Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1394: Star of Blood

Xiao Yi released the starlight power in this way.

The vitality in the body has been fully mobilized.

The power of the starlight disappeared almost instantly after entering Gu Lian's body.

It was not seen that Gu Lianxing had a half-point increase in cultivation base, and no half-point increase in aura.

The only thing there is that the faint breath of vitality gradually recovered.

This has to make people wonder, where did such a huge starlight power go out of thin air?

But in fact, Xiao Yi knew exactly where these starlight powers had gone.

A full half hour later.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, stopped the transformation of Yuanli.

In this half hour, he had already exploded with all his strength, urging the starlight power to the extreme.

At this time, the paleness on Gu Lianxing's face had already faded.

Although still weak, there is no danger of life.

"Huh?" Gu Lianxing slowly opened his eyes, still with a calm expression.

"Isn't Young Master Xiao Yi gone?" Gu Lianxing asked suspiciously.

"Suddenly changed my mind." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

In fact, he could already determine the relationship between Gu Lianxing and that guy.

In the days when he came to the Eighteenth House to experience, he already knew the names of the Tianjiao, and some famous deeds and so on.

Among the Eighteenth Mansion Tianjiao, came last, and the only one with the surname Ye was that guy.

However, Xiao Yi did not say clearly, but said lightly, "When I think about it, I am a pharmacist."

"Girl Lianxing's disease is peculiar and quite difficult."

"Guang Dang is here to challenge the difficulty."

"Oh?" Gu Lianxing smiled faintly, and then reacted, his face suddenly surprised.

"A strong starlight effect." Gu Lianxing looked at his hands in surprise.

Originally, there was no blood in her Bai Ze's hands.

But now, it was obviously rosy with a trace of blood filling.

Gu Lianxing stood up, closed his eyes and felt it for a while. When he opened his eyes, the shock on his face was no more.

She was sensing her body just now.

Under some perception, the breath was actually stable, without any discomfort.

You know, half an hour ago, her weak body was as fragile as a candle in the wind.

"The martial art that Young Master Xiao Yi cultivated must be a very strong star light." Gu Lian Xing's beautiful eyes were surprised and sure.

"Even if my father personally instilled starlight power in me, it never had such an effect."

"Your father?" Xiao Yi raised his brows.

Gu Lianxing's father is naturally the Palace Master of Tianxing Mansion.

"What martial arts does the Tianxing Mansion major in?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Leng Xing together." Gu Lianxing replied.

"It turned out to be Leng Xing together." Xiao Yi nodded.

Leng Xing is also the martial arts in the star light.

However, Leng Xing is just a top-notch martial art.

In itself, it is the cold light emitted by the stars.

The Star Fantasy Swordsmanship is the pinnacle level among the top martial arts.

It is formed by the combination of star fantasy and kendo.

The star illusion itself is a mysterious illusion fire hidden in the starry sky, ranking among the most powerful flames in the world.

Naturally, together with Leng Xing, the level is far inferior to Xinghuan Jiandao.

In the past, when he was in the Eastern Region, the highest level of martial arts he knew was the top martial arts.

But in the middle domain, those martial arts that are at the peak level among the top martial arts, surpassing other top martial arts, also have a title-the strongest martial arts.

Whether it is his domineering swordsmanship, ice swordsmanship, or other powerful flame martial arts, you can step into the category of the most powerful martial arts.

At this time, Gongsun Huowu looked at Gu Lianxing's unharmed, wiped the tears on his face, and said with joy, "Lian Xing, it would be great for you to be fine."

"It's okay?" Xiao Yi glanced at Gongsun Huowu, then looked back at Lian Xing.

"I think Miss Lianxing should know her own situation."

"Yeah." Gu Lianxing nodded and chuckled, nothing wrong.

Gongsun Huowu frowned. She always felt that Gu Lianxing's chuckle was bitter, while Xiao Yi's tone was solemn.

"What are you talking about?"

Gongsun Huowu looked at Gu Lianxing nervously.

Gu Lianxing said nothing.

Gongsun Huowu looked at Xiao Yi, "Little thief Xiao Yi, no, Young Master Xiao Yi, tell me."

"Say?" Xiao Yi looked at Gu Lianxing, with a hint of question in an indifferent tone.

This is a matter for Gu Lianxing, and whether to say it or not depends naturally on whether Gu Lianxing cares.

Gu Lianxing smiled, "Follow Young Master Xiao Yi."

Gongsun Huowu looked at Xiao Yi seriously.

Xiao Yi's expression was indifferent, and he whispered, "My starlight power is just renewing my life for Lianxing Girl."

"Life extension?" Gongsun Huowu trembled, "You mean Lianxing will still..."

Her words did not go on, but the meaning was very clear.

Gu Lianxing looks unobstructed now, but in fact it won't be long before he will be as weak as before again, and the fragrance will disappear.

"" Gongsun Huowu trembled, "You are so strong and the alchemist's methods are also good."

"The Starlight Martial Art you have cultivated has amazing results; you must have a way to save the pity star, right?"

Gongsun Huowu eagerly lowered and grabbed Xiao Yi's clothes.

Xiao Yi frowned and said indifferently, "I said before, I can only save it for a while."

"It's Lianxing girl." Xiao Yi looked at Gu Lianxing, "Can you tell me why this happens in your body?"

"If I know the reason, I might be able to think of a way. Of course, it's only possible."

"Oh?" Gu Lianxing's face showed shock again, "Master Xiao Yi knows?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "If it hadn't happened to you, the Lian Xing girl at this moment would have become one of the peerless evildoers in the Central Region."

"With the blood of the sky star, plus the awakened deep purple martial soul Zi Yaoxing, a talented person, it is not an exaggeration to describe it in the four words of peerless talent."

"It's a pity that the bloodline and martial soul, both of which are starlight attributes, should complement each other, and the effect is amazing. Nowadays, bloodline and martial soul conflict with each other and are at stake."

Yes, originally Gu Lianxing's bloodline and martial soul were peerless.

Whatever it is, it is enough to make Gu Lianxing become the best martial arts evildoer in the world.

And her bloodline and martial soul are both starlight attributes, which should be a perfect match, making her talent terrifying.

But now, the blood and the martial soul in her body were actually conflicting with each other, even reaching the point where it was impossible to tolerate fire and water.

All his talents are completely useless, and his life is at stake.

But this is something Xiao Yi couldn't understand.

Under normal circumstances, her blood and martial soul would never have this conflict.

"It's Xiao Yi's son." Gu Lianxing looked at Xiao Yi in surprise.

In the past, even those well-known experts in refining medicine in the Central Region had to spend a lot of means to know the reason for her weakness.

But now, Xiao Yi actually found out the conflict easily after some investigation.

"But." Gu Lianxing frowned slightly, "I don't know why there is a conflict."

"I don't know?" Xiao Yi frowned.


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