Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1476: Can you still recognize this brother?

"The third elder of Qizong is a good calculation."

Xiao Yi glanced at the third elder of the Qi Sect, his words were full of disdain.

The third elder of Qizong, obviously thick-skinned, said coldly, "It's just a matter of fact."

"Also." The third elder Qizong looked at the Qizong seat suddenly.

"Everyone, Ding Qiuyue was defeated in the previous battle."

"Little thief Xiao Yi forced her to interfere with the competition in order to help her. Now you say you will fight again?"

"Haha." The third elder of Qizong said coldly, "Furthermore, this is a competition between our two schools. How is this little thief's openly disturbing and provoking us?"

"This matter, your tool sect can't stop it? I'm afraid your sect's reputation will be discredited in the sword domain in the future."

The faces of the swordsmen in Qizong immediately changed.

To put it bluntly, Xiao Yi was an outsider disrupting the competition.

If other Qi Sects can't stop it like this, it is indeed unreasonable.

Xiao Yi's face sank at this time.

The meaning of the third elder of Qizong is actually very clear.

Want Qizong to agree to fight again? Yes, Qi Zong punished him Xiao Yi first.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became extremely solemn.

Xiao Yi's position suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

The sword repairs around him are not fools, and they naturally know where things are going.

All the major forces and sword repairs around, the faces are different.

Jianguang Mansion here.

Feng Ji sneered.

Several Jianguang Mansion elders beside him whispered, "The two-channel comparison, whether it is for Qi Sect and Qi Sect, is extremely important."

"If there is no accident, those Qi Zong guys should deal with Xiao Yi in exchange for a chance to fight again."

"This little thief, really ridiculous, the person who helped the Qizong has to be dealt with by the Qizong."

Feng Ji smiled, showing a smug look on his face.

On the side of the Sifang Jianzong, Yue Tian's face was angry.

"The grandsons of the Qizong group have taken control, now they are going to be aggressive."

The lone swordsman Qu Changtian, the Snow Mountain Sword Emperor Nangongbai, and Jin Wuque, who have long been famous swordsmen, all looked in the same direction at the same time.

There, it was the direction of Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Tan.

These sword repairmen who have been famous for many years are very clear that the real deciding factor of how things happen is these two people, not Xiao Yi.

If these two really stood behind Xiao Yi desperately, Qi Zong and Qi Zong would never really capture Xiao Yi.

No one wants to offend the two pinnacle sword repairs miserably.

But at the same time, if these two people really speak out for Xiao Yi, who openly ignore the rules of the two major sects of the sword domain, then the reputation of the two peak sword repairs will also become notorious at this moment.

For example, to indulge Xiao Yi to do evil, another example is that two outsiders intervene in sword disputes, arrogant and domineering, and so on.

After a long while, Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Taboo did not move halfway.

On the competition stage, the referee of the Lin family looked at the third elder of Qizong, nodded, and said, "If according to the rules, Xiao Yi, an outsider, will disrupt the two competitions and interfere with the event of my sword domain without authorization. Sword domain."

"Two cases, do you have any comments?"

The third elder Qizong smiled, "The Lin family referee is really fair and strict."

Qi Zong was silent.

"No." Ding Qiuyue was about to say something, but was imprisoned by an inexplicable aura on the Qizong seat, unable to move, unable to make any noise.

The referee Lin nodded, "Okay, there is no objection, then..."

The referee of the Lin family looked at Xiao Yi, "Little friend Xiao Yi, do it by myself, or I will do it myself."

"I first explain to the little friend that although the old man is a referee, he is also the elder of the Lin family. You are not my opponent."

"You can try." Xiao Yi sneered.

Of course he could perceive that this elder of the Lin family was at least a powerhouse above the martial arts power level.

Even better than Qizong Six Sword Servant.

But Xiao Yi was not afraid of it.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became extremely heavy due to Xiao Yi's provocative "You can try" and sneer.

"Okay, as you wish." The referee Lin's face was cold.

Just about to shoot.

Just at this moment, the two figures slowly took a step forward.

It was this simple step that instantly stopped the referee from the Lin family.

The audience, with such a momentum, instantly made the great elder of the Lin family stop the action, only two of them.

It was Elder Yunyuan and Deacon Taboo.

The sword repairers and forces around, their faces changed slightly, and they shook their heads.

"After all, I couldn't hold it back." Jin Wuque sighed.

Nangongbai shook his head, "The two great sword repairmen who were once famous in Zhongyu, will they become villains with notoriety throughout Zhongyu today?"

"These two old guys." Feng Ji's expression was a bit angry and disdainful.

"Two, do you want to save this kid?" On the martial arts stage, the referee of the Lin family looked at Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Tan, and asked in a deep voice.

"No." Elder Yun Yuan shrugged.

"No?" The Lin family referee frowned.

Surrounded by sword repairs, his face suddenly became puzzled.

Deacon Taboo smiled lightly, "If this kid really violates the rules of the sword domain, I won't bother to care about it either."

"In addition, the Lin family, as the first family of the sword domain, implements the rules, but it is normal."

"However, I have a doubt."

"What doubts?" The Lin referee first heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked.

Deacon Taboo smiled, "When did the Lin Family's Patriarch change?"

"What do you mean?" The Lin Family referee's expression changed. "My Lin Family Patriarch is in the midst of the sky, and has never changed."

Elder Yun Yuan smiled playfully, "Neither has he changed, does Xiao Yi violate the rules of the sword domain? When will it be your turn to be the elder?"

"Hehe, I almost thought your Patriarch of the Lin family was traveling west, sorry, sorry."

"You..." The Lin referee took a breath instantly, calming down his anger.

"Okay, what a Yun Yuan sword, what a taboo to ignore."

"The Sword Region event is about to begin, my Lin Family Patriarch, and Tianjiao, will arrive in half an hour."

"At that time, the Patriarch will personally condemn Xiao Yi."

Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Taboo smiled faintly.

"Little Xiao Yi, come down first."

Xiao Yi nodded, the development of the matter was somewhat unexpected.

The figure flashed and returned to the two of them.

"I said, your kid is really courageous." Elder Yun Yuan smiled, "Dare to provoke in the presence of a peerless strong man?"

All around, whether it was Qizong, Qizong, or Lin's referee, they all waited.

On Xiao Yi's side, he gave a wry smile, "I didn't expect that the two big competitions seem to be very important."

"However, even if I know, I will still play."

Xiao Yi answered, and suddenly frowned, "Peerless powerhouse? Senior Yun Yuan is talking about the Lin family's great elder?"

"Of course." Elder Yun Yuan smiled, "Peerless strong, but the strong above the martial arts."

"You dare to be so provocative, it's beyond my expectation."

"But it's okay to have such confidence." Deacon Taboo nodded in satisfaction, "Don't fear it, don't retreat, this is a qualified sword repair."

Xiao Yi couldn't help smiling wryly.

Deacon Taboo and Elder Yun Yuan seem to be very calm, still smiling.

But Xiao Yi glanced at the Qi Sect and Qi Sect, the two strong sects, and the Lin family's referee, but his expression was not good.

Today, I am afraid that there will be a hard fight.

Half an hour, in a flash.

In the distance, a group of figures came from the sky.

"See Patriarch." The Lin family referee quickly bowed.

"See the city lord." With the two veins of Qizong and Qizong, except for the two suzerains, the others all got up.

The identity of the visitor is self-evident, the head of the Lin Family, the first family of the sword domain, is also the city owner of Wanjian City.

Behind them are the Lin family martial artists and Tianjiao.

When everyone in the Lin family fell, the Lin family referee immediately wanted to report Xiao Yi.

However, just at this moment, behind the Lin Family Patriarch, a young figure stood up in surprise and looked at the three of Xiao Yi.

"See Young Patriarch."

"Participate in Young City Lord."

Similarly, except for a few people, most of the two martial artists saluted.

The young man ignored the two martial artists, but looked directly at Xiao Yi, with surprises in his eyes.

"Brother Xiao Yi?"

"Junior Brother Zifeng?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Deacon Taboo and Elder Yun Yuan smiled and asked loudly, "Zifeng, do you still recognize you as Brother Xiao Yi?"


Third more.

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