Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1468: Excalibur Purple Power

Deep in the mountains and forests.

On the spot, Xiao Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he thought he would use some hole cards today.

Such as the hand of the beast in the eight dragon burning furnace.

However, even if it was used, it was quite difficult to kill the six sword servants.

When he first tried the power of the beast hand and beast leg, he tried it with the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

At that time, he easily killed the great elder of the Northern Yinzong, the martial arts power.

However, the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect was just an ordinary martial arts power.

But Six Swordsman, any one of them is a great kendo, and their strength alone is far superior to the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

If the sword power is added, and the six people are working together, waiting for the power of Xianwu Dao, I am afraid that they will lose if they can't hold it for a moment or three.

Therefore, Xiao Yi was not very sure.

If you are far away, you are sure.

The explosive power of the beast hand and beast legs is quite amazing.

However, the hole cards, the reason they are hole cards, is that they cannot be shown casually or used casually.

Either you don't use it, you use it, or you kill the enemy.

Fighting with Qizong Six Swordsman, fighting evil with Qizong and even fighting against Qizong is a certainty.

If he used his hole cards and couldn't kill the Six Sword Servant, and if he had a stronger power in the Qi Sect, his hole cards would be exposed today, and the effect would be greatly reduced.

This is also the reason why Xiao Yi would never use his hole cards if it was unnecessary.

This middle area is full of crises after all, and killing is commonplace.

And he Xiao Yi, cumin alone, has many enemies, he needs to be cautious in everything.

Fortunately, there is no need to show the cards today.

In the future, even if you fight against the Qizong strong, you will not be afraid of it.

Moreover, after today, as long as he has a certain amount of time to cultivate sword power, he will not necessarily put Six Sword Servant in his eyes.

If he had enough sword power just now, one of these six sword servants would never want to run.

"In the next few days, let's practice sword power well." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

magic emanation…

There was a surge of pure vitality on his body.

Sword wounds everywhere, instantly stabilized.

Although the injury is not minor, it does not matter, and it can be healed after a short period of treatment.

At this time, Xiao Yi looked at the evil son.

The slender figure, handsome face, and inexplicable breath of Young Master Xie Mei revealed extraordinary things everywhere.

"Your Excellency?" Xiao Yi asked, arching his hands.

"I'm not saying, Lin Family, Lin Ye." Young Master Xie Mei, that is, Lin Ye, smiled lightly.

"I know." Xiao Yi smiled awkwardly and said, "The next question is, why help me."

He didn't know the evil son in front of him.

Of course, there is no friendship with the Lin family.

Sword Territory Lin Family, he knew it was the Sword Territory Ten Thousand Sword City City Lord family.

And Wanjian City is the central city of the sword region, and the Wanjian Stele Forest is there.

Therefore, the Lin family, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first family of the sword domain.

The Lin Family, Qi Sect, and Qi Sect are the three major forces in the sword domain.

However, there are constant disputes between the two martial arts sects, Qizong and Qizong.

The Lin family is generally neutral.

For no reason, how could this young man of the Lin family help him?

"Help? It's not that much." Lin Ye smiled and said, "It just happened to be near here, and I felt the breath of the magic weapon again, so I came here."

"A magic weapon?" Xiao Yi glanced at the Leng Yan sword in his hand.

Leng Yan sword, but almost the strongest weapon among the middle-grade holy artifacts, it is not an exaggeration to call it the weapon of the gods.

Lin Ye smiled lightly, "Six Swordsmen of the Qi Sect, you are right, the sword in your hand is the thing in my sword domain, Leng Yan sword."

Xiao Yi frowned upon hearing this.

Leng Yanjian's prestige is known even if he is not a swordsman in the sword domain.

Not to mention the swordsmen in the sword domain.

"Don't worry." Lin Ye smiled, "I am not interested in your sword."

"Come on, come with me."

"Where to go?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

Lin Ye flew away in a flash.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and his figure flashed, flying away to follow.

Thousands of miles away, above a towering peak.

The two people stopped.

On the edge of the cliff, a sharp sword was inserted into the ground.

"Huh?" It was almost the moment when Xiao Yi saw Li Jian, his eyes lit up.

"Good sword, just..."

"Just what?" Lin Ye asked with interest.

Xiao Yi frowned, "It's just that I always feel that this sword seems to be missing something; the sword has enough edge, but it seems..."

Xiao Yi paused.

"Empty, isn't it?" Lin Ye asked.

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Good eyesight." Lin Ye smiled, "That's because this sword has not really been forged yet."

"Is this the sword you made?" Xiao Yi was startled.

"Yeah." Lin Ye nodded, "I have made many swords, but this one is the sword I am most satisfied with so far."

"However, it's not finished yet, it's still a while away."

"Time?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Yeah." Lin Ye glanced at the sky and smiled, "It should be almost done."

"Brother Lin is a master swordsmith?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

With his eyesight, he could see that sharp sword at the cliff was absolutely extraordinary.

Regarding materials and grades alone, I am afraid that it is already above the middle-grade holy artifacts.

"Hahahaha." Lin Ye laughed a few times.

"Brother Lin is not only excellent, he is also a master of swordsmithing, really amazing." Xiao Yi admired.

Lin Ye shook his head and gave a wry smile, "I am good at making swords, but when it comes to kendo, whether it is comprehension or cultivation, it is very inferior."

Lin Ye shook his head and didn't say more, but walked slowly to the edge of the cliff and flicked his fingertips.


Above the sharp sword, a loud noise came.

The sound of Qiangming is endless, and surrounds and overlaps.

But for a moment, the whole mountain screamed crisply.

"It's really a good sword." Xiao Yi looked surprised.

Lin Ye smiled and snorted, "Yes."

When the voice fell, Lin Ye stepped back and returned to the place.


High in the sky, moments of wind and cloud are overwhelming, lightning and thunder are blasting.

Above the mountain peaks, wisps of violent aura, rolling endlessly.

Qiang... The crisp sound of the sword sound, I don't know when it will start, and it has surrounded the sky.

The sky, a touch of purple thunder and lightning, suddenly gathered.


In the next second, a thick purple thunder pillar slammed down and hit the sharp sword on the edge of the cliff.

The shocked expression on Xiao Yi's face was no more.

"The sword hasn't been completed yet, there is such a vision of heaven and earth, this sword is afraid it has reached the high-grade holy artifact rank."

"Top grade?" Lin Ye shook his head, "Whether the sword can succeed depends on whether it can survive."


The purple thunder and lightning in the sky continued to blast down.

The whole scene is like the doomsday.

Even if Xiao Yi watched it from a distance, he felt a palpitation of the thunderous lightning that was so raging.

The purple violent thunder lasted three hours.

When the thunder and lightning dissipated, the violent wind disappeared, everything returned to normal.

On the edge of the mountain cliff, that sharp sword is already surrounded by purple electricity, which is astonishing.

"It's finished." Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Yeah." Lin Ye smiled, and suddenly he was surprised, "Hey, not only did the sword succeed, but he also grabbed two pieces of the prototype of the Thunder Spirit."

Xiao Yi smiled, "Brother Lin, what is the name of this sword?"

Xiao Yi, as a sword repairman, was pleasantly surprised to witness the casting of a peerless divine sword.

"The sword has been made, but it is not yet famous." Lin Ye smiled, "You have a chant."

"Me?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Yeah." Lin Ye nodded, "This sword was originally fortunate to be cast in my expectation, and now it has captured two lightning prototypes."

"If you talk about the rank, this sword foot can be the pinnacle of the high-grade holy artifact."

"Either because of your luck, Brother Xiao, or perhaps this sword is predestined with you, so you are named."

"This..." Xiao Yi hesitated for a while, thought for a while, and said, "I call Zidian, how about?"

"Zidian?" Lin Ye said with a bright light, "Okay, this sword will call Zidian."


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