Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1381: Leaving Jinguang dangerously

Bang... bang... bang...

Six powerful flames in a row condense instantly.

Amethyst Spirit Flame, Earth Vein Golden Fire, Ten Realm Extinguishes and Fire, Star Fire, Boiling Demon Fire, Frozen Nether Fire.

The six flames, under the horrible increase in fire control of a pair of animal hands, are powerful and powerful, forming six seas of fire.

"Rong." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Hands out together, forcibly merged the six flames.

But for a moment, a huge fireball with radiance came into being.

The fireball, the flames, the temperature is amazing.

No matter how fierce the surrounding wind is, it can't blow the slightest ripple.

No matter how sharp the golden weapon is, it will not damage the fireball.

"Blast." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The voice fell.

Xiao Yi pulled the fog demon in one swoop, and stared heavily with his left foot.

With the power of the beast's feet, it rose into the sky instantly.

Below, there was a shocking sound.

A ray of fire broke out from the fireball and bombarded down.

The fire light appeared quickly and dissipated quickly.

This is the first time Xiao Yi has merged the six flames and condensed and exploded.

At this moment, the mighty force made him take a breath.

Below, the mountain wall surrounding the pothole was already blown to pieces.

Ten thousand meters of mountain walls smashed most of them, broken walls and ruins, spilled large pieces.

These mountain walls, which have been contaminated by the power of golden light for countless years, are so hard that they can only be inserted into the lower-grade sacred artifacts, but at the moment they are fragile.

Most of the 10,000-meter mountain wall collapsed, instantly covering up the suction below.

The surrounding wind blows and the suction disappears instantly.

Xiao Yi's figure kept glaring down on his left foot, but after a few breaths, he returned to the pothole.


Xiao Yi slammed once again and retreated dozens of miles away with the fog demon, and then he was relieved with a lingering fear.

The moment he stabilized his figure, the suction broke out again in the pothole.

Within the golden light, countless thin golden light forces were absorbed and returned.

After a few minutes, the suction power disappeared.

The power of the golden light that drifted around dangerously in the golden light also disappeared without a trace.

Jinguang dangerously, it is already early morning.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief again.

Golden light abnormalities in Golden Light dangerously appear quickly and disappear quickly, often only within a few minutes.

In the pothole just now, it seemed that it took a long time, but in fact, it was just a few tens of seconds.

Within dozens of seconds, Xiao Yi tried his best, and only then did he return to the outside safely.

Even the fusion of six powerful flames just broke out, blowing up the mountain wall, temporarily blocking the suction for a while.

But if he left just a few seconds later, the suction would regenerate, and by then, he would have no chance to escape.

"Under the Golden Light Forbidden Land, it is so dangerous." Xiao Yi shook his head.

The words of the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect were really correct.

Under the Golden Light Forbidden Land, there are indeed treasures, and they are of great benefit.

The 18 high-grade sacrificial artifacts of swords alone are already a treasure that makes people extremely enthusiastic.

Not to mention the constant overflow of golden light, and the cave house protected by 18 high-grade holy artifacts.

Although I don't know what exactly is in the cave.

But for sure, absolutely extraordinary.

"Uh." At this moment, Xiao Yi suddenly let out a pain.

The footsteps softened, and almost sat on the ground.

Aside, the fog demon's hollow eyes and terrifying face made a worried cry, "Master."

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi shook his head and looked at the fog demon.

"Huh? Your intelligence seems a little higher?"

The fog demon has always been clumsy, and can't even speak.

But now, on his empty face, there was a trace of worry.

Xiao Yi remembered that when he was in the pit just now, the fog demon wrapped him, and his body was constantly injured by the golden weapon.

At that time, the fog demon also showed an expression of ‘pain’, but under his hollow eyes, he also showed a face of fearless death.

The ability to show an expression roughly proves that the fog demon's intelligence is higher than before.

Spiritual wisdom will grow, but it will grow faster or slower due to the strength of its body.

The fog demon's body is just a cloud of white mist, not comparable to those powerful flames, so its spiritual intelligence grows very slowly.

But now it seems that keeping it warm all year round in the holy wind pot will help its spiritual growth.

"You are also injured, first go back to the Feng Sheng pot to cultivate." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, Master." The fog demon replied, then turned into a cloud of white mist and returned to the Wind Saint Pot.

Xiao Yi glanced at the Feng Sacred Pot, and smiled faintly, "If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely let you grow faster."

Xiao Yi didn't want his loyal ‘partner’. He would just awkwardly shout a few ‘master’, and simple words like ‘’.

Converging his mind, Xiao Yi looked at his hands and left foot.

There was a sudden pain just now, and he almost sat on the ground, because there was a sudden feeling of weakness in his hands and left foot.

This pair of beast hands, as well as the beast feet, are obviously extremely powerful, and they come from an unknown monster with a powerful force.

Although he used the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace to transform it onto himself, so that he could borrow its power.

But his own body carries these monster beast parts, and there is bound to be a burden.

His own physical strength is far inferior to these monster beast parts.

Experienced fierce battles with the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong, as well as dealing with 18 sharp swords under the Golden Light Forbidden Land, and resisting the storm of those Golden Light weapons just now.

Naturally, one's own physical strength is extremely burdened, and he cannot bear it for a while.

Of course, the parts of these monsters were only the exhaustion of the physical strength, and it was not an injury.

Just rest for a while.

Xiao Yi dissipated a pair of animal hands and feet, and stood up again after resting for ten minutes.

Whoosh... the figure flashed and came to the side of the golden pit.

At this time, the abnormality in the golden pit had disappeared.

The golden light power that had been absorbed by the Eight Dragon Incinerator was also restored because of the backflow of golden light power from other potholes.

Inside the golden pit, there is still golden light.

However, if you look more realistically, under 10,000 meters, the wall of the pothole was blown to pieces and shattered hundreds of meters.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

It is true that there are treasures below, but for countless years, no one can take the treasures inside, let alone enter the cave.

Xiao Yi would not go anymore.

He didn't care about the sword array of 18 high-grade holy artifacts.

But the restriction in front of the cave, the breath alone, was enough to make him tremble.

That ban is definitely not something he can contend with now, and it will be just a waste of time if it continues.


Xiao Yi's figure suddenly flashed quickly.

Leaving this pothole, it flashed a hundred miles in a row.

After a long while, Xiao Yi stopped his figure, his face was stunned, "Sure enough."

In front of him, a golden hole appeared again.

This golden hole is also tens of meters long and wide.

However, Xiao Yi looked forward and found that under the pothole, it was not straight and bottomless, but winding and winding all the way.

If you didn't guess wrong, under this pothole, winding all the way to the end, it also went back to another hole below 20,000 meters.

Entering the entrance of the cave is the cave house.

Under the Golden Light Forbidden Land, there are 18 holes in total.

In other words, in the entire Jinguang dangerous area, there are a total of 18 Jinguang pits located in various places.

Xiao Yi shook his head, the golden light forbidden land, he had no plans to break into it.

"Golden Light's dangerous experience will end here." Xiao Yi said to himself.


Third more.

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