, no matter which monster inner pill, the golden light contained in it is very thin.

Only the current one, the richness of golden light, has reached an astonishing level.

If the guess is not wrong, it is for this reason that the strength of the King Kong White Ape has reached the level of martial arts power.

But, how can the golden light on this inner alchemy be so rich?

You know, the golden light scattered in the golden light dangerously is extremely thin, and the power contained is similar.

Xiao Yi frowned and thought, suddenly, looking far away.

There was the place where the Vajra White Ape stopped and jumped.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and went away.

A few seconds later, Xiao Yi stopped.

On the ground, there were obviously two huge footprints, those of the King Kong White Ape.

In other words, this is where the King Kong White Ape stopped and jumped just now.

"Huh..." Xiao Yi's face was suddenly startled.

Not far away, there is a huge pothole in the ground.

It is huge, but compared to Xiao Yi.

It would be nothing compared to the huge body of the King Kong White Ape.

The pothole is circular, about tens of meters in diameter.

Xiao Yi glanced.

In the pothole, the power of golden light is constantly spilling out.

Xiao Yi was puzzled and approached the pothole.

Leaning over to look at it, a blast of air suddenly blows his clothes and hair into chaos.

"What a fierce airflow." Xiao Yi frowned.

In his observation, the golden light was powerful in the huge pothole.

From the top to the bottom, the whole pothole is not bottomless, but the golden light is shining inside, like a huge mouth erupting golden light.

The golden light power spilled out from it, and then it became thinner.

Xiao Yi frowned, thought for a while, then glanced at the thin golden light floating in the air.

If he guessed correctly, this huge pothole is the place where golden light erupts every night in the golden light.

And every time the night faded and the early morning ushered in, the golden light would **** back into this huge pit.


How can there be such weird places in Jinguang dangerous territory?

What's under this huge pothole?

In fact, looking from the top down, the entire huge pothole is shining with golden light, and there is no half of darkness.

Therefore, Xiao Yi's eyesight can always be looked down.

But I have not been able to see to the end, proving the depth of this pothole is quite amazing.

Although the whole pothole looks golden, it is beautiful.

But it was so deep, and with a gust of air current, it still made people feel embarrassed.

Xiao Yi shook his head, preparing to leave.

If there are no accidents, his dangerous experience in Jinguang will end at this moment.

However, Xiao Yi's steps as he was about to leave suddenly paused.

The golden light power here is so strong that even the strength of the King Kong White Ape has soared to the level of martial arts power.

He is a human warrior. Although he can't use these golden light powers, his weapons can.

If he wins, he will surely be another tyrannical hole card for himself.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, a light flashed in his hand, and he took out a handful of low-grade holy artifacts.

This is the Universe Ring obtained after killing Jin Xiong a month ago.

Xiao Yi tentatively held the sacrificial artifact and approached the huge pothole.

Zi Zi Zi...

Sure enough, the low-grade holy artifacts were quickly absorbing the rich golden light inside, and instantly turned into golden light.

However, this situation only lasted a few seconds.

Click... Click... Click...

Xiao Yi quickly recovered.

锵... 锵... 锵...

The sacrificial artifact in his hand was already shattered, turned into fragments and fell to the ground, with a crisp cry.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath.

A month ago, he tried to absorb the golden light power here with weapons.

At that time, the thin golden light power in the air caused a sub-sacred artifact to shatter every inch.

And at this moment, the rich low-grade sacred artifacts in this huge pit could not bear a few seconds.

One can imagine the strength of the golden light inside.

If these golden light powers can be preserved and used to increase the Leng Yan sword in battle, it will surely be a big killer for oneself.

Xiao Yi even guessed that if Leng Yanjian had these golden light powers during the battle, he would definitely have the power to fight the martial arts power.


Second more.

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