Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1414: Bloody


Gu Lianxing's pupils shrank and stared straight at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's body didn't seem to be abnormal.

In fact, the hand holding the sword passed an afterimage.

That is a sword-like movement.

The speed is so fast that none of the three present can react.

The afterimage that Gu Lianxing saw was not the afterimage of Leng Yanjian, but the afterimage of the starlight.

She repaired a starlight, and there are powerful martial spirits such as Zi Yaoxingchen, so she can find that afterimage.

Now Feng Ji's sword seemed to reach Xiao Yi's throat.

But Gu Lianxing knew very well that Xiao Yi's speed with his sword must be faster.

She could even feel that a ray of sharp starlight suddenly disappeared from Feng Ji's body.

Had it not been for Gongsun Huowu's sudden move just now, Feng Ji would have been a corpse now, and it would have been too late to approach Xiao Yi with a sword.

"Young Master Xiao Yi, please be merciful." Gu Lianxing said anxiously.

"Be merciful under the sword?" Feng Ji sneered. "If Huo Wu hadn't made a sudden move, do you think this little thief is still alive?"

"Huo Wu, get away." Feng Ji yelled coldly, "When I kill this little thief, I will take you and Miss Lianxing away safely."

Gongsun Huowu did not back away, and said angrily, "Feng Ji, what are you going crazy?"

"Who told you that Xiao Yi kidnapped us?"

"Who said that?" Feng Ji frowned. "Now that Nuo Da is in the Eighteenth House area, who doesn't know this?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not." Gu Lianxing immediately said, "It's me and I want to follow Young Master Xiao Yi."

Feng Ji's brows wrinkled tighter, "Follow this notorious little thief? Lian Xing girl is joking with me Feng Ji?"

"What do you mean?" Gongsun Huowu beautiful eyes angrily waited for Feng Ji.

"Who is free to joke with you?"

"Don't get away quickly? Lianxing and I are leaving in a hurry."

"Are you and Miss Lianxing in a hurry?" Feng Ji's face twitched, "Is it a hurry to leave with this little thief Xiao Yi."

"What's up with you." Gongsun Huowu said displeasedly.

"Huo Wu, you..." Feng Ji said anxiously.

"You know, as soon as I received the news, I rushed from Jianguang Mansion immediately?"

"Do you know how worried I am along the way?"

"What are you worried about?" Gongsun Huowu asked.

"Naturally, I am worried that this little thief will treat you..." Feng Ji blurted out, but suddenly stopped.

"What to us?" Gongsun Huowu asked, frowning.

Xiao Yi's face became cold.

Gu Lianxing's face was already frosty, "Master Feng Ji, please be careful."

"I'm in a hurry, so I don't have time to pester you." Xiao Yi said indifferently, and then left.

"Entangling?" Feng Ji sneered, "Are you in a hurry, or are you afraid?"

"The dignified Xiao Yi thief, dare to hide behind a woman to survive?"

"Have the ability to fight me."

"As you wish." Xiao Yi was already impatient, with a cold sword in his hand, and stars appeared.

"Feng Ji, I want to beat me to accompany you." Gongsun Huowu raised his whip.

Feng Ji's expression was ugly to the extreme, "Huo Wu, for this little thief, are you going to shoot with me?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, he was really not interested in wasting time here.

Turning around, he has to take Gu Lianxing away.

"Huo Wu, let's go." Gu Lianxing said.

"Yeah." Gongsun Huowu retracted the whip, and walked to the side of Gu Lianxing.

"Huo Wu." Feng Ji yelled anxiously, "Are you going with this little thief?"

"Otherwise?" Gongsun Huowu asked back.

"You..." Feng Ji looked furious, "I ask you, are you going with this little thief or with me?"

"Of course I followed Xiao Yi." Gongsun Huowu uttered a word without hesitation.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi flashed and flew away with Yukong and Gu Lianxing directly.

However, after a few breaths, he has disappeared into the distant sky.

"Huo Wu..." Feng Ji's fist cracked in place.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi."

Feng Ji's eyes were extremely cold.


one day later.

Within the seven-star dangerous place, Xiao Yi flew away after only one day of experience.

Outside the Phantom Palace area, the Seven Star Palace area is adjacent to it.

High in the sky.

Gu Lianxing looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, and said, "Young Master Xiao Yi, this time you finish your experience so soon?"

According to the previous rules, Xiao Yi would generally experience about three days in various dangerous places.

He didn't deliberately search for Dongfu, just simple experience.

And now, in the Seven Stars, Xiao Yi just left after only one day of experience?

Xiao Yi's face was indifferent, "I have come to experience these dangerous places, and I don't have to stay long."

"I've seen it roughly, rushed through, and then left."

Gongsun Huowu curled his lips and said, "Little thief, with your current strength, even the holy emperor realm monsters are not the enemy of One He."

"What kind of experience can you have in the battle against these monsters?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said indifferently, "Experience is not necessarily fighting."

"The martial arts road that the warrior calls for a long time is actually to comprehend the rules of the world."

"Martial artist's perception must be the most important thing in experience."

"One flower, one stone, one grass and one tree, even different scenery, different mountains, rivers and rivers, all may make the warrior understand."

"Heaven, earth and everything, each stores martial arts, each stores opportunity."

"I've seen it, I didn't understand it, and I left."

"That's it." Gongsun Huowu nodded.

Looking at Lianxing from the side, she frowned. She clearly felt that Xiao Yi's tone had been indifferent.

"Young Master Xiao Yi, are you angry?" Gu Lianxing asked tentatively.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Gu Lianxing gave a wry smile, "Presumably, it's just that Young Master Xiao Yi wants to end these experiences as soon as possible and rush to the **** place as soon as possible."

"I plan to repair Lianxing's bloodline as soon as possible, so as to save much trouble."

Gu Lianxing smiled bitterly, but in his words, there was no part of the blame.

Xiao Yi looked at Gu Lianxing, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Although this Gu Lianxing was weak in body, he was exquisite in mind and intelligent, and he could see through his thoughts at a glance.

These days, with two people, it is indeed troublesome.

Xiao Yi was not afraid of these troubles, but he was too lazy to deal with them.

He would rather have less experience, repair Gu Lianxing's bloodline early, and send these two back to the Star Mansion safely.

After that, he hurried to the sword domain directly.

"If Young Master Xiao Yi feels troublesome..." Gu Lianxing hesitated.

"It's okay." Xiao Yi interrupted. "Since he promised to try his best to treat, he will try his best."

"Girl Lianxing doesn't have to think too much, I think you have some friendship, so I don't care about the trouble."

"Master Xie Xiaoyi." Gu Lianxing said seriously.

Aside, Gongsun Huowu frowned, "Little thief, are you angry?"

"But I always call you little thief, are you unhappy?"

"Or I won't call you a thief..."

Xiao Yi was surprised and suspicious. It was the first time he saw such a good attitude as Gongsun Huowu with a hot personality.

"Forget it, no, just call it what you want."

The seven-star region is far from the blood light region, but a few residences away.

Although passing through the dangerous places of various provinces, Xiao Yi would stay and practice for a day.

But in general, Xiao Yi was flying straight all the way, so he didn't delay much time.

Only five days later, the three of them came out of the **** place.


Third more.

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