Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1427: Strange hostility

"Huo Wu, well said."

Inside the main mansion, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

The voice was familiar and strange.

What is familiar is that this sound is sweet and crisp.

What is strange is that this voice is no longer weak.

"Lianxing." Gongsun Huowu reacted instantly.

Yes, it was Gu Lianxing who spoke.

At this moment, Gu Lianxing was weak and he was cured by Xiao Yi's medicine.

The spirit and blood in the body are all in perfect condition.

The spirit of a warrior is at its peak.

That soft face, although still white as jade, is not half weak, but reveals a bit of healthy rosy.

At this moment, Gu Lianxing, where is she like the sick woman in the outside population, and where is she half sick?

She is simply a beautiful girl of heaven.

Gu Lianxing stood up slowly.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand and collected the starlight power outside the main mansion.

Gu Lianxing walked out slowly and came to Xiao Yi.

"Lian Xing thanked Young Master Xiao Yi." Gu Lian Xing bowed heavily.

"You are welcome." Xiao Yi smiled faintly.

"Let's go."

At this point, the purpose of coming to Blood Light Cave Mansion was also accomplished.

In the past, Palace Master Blood Light should be coming soon, so he would not stay in the cave.

The three turned and left.


"Lianxing...Lianxing girl."

The eight young palace masters hurriedly spoke.

"Are you leaving with this little thief?"

"Xiao Yi, this son, is notoriously cruel and notorious. If you follow along, wouldn't it be a sheep's mouth?"

"Not bad." The ten elders said repeatedly, "Palace Young Master Lianxing, come quickly."

"With me waiting, I will take care of you..."

Gu Lianxing interrupted coldly, "Although Lian Xing closed her eyes just now, her ears are not deaf."

Although Gu Lianxing closed his eyes cross-legged, he couldn't see what happened just now.

But every word in the cave, she heard very clearly.

Gu Lianxing glanced at the eight Tianjiao, "In these years, I have always regarded you as friends, and now I want to come, it is Lianxing who is affectionate."

"Or, it's Lian Xing's physical weakness these years, and his eyes are not working well."

When the voice fell, Gu Lianxing didn't say much, turned and left.

Behind them, the Tianjiao and elders looked ugly, but they didn't say much.

In the face of facts, no matter how much words and sophistry, they are also false.


Outside the Blood Light Cave Mansion, three figures leapt out.


The three of them flew at a fast speed, and after a full number of hours, they stopped running fast.

"At this distance, even if the Blood Light Mansion wants to get into trouble, it can't catch up." Xiao Yi said.

For several hours, at his speed, he could fly more than a million miles.

At such a long distance, he disappeared all the way, and no one should be able to chase him.

"Young Master Xiao Yi."

At this time, Gu Lianxing called out.

However, Xiao Yi had a solemn face and did not answer.

"Um." Gu Lianxing was stunned.

Xiao Yi still did not answer.

It's because, at this moment, he is ‘talking’ with the sword spirit in Leng Yanjian.

"Boy, why are you crazy and don't hurry back?"

"Although the blood relic is spiritual, it is difficult to absorb it after being submerged in the blood bead, but this is only for ordinary warriors."

"You have practiced the Blood Brake Demon Sutra. As long as you take some effort, you will be able to absorb it again."

Sword Spirit's old voice was full of eagerness.

"No, I have something else." Xiao Yi said.

"Anything else?" In the sword spirit's voice, anger gradually emerged.

"The other thing is related to these two little girls."

"Boy, I advise you not to be stupid."

"Do you know why you can get the Bloodbrake Demon Sutra?"

"Why?" Xiao Yi Chuanyin asked.

"Naturally it is a gift from the old man." Jian Ling scolded, "The old man is very weak now and needs a lot of energy and blood."

"Thanks to the vigor and surging power in the cave, the old man only recovered a little at that time, and he can pass the Blood Brave Demon Sutra to you."

"If there is that blood relic, even if the old man is half as powerful as you, the old man will be able to recover most of it."

The sword spirit's voice suddenly revealed a playfulness and even temptation.

"What kind of exercises the blood brake magic scripture is, and what kind of monstrous methods there are. You have already practiced, so you should be very clear."

"That's just something that the old man can give you after he recovers a little bit."

"If the old man recovers enough, what you can get will..."

"No need." Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently.

"In addition, I have other things now, I don't care about you for the time being."

"It's okay, your history, give me a clear explanation, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite."

In fact, this sword spirit reveals weirdness and weirdness everywhere, and Xiao Yi is naturally a little afraid.

However, this is a touch of spiritual consciousness after all.

As long as it is spiritual consciousness, Xiao Yi is not afraid of it.

The spiritual sense of Venerable Ice back then, as well as the one hundred thousand spiritual senses in the Fengxu Secret Realm, couldn't help him.

Not to mention the weak spiritual sense in a sword?

But now I am not in a hurry to ask.

"You..." Jian Ling didn't seem to take Xiao Yi's'threat' to heart, but became more anxious.

"Anything else? What about these two little girls?"

"Boy, what are these two little girls, if you help the old man recover..."

"Count my friend." Xiao Yi interrupted again indifferently.

"Friend?" Jian Ling said only once, and suddenly fell into silence.

However, Xiao Yi clearly heard a touch of inexplicable and bleakness from the voice of the sword spirit.

However, the sword spirit did not transmit the sound anymore, and Xiao Yi ignored it either.

As for the blood relic, Xiao Yi is not in a hurry.

Blood Light Cave Mansion has existed for such a long time.

The secrets inside, the Eighteen Houses are definitely known, but they are kept secret.

Those palace owners or old monsters in the palace must know these secrets.

But after so long, the Eighteenth Mansion could not get the treasures in it.

Therefore, Xiao Yi is not in a hurry.

After there is time, it will not be too late for him to go to Xueguang Cave Mansion again.

Now that he has a blood relic, he should be of little use in his cultivation.

Furthermore, he still understands the truth that Piff is not guilty and carries misfortune; no, it should be said that he has suffered many losses because of this.

At this time, when both Gu Lianxing saw Xiao Yi's delay in answering, they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Young Master Xiao Yi."

"Little thief, are you okay." Gongsun Huowu directly shook Xiao Yi's arm.

"Oh." Xiao Yi reacted and said, "What?"

"Huh." The two breathed a sigh of relief, "We thought you were disturbed by those qi and blood forces."

"That's right." Xiao Yi asked suddenly, "Lian Xing girl, your Tianxing Mansion, but you have hatred with the Eight Mansion? Or, is it you who have hatred with the eight of He You?"

"Huh?" Gu Lianxing was stunned, then shook his head, "No, why did Young Master Xiao Yi say this?"

"No?" Xiao Yi frowned.

He knew that he would not be wrong. The killing intent and hostility that the eight people had revealed after the blood relic was clearly directed at Gu Lianxing.

Feng Ji's phrase, "If you blame it, blame you for your nostalgia", which also proves that he is not mistaken.


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