Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1434: The Arrival of Magic Palace

Inside the starlight cage.

Xiao Yi quickly comprehended the trajectory of these stars.

This cage was built by the power of Starlight, and was laid down by the means of Palace Master Heavenly Star.

Said it is a prison, in fact it is also a prohibition.

Perhaps, this is a large array of stars.

The strands of cold white starlight, through a mysterious combination, became this indestructible prison.

As long as these combinations and methods can be defeated, they will be able to escape.


Time gradually passed.

Three days passed in a flash.

Tianxing Mansion, inside the mansion of the Great Elder.

"Xinyue, doing a good job." The elder nodded with satisfaction.

"You only have to say a few words, and Xiao Yi has been sleepy for three days."

"Want to break the Palace Master's starlight restriction? That's just a foolish dream."

"Haha." Gu Xinyue smiled triumphantly.

"That also requires the cooperation of Palace Master."

"If I didn't guess wrong, the Palace Master had already thought about Xiao Yi, this little thief."

"Yeah." The elder nodded, "Xiao Yi, such a peerless evildoer, who doesn't want to be a son-in-law."

"It's a pity that Palace Master doesn't know. His optimistic son-in-law will soon fall."



Tianxing Mansion, outside the lobby.

Palace Master Tianxing suddenly appeared.



Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu saluted at the same time.

However, the expressions of the two of them were obviously not very attractive, even staring at Palace Master Heavenly Star.

"Lianxing, don't think of it as a father like this." Palace Master Tianxing sighed.

"Does being a father hurt you?"

"Is it true that being a father is so unreasonable, and even forced to leave Xiao Yi's little friend behind him?"

"For my father, I just want to find a way out for you."

"You only have a few years left, but maybe..."

"Father, give up." Gu Lianxing shook his head quickly.

"Father has always known where the daughter's heart is."

"Moreover, there is no possibility..." Gu Lianxing's tone suddenly became extremely complicated.

"Hey." Palace Master Tianxing sighed heavily and shook his head.

Gongsun Huowu frowned, obviously unable to understand what the two said.

The words of the two obviously have something in the words.

"That's right." Palace Master Tianxing suddenly broke the silence and said, "Did the kid figure it out?"

Gu Lianxing sneered, "Young Master Xiao Yi, he won't give in."

Gongsun Huowu said indignantly, "Sir, don't talk about dreams, Xiao Yi will not do what you want."

"Oh, is it?" Palace Master Tianxing sneered.

"It seems that Xinyue is right, this kid is a tough one."

"But it's not in a hurry, this Palace Lord has time to spend with him."

"Of course, perhaps, this Palace Lord should also make him suffer."

"Father, no." Gu Lianxing's expression changed.

"Uncle Shi, are you still arrogant and unreasonable?" Gongsun Huowu's face was angrily.

Palace Lord Tianxing did not speak, and went to the lobby by himself.

Just at this time.

A member of the Tianxing Mansion came quickly.

"Palace Lord."

"What's the matter?" Palace Master Tianxing stopped and asked.

"The elders are waiting for you in the chamber, and there are important matters to discuss." The tribe quickly reported.

"Oh?" Palace Master Tianxing frowned.

The elders gathered in the chamber, this is no small matter.

"Let's go." Palace Master Tianxing nodded, turned around, and did not head towards the lobby again.

"All the elders gathered in the chamber?" Gu Lianxing also frowned in place.

The gathering of the elders is no small matter.

Not to mention going to the Chamber.

Obviously, something big happened.


Tianxing Mansion, in the Chamber.

The huge conference hall was full of powerful people from the Star Mansion.

A group of elders, each on one side.

Next to the first place, the elder closed his eyes and rested and waited.

The first place is empty.

Not long afterwards, Palace Lord Heavenly Star came, walked straight to the top and sat down.

"What happened?" Palace Master Tianxing had just sat down and asked in a deep voice.

To be the master of a mansion is naturally non-general.

When the clansmen reported to him, he knew that something major had happened, and he rushed to the chamber immediately.

"Report to Palace Master." An elder stood up and handed over two files respectfully.

"This is the information sent back by the spies in the mansion just now, and there is one more file from the Blood Light Mansion."

"Blood Light Mansion?" Palace Master Tianxing's face was stern, and a touch of solemnity surged to the brows.

He could already guess what happened.

Sure enough, after he read the two files, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Illusive Light Mansion asks me to be a friend from the Star Mansion?" Palace Master Tianxing sneered, "Huh, a joke."

According to the dossier, it was Palace Master of Illusion Light Mansion who passed the letter personally, and made Heaven Star Mansion hand over Xiao Yi.

The reason is naturally that He You's talent was abolished.

In the battle of Xueguang Mansion and Xiao Yi's defeat of Tianjiao of the Xiafu, the matter had already spread.

Palace Lord Heavenly Star, naturally knew about this a long time ago.

"Palace Lord, we still have to discuss this matter seriously." An elder said in a deep voice.

"He You is one of the countless evildoers in the history of the Magic Light Mansion."

"The old palace master of the Phantom Light Palace, even more deliberately told him to be located earlier."

"Now that his talent has been abolished, the old guy has gone mad, and he has gathered outside our Star City with all the power of his government."

"If you don't hand over Xiao Yi, the consequences will be unpredictable."

Yes, the first dossier was a letter from the old man of the Phantom Mansion from the Phantom Mansion, asking the Heavenly Star Mansion to hand over Xiao Yi.

And the second dossier was reported by the spies, and the Magic Light Mansion was all outside the Star City.

Tianxing City is the largest city in the Tianxing region, and it is also the place where Tianxing Mansion is located.

Tianxing Mansion took root here and passed on for countless years.

This move of the Magic Light Mansion has already demonstrated its determination to kill Xiao Yi.

This is also the reason why the elders gathered in the Chamber at this moment.

At this time, Palace Master Tianxing smiled disdainfully when he heard the words, "The consequences are unpredictable?"

"My Heavenly Star Mansion is afraid that his Magic Light Mansion will not succeed?"

"Palace Lord, it's not a question of fear." The elder said solemnly.

"It's Xiao Yi, an outsider, who is fighting the Magic Light Mansion for him?"

The great elder said directly, "For the sake of a small Xiao Yi, my Heavenly Star Mansion paid such a high price, it is not worth it."

"What does it mean to be unworthy?" Palace Master Tianxing said solemnly, "He You's talent has been abolished because he is not as good as others."

"In addition, I am ready to declare the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses to marry Lian Xing to Xiao Yi and accept Xiao Yi's son-in-law."

"In other words, Xiao Yi is no longer an outsider."

"Why, the people of my Heavenly Star Mansion have abolished his people from the Magic Light Mansion. If he says that he is paying someone, he will pay him?"

"Hmph, Illusory Light Mansion wants to fight, so don't hesitate to fight."

"Xiao Yi is just an outsider." The elder said in an unhappy tone.

"If the Palace Master insists on going his own way, my Heavenly Star Mansion will suffer heavy losses, what should I do?"

"I propose to hand over Xiao Yi immediately, so as to relieve the wrath of Illusion Light Mansion."

"Secondary, seconded..." Each elder seconded one after another.

"Asshole." The head of the Star Mansion stood up, "I said, Xiao Yi is no longer an outsider, but a member of my Star Mansion."

"According to the words of the great elder, but if He You is abolished today, it is Lian Xing, and his Illusory Light Palace is here, my Heavenly Star Palace will hand over Lian Xing?"

"What is the difference between this action of the Magic Light Mansion and the insult to my Heavenly Star Mansion?"

"Those who dare to insult my Heavenly Star Mansion will never die." The Heavenly Star Mansion Master said in a cold voice, standing with his hands behind.

"Follow the Palace Master's order." Each elder also stood up one after another.

But for a moment, more than half of the elders agreed.

In just a few ten seconds, nearly nine years old, and all of them showed war intentions, "I will obey the command of the palace lord, and those who insult my Heavenly Star Palace will never die."

Neat voices resounded through the chamber.

The prestige of Palace Lord Tianxing is evident.


Second more.

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