Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1486: Star Swordsman

"Haha." Lin Ye smiled faintly, without paying attention to their cold snort.

"With your current kendo skills, you should not be interested in these sword monuments."

"I came here to participate in the event in Sword Region. I'm afraid that I'm here?"

"It's good to know." Elder Yun Yuan sneered.

"Haha, no hurry." Lin Ye waved his hand.

"When the Sword Region event ends, I will give you two a chance to challenge."

After that, Lin Ye looked at Xiao Yi, "Brother Xiao, I have something to do, so I have to leave for a while."

"I'll talk to you later."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

Whoosh... Lin Ye's figure suddenly disappeared in place, not knowing where he was going.

In the same place, Xiao Yi looked at Elder Yun Yuan in doubt, "Two seniors, don't you understand these sword monuments?"

Originally, Xiao Yi thought that these two were also here to participate in the event.

But now it seems that the bigger reason should be to come to fight Lin Ye, the shame of Yixue defeating the sword back then.

"Of course enlightenment." The two nodded.

"The owner of these sword monuments, before his death, was a realm higher than the two of us."

"Although the effect of our enlightenment is not great, being idle is also being idle."

"Not much effect?" Xiao Yi was surprised.

"Since the masters of these sword monuments have such a high realm before their lives, how can they not have much effect?"

The two shook their heads, "Every warrior takes a different path to kendo."

"And my kendo road has come to the forefront; we want to break through, and only the last trace."

"Therefore, these sword monuments have a reference effect for both of us."

"The effect is there, but it's not too big."

"It's you, talent, and the effect will be great."

"That's it." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Where is the Sword Emperor Monument?" Xiao Yi suddenly looked at the towering Sword Emperor Monument in the middle of the Ten Thousand Sword Monument Forest.

"Huh." Xiao Yi suddenly uttered in surprise, "How can no one go to the Sword Emperor Monument to comprehend?"

The major sword repairs, although the figure shuttles between the forest of steles.

But no one stayed in front of the sword emperor monument.

The sword emperor stele is the strongest sword stele in the forest of steles, and what it contains is the sword emperor's kendo knowledge.

How can no one covet it?

Moreover, Xiao Yi glanced at a short distance. The Lin family who originally opened the Forest of Ten Thousand Sword Steles with their sword-qi handprints were staying in place, not looking for the sword stele for enlightenment.

"Don't the Lin family go to enlightenment?" Xiao Yi asked.

Elder Yun Yuan's expression was abrupt, "You kid, there are so many problems."

"Surely you haven't read all the sword posts in Sword Domain, right?"

"On the sword post, there are detailed information about the Forest of Ten Thousand Swords; if you read it all, there will never be these problems."

"Um." Xiao Yi stroked his nose awkwardly.

"No matter, it's not a big deal." Deacon Taboo smiled.

"The sword emperor stele, if both of us understand it, it will be very effective, and it will not even be an instant breakthrough."

"The level of kendo one emperor is far beyond what I can imagine."

"However, non-sword domain native swordsmen can't comprehend the sword emperor stele, nor can they get half of the martial arts insight from it.

"Why?" Xiao Yi frowned, "is it because of sword power?"

Deacon Taboo nodded.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes abruptly, letting out perception.

Boom...Within perception, the scene of heaven and earth changed drastically.

This scene is exactly the same as when he first cultivated sword power a few days ago.

Between the heaven and the earth, sword power came from all directions.

The direction of the rush is exactly at the sword emperor monument.

At the same time, the sword power on the sword emperor monument diverged in all directions.

At the beginning, he felt that within the entire sword domain, the sword power from all directions was rushing towards the forest of ten thousand swords steles.

At this time, it seemed that the direction that really flocked to was this sword emperor monument.

In other words, within the sword domain, the reason for the special power of ‘sword power’ is basically because of the existence of the sword emperor monument.

"It's really peculiar." Xiao Yi couldn't help showing shock.

"A sword monument, so that the entire huge sword domain has the power of sword power."

"Senior Sword Emperor, what a towering generation he was when he had not fallen."

To cultivate sword power, it must be connected with the meaning of sword power in this sword domain.

The sword power exists because of the sword emperor monument.

Naturally, a foreign warrior who was unable to cultivate sword power could not have any contact with the sword emperor monument.

Naturally, it is impossible to understand the sword emperor stele, let alone get the slightest martial arts insight from it.

"What about the others in the sword domain?" Xiao Yi asked.

Participating in the Sword Region event is not only the foreign sword repairers, but also the native swordsmen of the sword region.

But now, these local swordsmen did not stay in front of the sword emperor monument either.

Elder Yun Yuan replied, "The sword emperor monument is a treasure of the sword domain."

"There is a peculiar power such as sword power in the sword domain because of the sword emperor monument."

"Naturally, this kind of precious treasure, how can everyone be able to comprehend."

"Every time the Forest of Ten Thousand Swords Steles is opened, there are only two places for visiting the Sword Emperor Stele."

"One belongs to the Lin family; one is selected between the Qi Sect and the Qi Sect."

"It's the two big comparisons?" Xiao Yi appeared in a daze.

No wonder Erzong attaches so much importance to Dabi.

Elder Yun Yuan continued, "The Lin Family, to put it bluntly, they are the descendants of the Sword Emperor and those who have the blood of the Sword Emperor."

"Therefore, the Lin family is the guardian of the Ten Thousand Sword Monument Forest and the Sword Emperor Monument."

"The Lin family itself has a quota, which is understandable."

"And the rest of the Lin family, such as the elders; in fact, long before the event began, these people had already enlightened the sword emperor stele."

"Naturally, they don't have to comprehend now."

As the guardian of the Lin family, it is natural to open it when you want to open it, and the clansmen can enter enlightenment at will.

Now that the grand event is starting, the Lin family members don't have to go to enlightenment.

"It's a pity." Deacon Taboo smiled contemptuously, "That Lin Xiao still has some abilities."

"But those elders, even if they are aware of it, they only have so many chances and their strength is limited."

"A bunch of straw bags."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled.

Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Taboo were obviously sword repairers who were extremely arrogant.

"Okay." Elder Yun Yuan said, "Go find a sword monument and enlighten it."

"Although you can't comprehend the Sword Emperor Monument right now, it doesn't mean that the real chance will miss you."

"Everything depends on your own ability and luck."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, and walked away.

Xiao Yi's figure shuttled through the forest of steles, looking for a suitable sword stele.

The sharp eyes quickly scanned the sword tablets.

On the sword monument, there are certain martial arts written records.

However, there is no record of the identity and information of the owner of the sword monument.

"Zhanxing Swordsmanship?" Xiao Yi's figure suddenly stopped in front of a sword monument, his expression happy.


Third more.

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