Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1483: Sword Domain Master

"Brother Lin?"

Xiao Yi looked at the purple electric sword light that suddenly arrived, and knew who it was.

After Lin Ye really showed up, it surprised him even more.

That sword actually shook Lin Xiao, a peerless sword repairman, instantly.

At the same time, Lin Ye's sudden appearance changed the color of the sword cultivation skills again.

This young evil and charming young man was actually a sword that easily defeated the city lord of Wanjian City, the patriarch of the Lin family, the first family of the sword domain, Lin Xiao?

"It's you again?" Qizong Six Swordsman saw Lin Ye, instantly furious.

In their eyes, Lin Ye seemed to be more hateful than Xiao Yi.

Because, if Lin Ye hadn't lied to them that day and made them think it was the Lin Family's Tianjiao, how could they leave easily.

Then, how could Xiao Yi flee alive that day.

So, there will be no Xiao Yi disrupting the competition today and ruining his arrogance.

And Leng Yanjian had long been in his Qi Sect's pocket.

Today, this guy dared to show up, still planning to ruin them?


Qi Sect Six Sword Servant, hurriedly came to the side of Qi Sect Master, angrily corrupted, "Sect Master, this is the person who rescued Xiao Yi this day."

"Today, I dared to show up."

"They shot him and the little thief together."

In fact, what Qizong Six Sword Attendant didn't know was that even if Lin Ye didn't help out that day, with the six of them, Xiao Yi could not be killed.

Xiao Yi wanted to escape, and looking at the sword domain, only a few peerless sword repairmen could chase down.

Qizong Six Sword Servant, said angrily, staring at Lin Ye with cold eyes, as if he wanted to kill Lin Ye and then quickly.

The six people hadn't noticed that the expressions of Lin Xiao and the second sect master had already changed.

"Sect Master..." The six just wanted to say something.

"A bunch of trash, shut up for me." Sect Master Qi yelled angrily.

"Sect Master..." The six people were startled, and then they were puzzled. They didn't understand why the Sect Master Qi suddenly glared at them.

However, they hadn't finished their words, and they had been blasted back by the Sect Master Qi's sword energy.

Poof, the six spit out blood.

"Sect Master..." In the eyes of the six people, there was incredible color.

Until the next second, the six people, and the sword repairs around them, suddenly came across.

Lin Xiao, the second sect master, suddenly bowed, "See the domain master."

The three of them didn't have any arrogance on their faces, some were just respectful.

"Domain Lord?" Xiao Yi looked at Lin Ye in surprise.

Lin Ye stood with her hand in hand, retracted Zidian, and glanced at the three of them.

"What are you doing?"

"You don't want to open the Forest of Ten Thousand Sword Tablets, but you are making these troubles?" Lin Ye looked at Lin Xiao dissatisfied.

"That, domain owner..."

"I asked you to answer?" Lin Ye spit out a few words lightly.

Lin Xiao shut up instantly.

"Where are you two?" Lin Ye looked at the Second Sect Master.

The two lowered their heads and said nothing.

Lin Ye's face was stern, "The master of this domain hasn't come out for many years, you have become more skilled, and you won't even answer my words."

"Uh." The second sect master trembled, and sighed, "Isn't you not allowed to answer?" ’.

The heart slandered, and he still said respectfully, "Lord of the domain, the Leng Yan sword is on the little thief Xiao Yi."

"The Leng Yan sword is my sword domain sacred object, and it must not fall into the hands of outsiders."

"So I waited angrily and shot, intending to retake Leng Yanjian."

Sect Master Qi Sect said in a deep voice, "I never thought, this little thief Xiao Yi is stubborn."

"That taboo ignores Yun Yuanjian, and more obstruction, insults my reputation in the sword domain..."

"Haha." Lin Yeyin smiled, "In this way, the domain owner would like to thank you and give you a reward for your merits."

"Don't dare." Sect Master Qi repeatedly said.

"Presumptuous." Lin Ye yelled coldly.

"The grand event of the Sword Region is about to begin, but it has only increased the killing and disputes, and dare to claim credit?"

"As for the Leng Yan sword." Lin Ye stared at the Qi Sect Sect Master coldly, "The master of this domain listened to the six sword servants under your command and said, Leng Yan Sword is your Qi Sect's property?"

"Domain master." Sect Master Qizong's expression changed, "That's just six swords servants who have short knowledge and talk nonsense."

"Heh." Lin Ye smiled coldly and looked at the old master of Qizong.

"What about you? The Leng Yan sword is your artifact."

The old master of Qizong shook his head again and again.

"What about you?" Lin Ye finally looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao's face twitched, and said, "As the guardian of the Ten Thousand Sword Stele Forest, the Leng Yan sword should be the property of my Lin family."

"This is true." Lin Ye nodded.

"Leng Yanjian is the property of my Lin family."

"But when is it your turn to snatch?"

"Could it be when I died?"

"Domain Lord forgive me." Lin Xiao actually knelt on both knees.

"Humph." Lin Ye snorted coldly, "Will you go back and continue hosting the event?"

"What a great event the Sword Realm event is for my Sword Realm, don't you know?"

"Will you delay the time?"

"Yes." Lin Xiao replied and flashed back to his seat.

The two sect masters bowed, and flashed back to their seats.

The three peerless powerhouses left, and a group of sword repairmen retreated.

Lin Ye glanced at Xiao Yi at this time, "Brother Xiao, let's talk about it later."

"Okay." Xiao Yi arched his hands, "but I still thank Brother Lin for helping me again."

"Eh, a trivial matter." Lin Ye waved his hand, "If you want to be so polite, you and I will just make a friendship with you."

"Next time I help you, don't be so polite."

In the distance, Lin Xiao's face twitched suddenly.

Whoosh... Lin Ye flashed away and came directly to the Lin family seat.

"Well, the last competition of the second case will be hosted by the domain master."

"Complete the competition as soon as possible, and then open the Forest of Ten Thousand Swords."

"Yes." There was a reply from the surroundings.

At the same place, Xiao Yi was stunned, and said in surprise, "Brother Lin is really good at this ability. He has such a strength at a young age, and he has become the master of the sword domain."

Xiao Yi didn't notice, the expressions of Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Taboo had long changed.

Even Deacon Taboo's original plan to condense the sword stopped early.

"Brother Lin?" Elder Yun Yuan glanced at Xiao Yi strangely.

"Do you know this old guy?"

"Old guy?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

Elder Yun Yuan curled his lips, "This old thing has existed for years, I'm afraid that if you look at the sword domain, the Ten Thousand Sword Monument Forest can be longer than him."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was stunned, "Brother Lin is..."

Elder Yun Yuan replied, "It's a member of the Lin family. Regarding seniority, it is considered light for Lin Xiao to call him grandpa."

"Where did you meet this old monster?"

Xiao Yi didn't rush to answer, but asked, "Elder Yun Yuan, is your injury serious?"

Xiao Yi took out high-grade pill again and again.

"It's okay." Elder Yun Yuan took a deep breath and waved his hand.

"My injuries are nothing."

"Yunxuan Jianqi will warm up his injuries in his body."

Whoosh... Deacon Taboo flashed over.

The two looked at each other, their eyes a little strange.

Xiao Yi frowned.


Seventh more.

Today is considered an outbreak.

Prepare for one day tomorrow, and start making up the matter the day after tomorrow.

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