Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1500: Ten Thousand Swords

"The barrier at the end of the first layer was broken."

Surrounded by Jian Xiu, his face was full of incredible color.

Xiao Yi's figure slowly passed through the barrier, and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

A group of sword repairers, although their faces were envious, they could only stay away.

They couldn't get out of that step.

One second later.

Xiao Yi has disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The barrier at the end of the first layer also returned to normal.

"Damn it, how did this guy do it." Feng Ji's fist cracked.

"How is it possible." Even a group of veteran sword repairmen showed incredible expressions.

However, the kendo disciples of the Academy still showed arrogance.

"Hmph, even if you let him enter the second space."

"Let’s not say whether he can get the chance in the second space. Even if he does, the waste is still waste."

"Not bad." Several disciples of Wu Chi Xue Gong Jian Chi sneered.

"Senior Brother Linghuwang and other chiefs of the academy are still being trained by the great experts in the Tianzang Academy."

"If they were there, when would it be this little thief's turn to show off his might."

"Brother Linghu Wang, why come here." The Xuegong disciple said proudly.

"The benefits of the sword emperor stele are extraordinary."

"But in the final analysis, how can it compare with the background of the Five University Palace."

"Various training resources and treasures are at your fingertips."

"So let this little thief be arrogant for the time being, and in the future, he must know what is inferiority."

The disciples and elders of the academy seem to be naturally arrogant.

When other sword repairmen heard the words, although they frowned, they did not refute anything.

After all, the background of the Five University Palaces is indeed terrifying.

Even if the sword emperor stele has really benefited from it, I am afraid it can't compare with the efforts of the Five University Palace.


Sword Emperor Monument, in the second space.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed before entering.

The barrier at the end of the first layer, breaking the requirements, is actually not difficult.

After the martial artist has gone through the life experience of the master of the sword monument, it means that the road of sword energy has been completed.

But, there is a sword at the end.

It is the strongest sword that belongs to the owner of the sword monument in his life, and it is also the ‘sword of death’.

Whether this sword can be hacked and understood depends on the ability of the enlightened person.

This sword is a sword that splits the barrier.

In Xiao Yi's picture, the sword that smashed the stars was the death sword of the predecessor.

After that sword, Senior Star Slash fell.

Xiao Yi did not know the specific reason.

Those pictures are intermittent pictures after all, not a real life.

Counting it up like this, the years that Senior Zhanxing has lived would only be around ten thousand years.

Counting the previous battles, growth, and the last three thousand years of enlightenment, that adds up to about ten thousand years.

In such a calculation, Senior Star Slasher did not die at the end of his life.

"Retreat for three thousand years, just for the strongest sword to annihilate the stars."

"After that, it fell sadly."

Xiao Yi frowned, "What did Senior Star Slasher go through in his last life?"

This is something Xiao Yi doesn't know.

Speaking of the benefits other than the improvement of kendo before, that is the ‘Jianxin’ has become extremely strong.

Ten thousand years of precipitation and training, Xiao Yi's cultivation base, did not improve by half, because those were all illusory pictures.

But his kendo level has been greatly improved in it.

His "Sword Heart" also became extremely strong under that long precipitation.

That last sword seemed to smash the stars; in fact, it also smashed all the negative effects of Xiao Yi's comprehension in this long picture.

With the chopping of the last sword.

After walking through the life experience of Senior Zhanxing, not only did he have no influence on his thoughts and memory, but also the "Sword Heart" was also a hundred times stronger at that moment.

This is the real great benefit.

Such a strong sword heart, Xiao Yi would never have imagined before.

He even made sure that even if he surpassed the level of peerless power in the future, or even a stronger level, he would not have a half-distracted demon.

Even if he is practicing ‘qi and blood together’ now, no matter how much qi and blood the blood bead absorbs, he can’t even think of affecting his mind.

Xiao Yi smiled.

The sword field event really didn't come in vain.

锵... 锵... 锵...

At this time, countless swords sounded in the second space.

Xiao Yi looked around.

The entire second-layer space is also endless, and the size should be similar to the first-layer space.

However, in the second space, there is no half of the sword monument.

Some are just a sharp sword scattered everywhere.

Of these sharp swords, Xiao Yi recognized that one of them was Zhanxing.

If the guess is correct, these swords are exactly the swords of a sword stele master before his life.

Tens of thousands of magic weapons stood in a disorderly manner.

In fact, Xiao Yi could see at a glance that the sword was standing, forming a sword formation by itself.

At this time, dozens of sword blades rose in the air.

In the distance, two figures tried to pass through the sword.

The two figures are Lin Zifeng and Zhuo Wanzong.

In the distance, Lin Zifeng obviously noticed Xiao Yi who had suddenly appeared.

"Senior Brother Xiao Yi." Lin Zifeng gave up the battle with the blade in an instant, his figure flashed, and he immediately came to Xiao Yi's side.

"Junior Brother Zifeng." Xiao Yi smiled.

In the distance, Zhuan Wanzong, who had fought fiercely with dozens of swords and blades, was able to resist alone without Lin Zifeng's help, obviously unable to resist.

Can only flash back to the original place in despair.

"Zifeng, what are you doing?" Zhuo Wanzong asked angrily.

"Huh? Xiao Yi little thief?" Wanzong frowned and looked at Xiao Yi, "You can come to the second floor?"

Lin Zifeng paid attention to the table ten thousand sects, but smiled and looked at Xiao Yi, "I knew a long time ago that with the skills of Brother Xiao Yi, the first level would definitely not stop you."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled.

Lin Zifeng has always had great confidence in Xiao Yi.

"What is the test of the second level?" Xiao Yi asked.

Lin Zifeng pointed to the sharp swords around him and said, "It is through this array of ten thousand swords."

"In fact, in the first layer of space, the sharp sword standing beside the sword monument is just a phantom."

"The true body of the sword has been on the second floor."

"In the second layer, it has its own restriction and sword formation; this magic weapon is an obstacle that prevents us from reaching the end of the second layer."

"These tens of thousands of magic weapons are not something to wait for." Xiao Yi frowned.

The Lin family, as the guardian of the sword emperor stele; and Lin Zifeng, one is Tianjiao with the blood of the sword emperor, and the other is the young master of the Lin family.

Naturally, he was very clear about the space inside the sword emperor stele.

And these tens of thousands of sharp swords, each one, has experienced countless blood baptisms and shocking battles.

This magic weapon has been accompanied by the master of the sword monument for a lifetime, and each one is extraordinary.

The sword formation formed by this, its power...

Lin Zifeng smiled bitterly and said, "This sword formation is too powerful, so I have been here for eight days with Zhuo Wanzong, and there is nothing we can do."

"At most, you can hold the sword formation, and you can only travel dozens of miles."

Compared with the huge second-layer space, these dozens of miles are just the beginning.


Third more.

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