Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1481: Leftover Sword Mark

"Do you still check?" Xiao Yi's words spread throughout the audience.

Of course, the audience fell silent for a moment, and no one dared to speak.

If Xiao Yi had shown the token of the Vice-Hallmaster of the Two Halls before, this would be acceptable if the sword repairman was present.

Such a young deputy hall master, although rare, is nothing.

However, when Xiao Yi's deputy order from the Chief Palace Master appeared in his hands, that meaning was different.

The deputy order of the main hall master can only be given by the main hall master.

This is the only one in the whole hall.

Those who carry deputy orders are all carrying important tasks.

If you walk outside, it represents the entire ancient temple.

Even if the top ten hall masters of each hall are here, they dare not let Xiao Yi unconditionally let them search.

Not to mention that Xiao Yi is now carrying Fengsha, Shura, and deputy orders of the two halls.

No one said anything.

Xiao Yi smiled and played with the tokens in his hand.

The two deputy orders were given to him by the two main hall masters when he left the main hall.

At that time, Xiao Yi had some doubts.

After all, the deputy order of the main hall master is definitely not an ordinary token.

However, the explanation of the master of the two halls at that time was that Xiao Yi relied on this as a voucher for attending the opening of the tomb of the ancient emperor on behalf of the Fengsha Temple and Shulu Temple.

He took these two tokens with him.

Xiao Yi didn't think much at that time.

Unexpectedly, this time, it helped him a lot.

"Everyone from the Qi Sect, do you want to check it?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"If you check, you can't just check it down."

"I have to check yours too. Of course, you can also resist. I don't mind sending an urgent order back to the main hall."

Xiao Yi seemed full of confidence, but in fact, he was just bluffing.

These two deputy orders, according to the explanation to him by the two chief palace masters, were just his proof.

The main hall would not really send a large number of law enforcement teams to search Qizong for this.

Furthermore, a few months ago, the main hall of the Asura Hall had not lost any heavy treasures.

Xiao Yi thought so.

But there was one thing that he didn't know. It was the two main hall masters who had made a decision as early as a month ago.

He was also appointed as his successor.

If he really sends an urgent order back to the main hall, then no law enforcement team will come, and the top experts in the main hall will come directly.

Urgent orders are generally not issued; if issued, it is dangerous.

"You..." At this time, the face of the Qizong Swordsman was hard to see the extreme.

Next to Xiao Yi, the two Elder Yun Yuan smiled and looked at Xiao Yi with satisfaction.

Faced with the gaze of many peerless powerhouses and the lock of aura, the problem was solved easily without rush or impatient.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and said solemnly, "I want to come, little friend Xiao Yi and Qi Zong Six Sword Servant are just misunderstanding."

"Patriarch Lin has a good opinion." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Okay." Lin Xiao's expression was also a little ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "The final match of the two sects will be compared again."

"After that, immediately open the Ten Thousand Sword Monument Forest."

"Yes." The two swordsmen could only helplessly answer.

However, just at this moment, the Six Sword Servant of Qizong, who had been extremely angry, suddenly remembered something and sneered.


"Why?" Lin Xiao looked at Qizong Six Swordsman displeasedly, "You still think this city lord is not embarrassing enough?"

"Do you want this city lord to personally shut up your Qizong swordsmen?"

Sect Master Qi's face changed.

Qizong Six Sword Servant, his face was shocked, and he wanted to open his mouth, closing it in time.

However, one of them quickly opened the shirt on his chest.

"Huh?" Lin Xiao frowned.

Sect Master Qizong and all the major sword repairmen present were puzzled.

But the next second, when they saw clearly what was on the person's chest, they suddenly became stunned.

A pair of sharp and bad eyes looked at Xiao Yi again.

Xiao Yi saw the open chest of one of the six swordsmen, his face suddenly changed.

Because, on the chest, there is exactly a sword mark.

The sword mark is very strange, although it has gradually scabbed; but on the scar, there is still a white breath of coldness.

Within the breath, the wound went deeper, and between the skin and flesh, there was a glow of scorching heat, burning the skin and flesh red.

This kind of scars like ice like fire...

Xiao Yi's face suddenly became ugly.

His sword is extraordinary.

At one station a few days ago, he originally planned to kill one of these six sword servants.

It's a pity that this person can be avoided, only seriously injured.

But because of this, the sword marks have not disappeared.

"This is the best proof of being injured by Leng Yanjian." Sect Master Qi sneered, "Little Thief Xiao Yi, what else can you say?"

Xiao Yi instantly reduced the ugly expression on his face, shrugged, and said relaxedly, "Then ask your Qi Sect to find the person who hurt your Six Sword Attendant."

"What's the matter with you?"

"This is what you hurt, so you dare to argue?" Liu Jianshi roared.

Qizong Six Sword Servants really couldn't understand how this young boy in the next year could be so difficult to deal with.

Facing the direct gaze of Jianxiu Tianxia, ​​he could still quibble without blushing and heartbeat?

In the eyes of Qizong Six Swordsman, Xiao Yi seemed to be more troublesome than some cunning old guys.

"The same sentence, do you mean it?" Xiao Yi said coldly.

"If there is any injury in the body, can it also be buckled on the head of your Qi Sect?"

"Do you also want to be charged with the intention to kill the deputy head of the Asura Hall?"

Xiao Yi can only use Shura Hall and Fengcha Hall to suppress these six people.

However, the people present are obviously non-general, and they are not so good to fool or deceive.

Qizong Six Swordsman's injuries cannot be faked.

That was obviously the injury caused by Leng Yanjian.

Qizong Six Sword Servant once again insisted on Xiao Yi, and he was full of confidence, this matter was almost settled.

"Little friend Xiao Yi, what the facts are, you will know it soon." Lin Xiao's face became cold, and the sword intent on his body gradually condensed.

Obviously, he is about to make a move.

As for the facts, after he won the Xiao Yi Qiankun ring, he should know it.

"Don't worry about the city lord." Qizong Six Swordsman said solemnly, "I am willing to guarantee with my life."

Lin Xiao nodded.


Lin Xiao, the second sect master of Qizong Qizong, and the sword repairman present, they made an instant shot.

Xiao Yi's face changed.

Elder Yun Yuan narrowed his eyes, "It seems that I am going to force the two of me to hold the sword again."

"It's been a long time since I killed someone." The deacon's words were concise and clear.

The reason why they changed their colors when they heard the word'Leng Yan Sword' before, is because they knew exactly how Leng Yan Sword existed for the sword domain.

What's more, how tempting is to the sword repair of the world.

"Boy, hold it for half a minute, is it feasible?" Elder Yun Yuan looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded and smiled confidently, "Don't worry."

Around, it has been surrounded by major sword repairs.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi." Sect Master Qi sneered.

"As long as your tongue is clever, the fact is the fact after all."

"As long as you are so scheming and quibble, you can't even try to escape today."

"If you have the ability, just come." Xiao Yi already knew that today's battle was unavoidable.


With a crisp sound of swords, the forest of steles was shaken.

A cold white sword light flashed past.

It is Leng Yanjian.

"The Leng Yan sword is really in his hands." Jian Xiu present, all his expressions changed drastically, and then stared at Xiao Yi closely, no, I should say, stared at the Leng Yan sword in Xiao Yi's hand.


Fifth more.

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