Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1489: Star Sword

Before the star cutting sword monument.

The two elders Yun Yuan looked at the Lin Xiao three in the distance.

The three Lin Xiaos are peerless sword repairers; similarly, their comprehension of the sword monument here is not very effective.

Of course, there are also reference effects.

But among the three of them, the Sect Master of the Qi Sect and the Old Sect Master of the Qi Sect, as the Sect Masters of the two major sects in the sword domain.

When they were young, the two of them must have represented their own sects and had seen the sword emperor monument.

Not to mention Lin Xiao, the Lin Family, as the guardian family of the Sword Emperor Monument, had apparently enlightened the Sword Emperor Monument many times.

Naturally, the three of them did not comprehend the sword stele here, but simply watched their children and elders comprehend the sword stele here.

The three of them stood with their hands behind, their eyes all concentrated on the sword monument on Xiao Yi's side.

As the first and more successful sword repairer among the enlightened people, Xiao Yi naturally took the lead in attracting attention.

At the same time, the two elders Yun Yuan also noticed the smug smile of Sect Master Qi.

"Bad." Elder Yun Yuan's expression suddenly changed.

"I am not mistaken. When we enlightened the sword monument, after successfully enlightening the sword, what we encountered was..."

Deacon Taboo nodded.

Elder Yun Yuan's face suddenly became a little ugly, "Doesn't that mean that this kid will..."


Deacon Tan shook his head, "It's useless for us to worry about it. This is this kid's own insight."

"Moreover, are there few miracles this kid has created?"

"I believe him, this sword monument cannot stop his footsteps."

"Yes." Elder Yun Yuan nodded solemnly.

In the distance, the three of Lin Xiao stood with their hands behind them.

Sect Master Qizong smiled triumphantly, "This little thief, who is the first to succeed in enlightenment, is bound to be the fastest to stop."

"Sect Master Qi, very proud?" Lin Xiao glanced at Sect Master Qi.

Lin Xiao smiled suddenly, "I heard Zifeng say that his senior brother Xiao Yi can always surprise people and always surprise people."

"Maybe, Senior Star Slash, can't stop him."

"Then just wait and see." Sect Master Qi shrugged and smiled triumphantly.


In a dark space.

Xiao Yi smiled confidently.

The darkness around him gradually dissipated quickly.

The light in front of me gradually became brilliant.

He understood now, no wonder he was looking for those fast-moving kendo powers.

Those wandering kendo powers are guiding the existence of leaving this dark space.

The greater the number of enlightenment, the faster the kendo wanders and the greater the difficulty.

Once the enlightenment fails in the middle, or fails to keep up with the wandering of these kendos; then, the enlightened person will never be able to get out of this dark space.

This also means that the enlightenment has failed.

If the enlightened person succeeds in enlightening 10%, it means that the enlightenment is successful and will also be out of this dark space.

By the way, the enlightenment is the enlightenment, but it does not mean that you are in control.

Although Xiao Yi has successfully comprehended 10% of Star Swordsmanship.

However, if you want to control it, you need to leave here and absorb the power of the Star Slashing Swordsmanship between the heavens and the earth into your own small world, reaching 10%, and you have to completely control it.

Today, Xiao Yi only fully comprehends and thoroughly understands the mystery of Star Slashing Sword.

But within the body, there is no power and strength of the Star Slashing Swordsmanship.

Another point, star-cutting swordsmanship, as the top swordsmanship; if you want to absorb the power of heaven and earth into the small world, and then merge and fit into your own swordsmanship, it will be extremely troublesome.

At the beginning, the reason why his cultivation was stagnant when he was in the Celestial Realm was because he tried to integrate various top martial arts.

However, it didn't matter if he didn't absorb the heaven and earth power of Star Swordsmanship.

After all, he doesn't practice Star Slashing Sword.

The purpose of coming here to comprehend the sword monument is to comprehend the knowledge of kendo here, so as to improve one's kendo.

The so-called enlightenment, the biggest gain should be to improve one's kendo.

Instead of practicing other people's kendo.

At this time, the darkness around him has completely disappeared.

Before my eyes, there was a bright light.

The surroundings seem to be the ‘world’ of another party.

Xiao Yi was stunned, and then settled, before an old man suddenly appeared.

The old man, standing with his hands in his hands, smiling, looking directly at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's face suddenly changed.

In his eyes, the old man in front of him is nothing special, just an ordinary old man.

But in his perception, the old man seemed to be a boundless ocean, unfathomable and amazing.

"Senior?" Xiao Yi calmed his mind, and then asked respectfully.

Xiao Yi didn't worry about the danger, after all, this was in the midst of comprehension of the event in the sword region.


The old man smiled, fingertips lightly raised.

Beside him, a starlight sword rang constantly.

"Successfully comprehended the old man's star-cutting swordsmanship, and asked who is the old man?" The old man chuckles.

Xiao Yi instantly reacted, "Dare to ask the name of senior?"

There is no doubt that the old man in front of him is the master of the sword monument.

However, on the sword monument, there is no half-life or record of this senior.

The old man shook his head, "It doesn't matter what the old man's name is."


The starlight sword beside him instantly came into the hands of the old man.

"I'm afraid the old man has been dead for many years."

"It's also thanks to this sword that I can leave a touch of residual thoughts."

"And today, what fights you is the old man's kendo and this sword."

"So, what you should ask is the name of this sword."

Xiao Yi was stunned, then nodded.

He naturally knew that the old man in front of him was not a real person, but just a touch of disability.

For a powerful martial artist with a towering cultivation base, it is not difficult to leave a touch of remnant thoughts.

It's just that there will be no half strength in this wiping thought, and there will be no memory.

The power that really maintains the existence of Can Nian should be the sword monument and the sword in the hands of the old man.

"Are you ready?" the old man asked calmly.

Xiao Yi nodded.

If he guessed correctly, the next step is to fight the old man.

"Okay." The old man nodded, his aura suddenly changed.

The original ordinary body suddenly became so powerful.

The vast aura is like a sharp sword that can break through the shackles of the sky and smash through the stars.

"This sword is called Zhanxing."

"The old man fought the battle before his death, and tried his best to avoid defeat in the universe."

"It is your honor to lose with this sword."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, with the same sword intent.


The Leng Yan sword in his hand appeared out of thin air.

"Senior's words are premature."

"Perhaps you were defeated by me, Zhanxing was defeated by Leng Yan."

"Boy, so courageous." The old man smiled proudly, "Go ahead."

"Senior, I'm offended." Xiao Yi said, striding out with a sword.

Leng Bai Jianmang flashed past.

If the sword was shocked, he took the old man's throat straight out.

The old man was not afraid of it, with the Star Slashing Sword in his hand, only slightly slashing.


The cold white sword light suddenly collapsed.

Xiao Yi's complexion changed slightly, and he felt a huge force rushing forward, and he was shaken back ten steps in an instant.


Third more.

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