Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1498: How are you welcome?


This shocking sword, just cut it off.

The flame tore a large space in front of him.

The ferocious monster beast has not even been able to react, it has turned into ashes under the flame.

Of course, the sword energy did not stop, but rushed forward for thousands of miles.

After the sword gas passed, the cyan flames followed.

Wherever he went, the space was torn apart and turned into powder.

The original ‘narrow’ picture suddenly stretched thousands of miles away under the attack of sword energy and flames.

Xiao Yi stared for thousands of miles, looking all the way, it was actually black, full of black sea monsters.

The army of monsters spans thousands of miles, and the number is more than one million.

This magnificent scene definitely far surpassed his battle on the shore of the East China Sea.

"Is this the fierceness of the ancient war?" Xiao Yi looked shocked.

What he saw now was only a corner of the battlefield.

But under this sword, it kills the Thousand Miles Monster Beast in seconds.

This sword, Wanhuaxinghuo.

It seems a simple sword.

In fact, it is the perfect fusion of Star Slashing Sword, Wanhua Sword, and Star Fantasy Fire Martial Arts.

Between the three, the fusion of Kendo is more than thousands.

At this time, the sword energy dissipated in the distance.

The flame, after burning thousands of miles of space into nothingness, also gradually disappeared.

But this battle has not stopped.

The picture continues.

Xiao Yi, holding Star Slash, kept fighting and fighting.


I don't know how long it has been.

On the path of sword energy, Xiao Yi's body trembled, his eyes opened, and his clarity was restored.

Looking at his feet, he had almost reached the end of the first floor.

The end of the first space is right in front of me.

Glanced around.

Within a large space, there are sharp sword-qi roads running from all directions to the end.

One by one sword repairs, along the path of their sword qi, followed each step, coming towards the end.

Xiao Yi glanced at both sides, the Jian Qi Road on the right was empty.

On the road of Jian Qi on the left, Ding Qiuyue was closing her eyes and walking slowly.

Depending on the situation, you can reach the end with a kilometer or so.

"It's not bad." Xiao Yi nodded, showing appreciation.

Ding Qiuyue's talent for kendo, that pure heart of kendo, has always been the reason why Xiao Yi looked at her differently.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and looked forward.

The end of the first layer is right in front of me.

There is only a few meters away from this sword-qi road.

In other words, in the enlightenment that follows, he may only have the last picture left.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes again.


On the first floor of the sword emperor stele space, a group of sword repairs will only exist here for half a month.

After half a month, no matter whether it can lead to the second floor, no matter what gains or failures, all will be bombarded out of the sword emperor stele space.

At this time, half of the time in the first floor had passed, and it was the eighth day.

And the end here.

A sword repairman suddenly appeared.

Ding Qiuyue, Feng Ji, Yue Tian, ​​Snow Mountain Sword Emperor, Qu Changtian, sword repairs of various forces and so on.

Hundreds of sword repairmen who came into the space of the sword emperor stele had gathered here at this moment.

This over a hundred sword repairs, obviously has passed the enlightenment.

In fact, these swordsmen are all extraordinary and talented.

It is not too difficult for them to simply enlighten.

"Why Big Brother hasn't woke up yet."

At this time, Ding Qiuyue had already walked the path of sword energy on the road of sword energy beside Xiao Yi, and looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, who was still closed in the path of sword energy.

"It's been two days and nights." Ding Qiuyue pouted, and simply squatted outside Xiao Yi's path of sword energy.

"Two days and two nights?" At this moment, Yue Tian frowned and looked at Ding Qiuyue.

Bang... bang... bang...

The roads of sword energy suddenly disappeared.

The Jian Xiu who gathered outside the end of the first floor, the path of Jian Qi behind him all disappeared.

This means that their road to enlightenment has passed.

Only Xiao Yi, only a few meters away from the end, the road of sword energy still exists, but it seems a bit abrupt.

At this time, Ding Qiuyue nodded and said, "Big Brother is the first person to reach the end."

"Two days ago, I was still a kilometer away, and my big brother was here."

"But it's been two days, and I have passed the assessment, but my eldest brother is still stuck in comprehension."

Yue Tian frowned.

On the side, Feng Ji sneered, "Still stuck in comprehension for two days? Haha, doesn't that mean you are stuck?"

"He can't wake up, just wait for half a month to be bombed out."

"You nonsense." Ding Qiuyue glared at Feng Ji.

"Don't worry." Yue Tian chuckled to Ding Qiuyue, and then looked at Xiao Yi, whose eyes were full of confidence.

Around, everyone Jian Xiu looked at Xiao Yi with weird expressions.

"This kid, he was all the limelight before."

"The first one to comprehend the sword stele woke up, but in the space of the sword emperor stele, it seemed that the stamina was insufficient."

"This is the so-called talent." Several Tianque Xuegong disciples, Wuchi Xuegong Jianchi disciples shook their heads.

"The real talent should be tenacious going all the way."

"Instead of being overwhelmed at first, it ended up with a failure in comprehension."

"Hahahaha." The two school disciples laughed triumphantly.

"Masters are famous, and those who do not know where they come from, rise for a while, the limelight is a little louder and you don't know the so-called choppy, naturally there is a difference."

The so-called famous teachers naturally refer to their Kendo disciples from the Five University Palaces.

Some veteran sword repairers around also shook their heads.

"This way of assessment, the test is the talent of the martial artist."

"If this kid can't make it, it proves that his talent is indeed limited."

"I can understand why the Tianzang Academy and the Heiyun School Church expelled him in turn."

The Snow Mountain Sword Emperor snorted directly, "With limited aptitude, he is arrogant and defiant. He acted so recklessly and caused trouble everywhere."

"You don't want to see you guys like this, let alone put him under the sect."

All around, there was a sneer.

"Little girl, don't get too close to this kind of thief." Feng Ji sneered.

"It's not a minor consequence to accidentally provoke this little thief's arrogance, disturb his Jianxin, and even make his Jianxin dust."

"You are talking nonsense." Ding Qiuyue glared at each other, "Big Brother is not a thief."

A few disciples of the Five Foolish Academy said coldly, "They are low-qualified, but they are defiant, and even slander the elders of the Academy. What is it that is not a thief?"

"You are the slander." Ding Qiuyue said seriously, "Big Brother's qualifications are a hundred times better than you, no, a thousand times."

"What are you talking about?" The faces of the academy disciples were cold, "Compare us with this little thief? Your little girl's mouth is so dirty."

"It seems that you don't have to teach you a lesson, and you are like this little thief."

Several disciples of the Academy are about to draw their swords.

"This is the so-called gathering of things by kind, and people by group." Feng Ji sneered.

"Don't think that you Ding Qiuyue is a member of the Qi Sect, so you can talk nonsense like this indiscriminately."

"I am waiting for the major forces, and I am not afraid of your sect."

"No matter how bad your mouth is, don't blame me for waiting."

"How are you being welcome?" At this moment, a cold word suddenly sounded.

The abrupt path of sword energy suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Yi, who had closed his eyes, immediately opened his eyes.


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