Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1496: Reminder of the sword spirit

Xiao Yi shuddered instantly.

The reason why people are people, not walking dead, is because people have thoughts and memories.

The memory in Xiao Yi's mind was a proof that he knew that he was Xiao Yi.

For example, if a person loses his memory, the person is still that person, but will this person still ‘live’ according to his original self?

If I really experienced the life experience of this star-cutting senior.

Such a long experience.

Compared with my own experience in the past 20 years, even if I count the years I have lived in my life, it is only a few decades.

The two are not one level at all.

Then, which memory will dominate?

Before, he had also absorbed some damaged memories.

Like the memory of Venerable Bing, the memory of those spiritual senses in the Fengxu Secret Realm.

But those memories only appeared in the mind after all.

Compared with going through these long years in person, going through this period of life personally, this is basically two different things.

At that time, Xiao Yi will think that he is Xiao Yi, or this senior star Slasher?

Xiao Yi frowned and hesitated.

The sword spirit's voice sounded again.

"Boy, I will tell you bluntly."

"This Senior Star Slasher is the oldest of these tens of thousands of sword stele owners."

"Except for the Sword Emperor, no sword repairer can be older than him."

Xiao Yi's face became even more ugly upon hearing this.

Of course he knew the owner of the sword stele here, who had lived for a very long time before his death.

Senior Yun Yuan two people once said that with their cultivation base, they can live for ten thousand years.

The master of the sword stele here is stronger than the two elders Yun Yuan, and the life span is naturally longer.

Moreover, this Forest of Ten Thousand Sword Steles has not been around for many years.

I'm afraid it already existed in ancient times.

"Gu." Xiao Yi couldn't help swallowing.

"Scared?" Jian Ling's voice of Yin Test sounded again.

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "This sword emperor monument space will only exist for half a month."

"In half a month, how can we truly go through the long years and experiences of these seniors?"

"Stupid." Jian Ling smiled contemptuously.

"Look at the sword energy on both sides of you."

Xiao Yi glanced.

This path of sword qi, at the foot, on the left and right sides, and above, are all covered by the monstrous sword qi.

Sword Qi, faintly has amazing power.

Sword Spirit continued, "This path of sword energy is under the power of the sword emperor stele space."

"The enlightened person walking in it can change the passage of time."

"Especially in the process of your enlightenment, if your enlightenment speed is faster, then the passage of time will be slower."

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath.

"The power of the sword emperor stele can control time and space?"

"Why can't it?" Sword Spirit said proudly, "Sword Emperor is the Sword Emperor."

"Although he hasn't become a **** of war, he doesn't have the strength of a **** of war that surpasses the world."

"But manipulating the yin and yang of the world and breaking the shackles of the world is easy."

"It's nothing to control the passage of time at this point."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi suddenly found that the voice of the sword spirit was a little inexplicable.

No, to be precise, it was Jian Ling's reaction, which was a bit strange.

Sword Spirit, also found Xiao Yi's lightness at this time, and instantly reduced his tone.

After a long while, Jian Ling continued, "You seem to have only passed half a month on this sword-qi road; but in the process of comprehension, it may have passed ten thousand years."

"I found that you know a lot." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

Jian Ling's tone was stagnant for a while, and he smiled, "The old man has lived for a long time."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Don't bother you, the old monster to remind you."

Xiao Yi glanced at the other side, Ding Qiuyue was closing her eyes and walking slowly along her path of sword energy.

"A little girl dared to leave, Xiao Yi, am I scared?"

After that, Xiao Yi closed his eyes again and began to comprehend.

In the ear, the sword spirit whispered, "Stick to the sword and don't forget the original intention."

Leng Yanjian has been taken back into the Universe Ring by Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's road to enlightenment begins again.

Gradually, Xiao Yi began to understand the meaning of this path of sword energy.

Rather than talking about the road of sword qi, it is better to say the road of kendo that Senior Star Slasher has taken.

Every time Xiao Yi feels more, his steps will automatically move forward.

I don't know how long it took.

Xiao Yi gradually realized the level of the cultivation level of Senior Slashing Star Tianyuan Realm.

During this period, Xiao Yi experienced all the battles and unforgettable things that Senior Star Slash experienced.

Including the exercises, martial skills, and the training process that the senior slashing stars obtained at this stage.

Time gradually passed.

Xiao Yi came to the level of Senior Zhanxing's extreme realm cultivation.

The real soaring into the sky starts here.

A bit of sentiment in Star Slashing Sword Art was also realized by Senior Star Slashing at this time.

In the state of enlightenment, Xiao Yi's identity is the "star-cutting senior", so he also comprehended this kendo.


time flies.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Xiao Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath, turned his head, and glanced behind him.

I have already walked a long distance on this sword-qi road.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and felt it, "only one day has passed."

Yes, he only walked a day on this road of sword spirit.

But in the state of enlightenment, it has been 30 years.

In the state of enlightenment,'Senior Star Slasher' is 30 years old, and at this age, he has entered the level of a peerless powerhouse.

"Next, is the experience of the peerless powerhouse level."

In fact, although it was going through the experience of Senior Slashing Star, it was not the experience of everything in his life.

What I really experienced was all the battle scenes, the scenes of enlightenment, and some unforgettable things.

As for other ordinary life and things, there is no need to experience it.

Therefore, in the life experience of Senior Zhanxing, the years that Xiao Yi has traveled have shrunk more than half.

Of course, even if it shrank by more than half, it would have been an extremely long time.

Time flies again.

Xiao Yi has passed a thousand years in the state of enlightenment.

During this period, the battles, feelings, and other pictures have already passed tens of thousands.

Senior Star Slasher in this period, with a monstrous cultivation base, has long surpassed the peerless powerhouse.

But Xiao Yi didn't know what the realm would be afterwards.

All I know is that the battle scenes and perception scenes appearing today have become very strange.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes to comprehend.

Around it, there is a vast battlefield.

The battlefield was filled with an astonishing smell of blood at this time.

Around, there are corpses everywhere, I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of them.

There are humans, there are...monsters...

"Monster?" Xiao Yi frowned.

These monsters, he can recognize very few.

But its breath made his heart palpitations.

There was a burst of blood in my heart.

"Fight a great battle."


Tenth more. (Make up)

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