Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1448: The lady is waiting?

Outside of Star City.

On a certain hill, Xiao Yi's flying figure suddenly stopped.

Only ten minutes later.

Behind him, a figure came from far away from the sky.

Xiao Yi glanced at the setting sun ahead and smiled.

Whoosh... Behind him, a figure fell from a high altitude, it was Ye Liu.

"Brother Xiao Yi, why are you in such a hurry?" Ye Liu smiled, "After saying that I will retreat from the enemy."

"Am I waiting for you?" Xiao Yi asked and laughed.

"Oh." Ye Liu reacted and said, "Do you think the Sky Star City Wall is too lively?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "One of the reasons, besides, I am always a little embarrassed to stay there."

Speaking of which, Ye Liu has disappeared for several years.

Xiao Yi naturally intends to relive the past.

He has not many friends, but every friend who can be recognized by him is a generation worthy of friendship.

However, after all, he rejected Dean Huo's acceptance of disciples, and naturally he did not stay on the walls of the Star City, lest he be embarrassed.

Ye Liu smiled and walked to Xiao Yi's side and patted Xiao Yi's shoulder hard.

"You kid, I knew back then that you would never die so easily."

"A Thousand Winds Canyon in a mere trivial area, but it can't take your life."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi gave him a white look, playing with the taste, "That's why you are so unfavorable in doing things, so you have specially left a Lin Fei?"

"That is." Ye Liu said frankly, "I know that Brother Xiao Yi, you won't die so easily, so I specially left Concubine Lin for your disposal."

"Really?" Xiao Yi smiled jokingly.

Ye Liu looked at Xiao Yi's joking smile, and shook his head in embarrassment.

"Well, I knew I couldn't hide from you, Brother Xiao Yi."

"The truth is that after I slaughtered the Lin family that day, I walked in a hurry and forgot about Concubine Lin."

"Hahahaha." Xiao Yi laughed a few times.

"You kid."

Ye Liu also laughed a few times.

Although the two have not seen each other for several years, they are not at all unfamiliar.

Perhaps this is the so-called congeniality.

"Actually." Ye Liu smiled, "I heard of your reputation from Brother Xiao Yi when I was walking in the Middle Domain a few years ago."

"However, I never thought that you were really Brother Xiao Yi at that time. I just thought it was with the same name and surname."

"After all, the deeds you have reported from time to time are more amazing."

The middle domain is too big.

There are too many people with the same name and surname.

"Hehe." Xiao Yi smiled, "By the way, how is Miss Lianxing now?"

"It's okay for the time being," Ye Liu replied, "Master continued her life for several months."

"However, Master also said, temporarily stabilizing her bloodline and martial soul, or repairing it, just treat the symptoms instead of the root cause."

"The conflict between the two will not disappear, Lian Xing's body will only get worse and worse."

"Moreover, although every time the bloodline and martial soul are repaired, she can continue her life for a period of time, but in the end they will be more damaged."

"The bloodline will become more and more battered; the martial soul will also become thinner."

Ye Liu said in a deep voice, "Especially she had scattered the starlight before, which undoubtedly hurts."

"Master renewed her life this time, it is the last time."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Gu Lianxing's physical condition is very clear to him.

He continued her life as a stopgap measure.

Even if his life is renewed, there are still conflicts and injuries between the spirit and blood.

Even if Gu Lianxing did not disperse the starlight, Xiao Yi had renewed her life for several years before; but a few years later, Gu Lianxing would become weak again and endanger her life.

Moreover, if you continue to continue your life at that time, the effect is not great.

Simply put, this kind of repair is impossible to continue life indefinitely.

This time, Xiao Yi continued her life for several years.

But next time, even if Xiao Yi continues to take him into the two caves of Blood Light and Phantom Light to repair her bloodline and martial soul, the effect may only last a year and a half.

Next time, the effect will be even smaller.

Repair, after all, is a temporary cure, not a permanent cure.

The damage between the two has been going on.

However, listening to Ye Liu's words, Xiao Yi also had to be surprised by Dean Huo's methods.

Without relying on the strength of the two big caves, and relying on his own cultivation base, he could still force Gu Lianxing's life for several months.

You know, with Xiao Yi's current level of fantasy swordsmanship, just now on the wall of the Star City, it was just saving Gu Lianxing's life for several days.

"However, it's okay, I will solve it later." Ye Liu smiled.

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank you, Brother Xiao Yi, this time."

"I know it."

"Based on your character, if it weren't for knowing that Lianxing is my fiancee, I'm afraid you wouldn't care about Lianxing at all."

Ye Liu looked at Xiao Yi seriously, and said gratefully, "If you didn't help Xiao Yi brother this time, I'm afraid Ye Liu would regret my whole life."

"I can't come back to see Lianxing."

Xiao Yi suppressed his smile and said seriously, "Since you really like Lianxing Girl, don't run around."

"It's not a good thing for a beautiful lady to wait."

Xiao Yi's tone was somewhat solemn inexplicably.

Ye Liu looked at Xiao Yi and smiled, "If I didn't guess wrong, Brother Xiao Yi, there is also a beautiful woman waiting."

Xiao Yi shrugged and said nothing.

"Hey." Ye Liu sighed and looked at the setting sun in the distance.

"Lianxing and I were childhood sweethearts and we had a marriage contract when we were young."

"But when I learned that Lian Xing was ill and the only way to cure Lian Xing, I wanted to regret the engagement."

"I don't want Lian Xing to think that I am with her for the sake of Tian Xing's blood."

"So after that, I wandered around all day long, hoping that she could give up on me."

"Unexpectedly." Ye Liu smiled bitterly, "Lian Xing, after all, believed in me and waited for me; even though Palace Master Tianxing planned to terminate the marriage contract many times, she did not mention any regrets about the marriage."

"Later." Ye Liu sighed long, "I left the Star Region directly."

"I don't believe it, there is no other way to save the pity star."

"Therefore, my footsteps have begun to travel across the vast Middle Territory, all the dangerous places, and all the ancient secret realms. I Yeliu will break through."

"This trip took many years, and it made Lianxing wait for many years."

This is also the reason why Ye Liu, the dignified Young Palace Master of Ye Sheng Mansion, will appear in such small places as Feng Sheng area.

Of course, the same is true. Xiao Yi only met Ye Liu.

"Brother Xiao Yi, do you think I am stupid?" Ye Liu laughed at himself.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled, "A love word, there is no stupidity or not, there is no right or wrong."

"Fortunately, you and Lianxing Girl have never given up on each other."

Ye Liu, obviously, is a peerless evildoer.

But this peerless evildoer, obviously has a talent that far surpasses other Eighteenth Mansion Tianjiao; but for a love character, regardless of the world's coldness, willing to be regarded as a swinger, willing to rank at the end of the Eighteenth Mansion Tianjiao.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi seemed to think of something, his face stern.

"In these years, you have traveled all over the Central Region, have you ever heard of the Holy Moon Sect?"

"Holy Moon Sect?" Ye Liu was taken aback first, then his expression changed.

"Brother Xiao Yi, do you know this sect?"


Second more.

The third one, one hour later.

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