Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1425: The strongest soul master, He You


The crisp sound of swords resounded throughout the Blood Light Cave.

The cold white sword light, coupled with this monstrous starlight, is extremely dazzling.

Feng Ji and Lei Ba were bombarded back.

Xiao Yi's sword did not stop.

A starlight sword aura surged in the sword body, splitting out instantly.

"Not good." Feng Ji's expressions changed.

Just at this time.


Nine bursts of sound came quickly.

The sound of breaking air is dense, but it seems to overlap for a moment.

Hearing in the ear, it is clearly ringing, but it seems to appear simultaneously.


There was a loud noise.

Xiao Yijian's starlight sword aura suddenly collapsed.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, looking in the direction of the sound of Po Kong.

There, the young man held a bow and smiled contemptuously.

The bow is shiny, but it emits black light.

The bow is in your hand, and the string is ready to go.

The young man's imposing manner is suddenly unparalleled; the momentum of the sky is unstoppable.

"If you read it right, the one just now was one of Arrow Star Mansion's famous martial arts, Nine Stars Link." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"It deserves to be the famous Xiao Yi, but he has some eyesight." The young man smiled coldly.

The young man was the Young Master of Arrow Star Mansion, Ling Hong.

"Your sword can't stop my arrows." Ling Hong shouted.

There was a domineering trend on the cold face.


The bow exuding black light, the arrow string flew.

With Wuhun as the bow and Yuanli as the arrow, the arrows that pierced the air were astonishing.

The Nine Arrows came out one after another, but they were piled on top of each other, and they hit Xiao Yijian in one breath.


There was another violent explosion.

Xiao Yijian's sword energy, instantly collapsed.

The huge impact even made him take nine steps backwards, frowning.

"Heh, can't you catch my arrow?" Ling Hong smiled contemptuously, "Or, you Xiao Yi, the little thief, haven't done it all?"

Ling Hong, returned all the contemptuous words made by Xiao Yi just now.

In his opinion, this is undoubtedly a counterattack, mocking Xiao Yi's previous "big words".

But what he didn't know was that Xiao Yi hadn't really done it all.

However, Xiao Yi was not interested in explaining either.

"Arrow is good at attacking from a distance, powerful, far superior to other types of martial arts, this is understandable." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently.

Yes, bow and arrow martial arts are very good at attacking from a distance.

This is common sense.

A warrior with a bow and arrow spirit, thousands of miles away, takes the life of an enemy, just like trying to get something.

Arrow Star Mansion was originally a great power in the Central Region famous for its arrows.

One can imagine the archery skills of Ling Hong, the young palace lord.

Not to mention that Ling Hong had successfully awakened his spirit for the second time, and his spirit had reached the black rank.

It is also the cultivation base of the late Saint Emperor Realm.

This made his martial spirit a bow and his vitality as an arrow, and the bursting power was amazing.

That hand of nine-star connecting beads, I am afraid that it will be able to seriously hurt the waiting peak of the Holy Emperor Realm in an instant.

It's just that Arrow is good at attacking far away, but not good at close combat.

The warrior of the bow and arrow type martial soul, the melee ability, compared to their own strength, dropped a level.

If you encounter the sword repairer who is the best at fighting, and you dare to be triumphant at a close distance of less than tens of meters at this moment, this is tantamount to seeking your own death.


A cold white sword light flashed past.

Xiao Yi's figure disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he had already come to Ling Hong and slashed with a sword.

The bow and arrow spirit martial artist, being close by a sword only a few steps away, will almost only end up being crushed.

However, Ling Hong sneered when he looked at Xiao Yi who was close to him.

If he was really only one person, he, a warrior with a bow and arrow, would naturally not dare to fight against a sword repairer.

Don't forget, beside him, there are seven arrogances of the same level.


An invisible force broke through the boundaries of space in an instant, impacting in an instant.

"The magic light breaks."

With a loud shout.

Xiao Yi originally struck Ling Hong's figure with a sword, and was suddenly blown away.

There was still a pain in my mind when he flew.

"Soul skills." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

Yes, it was He You, the Young Master of Illusion Palace, who just shot.

Magic Light Mansion is famous for its soul power.

He You's martial soul is a glove with phantom light lingering.

The glove is not well-known, but the spirit power on it is so powerful that it is obviously a powerful thing with the effect of manipulating spirit power.

The soul master controls the soul power and displays the strength of the soul ability, which is originally linked to the martial soul.

Soul master is also the only profession that can maximize the power of martial soul.

The martial soul that already has the effect of increasing soul power, and reaches the black rank, then uses the method of the soul master to maximize the soul, and then uses the soul to use the soul master method...

All this seems to be tailor-made for He You.

It was all this that made Dehe You's strength extremely shocking.

He You's original ranking was not high.

But after the second Wuhun awakening, the strength of this person is definitely the first of these eight palace arrogances.

Even looking at the Eighteen Tianjiao, it may not be impossible to compete for the first place.

Bang... bang... bang...

The invisible soul power shock caused Xiao Yi to retreat more than ten steps, and the severe pain in his mind made his face pale.

"Awesome, worthy of He You." The surrounding elders of the Saint Emperor Realm peak showed shocked expressions.

"On this one hand alone, Young Master He You is afraid that he will have a place among the famous soul masters in the Middle Territory."

"Huh." He You smiled triumphantly.

If we say, the second awakening of the remaining seven Tianjiao is a qualitative leap.

So for the spirit master, He You, it was a leap in a leap.

"Xiao Yi, even if I can't handle a trick, what right do you have to be arrogant?" He You coldly smiled.

"To be honest, I'm not even interested in trying your trick."

"The battle is over here."

The so-called end is just the murderous intent on He You's face.


He You gave a low voice.


Eight people joined hands in an instant; eight figures immediately surrounded Xiao Yi.


The surging weather is like the power of heaven and earth, adding Xiao Yi.

"Under the black martial soul, surrender in every way." Lei Ba sneered.

"Not to mention that there are eight black martial souls suppressed together. Even the martial arts are here, and I don't want to mobilize a trace of power."

"Forgive you, no matter how strong Xiao Yi is, it is not as weak as an ant at this moment."

Feng Ji's face was cold, "Now, do you know the gap between you and me?"

"The eight of me want to kill you, but if you kill a chicken."

In the distance, in the main mansion, Gongsun Huowu's expression changed drastically, "Asshole, what kind of ability is the eight of you guys working together to bully Xiao Yi?"

"Have the ability to do it alone."

"Huh." Feng Ji's expression became colder when he heard the words, "Just kill this little thief."

"Okay." The seven answered.

"Kuang Lei Yuan Jin."

"Nine stars in a row."

"The magic light breaks."

"Floating light and glimpses."

"Blood dancing in the sky..."

Eight people, all shot together.

The violent power under the fame and skill of the eight provinces instantly swallowed Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi." In the main mansion, Gongsun Huowu roared, his face pale.

"Dead?" The eight sneered.

"Huh?" The eight people suddenly changed their expressions.

At the center of the eight-person attack, wisps of starlight power suddenly burst.

"How can it be possible to use starlight?"

"He has obviously been suppressed by the eight of me..." The expressions of the eight changed greatly.

"Suppress? Huh." Xiao Yi smiled contemptuously, "Black Wuhun, just a joke."

"Star Magic Sword Formation, twist."

I don't know when, the surrounding area has been wrapped in starlight sword aura.

Sword Qi is a sword formation by itself.

Within the sword formation, sword energy raged.

"Not good, Young Palace Master." The elders were shocked.

"Little thief, do you dare?"


Second more.

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