Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1502: Xiao Yi, you cheated

Within the sword formation, Xiao Yi moved forward quickly.

For every mile you move forward, one more sword is attacked.

After being hundreds of miles away, hundreds of sharp swords swallowed like a dragon with sword energy.

The breath on the sharp sword, or violent and abnormal, or cold and cold, or ghostly fast...

This sharp sword, in itself, carries the kendo aura in front of the master of the sword monument.

Xiao Yi's forward speed gradually slowed down.

Moving forward became more difficult, but Xiao Yi became more happy.

Because at this moment, the qi spring in his body has already overflowed; the vitality has overflowed into the small world.

This means that he has reached the pinnacle of the Saint King Realm by relying solely on his original strength and cultivation base.

Moreover, now he has only traveled hundreds of miles and gained hundreds of yuan.

If it really comes to an end, his small world power will definitely overflow.

At that time, it was when he hit the Holy Emperor Realm.

Perhaps, there can be even greater gains.

Xiao Yi smiled, and shot out sword energy in his hand.

However, just at this moment, a figure came quickly behind him.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, and looked behind him, it was actually Zhuo Wanzong and Junior Brother Zifeng who were also rushing into the battle.

Xiao Yi ignored it and went forward on his own.

Behind him, a distance of two hundred miles.

Zhuo Wanzong's face was triumphant.

With the sword aura of the Qi Sect Master, his strength soared.

And Junior Brother Zifeng also had a sword aura on his body.

As the only son of Lin Xiao, he naturally has Lin Xiao's bodyguard and sword aura.

"Zuo Wanzong, I advise you not to have any other thoughts." Lin Zifeng warned.

"That can't help you." Zhuo Wanzong sneered.

"Lin Zifeng, I don't care about you, but I advise you to ignore my nosy."

When the voice fell, Table Wanzong moved forward quickly.

Within a few minutes, the two caught up with Xiao Yi's footsteps.

At this time, Xiao Yi had reached a distance of eight hundred miles.

At this time, eight hundred sharp swords have come from their own sword formations.

Xiao Yi was the first to break into the battle, and he was also the first to inspire this sword.

Therefore, almost half of these eight hundred sharp swords were attacking him.

Zhuo Wanzong and Junior Brother Zifeng rushed into the battle together, but they were only attacked by less than half of them.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at Wanzong at the table, but ignored it.


Half an hour later, Xiao Yi had already traveled a thousand miles away.

An hour later, Xiao Yi moved forward to a distance of nearly two thousand miles.

So far, he has received nearly two thousand Yuanli gifts.

The pure vitality of the small world in the body is constantly rising at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Zhuan Wanzong followed closely behind Xiao Yi.

Although the number of sharp swords he faced and dealt with was not much, less than half of Xiao Yi's.

But he was also a battle-breaker, and he passed the test.

Therefore, the Yuan Li he received is also nearly two thousand copies.

In the test of the sword formation, this is regarded as Xiao Yi and the three people breaking the formation together.

Naturally, the gift of vitality received by the three is the same.

Ahead, Xiao Yi's sword vigorously fought against a sharp sword.

At this time, he actually knew what Zhuo Wanzong was thinking.

Zhuo Wanzong took him in the lead and followed behind him. He didn't have to deal with too much pressure to get into the battle easily and benefited.

But it doesn't matter, he is going to fight the battle after all, and the gift of vitality he gets will not be less.

Furthermore, Junior Brother Zifeng was also behind him.

However, at this time, Zhuo Wanzong sneered triumphantly, "Little Thief Xiao Yi, what do you look at?"

"Obviously, give this son a head start."

Xiao Yi frowned upon hearing this.

Zhuo Wanzong looked at Xiao Yi's face in his eyes, and became more proud, "Frown? Hahahaha."

"I'm struggling to fight in the front, and this son can easily make a profit in the back. Are you unhappy?"

"However, you have no choice."

From the time Xiao Yi came to the stage to interrupt the competition, Zhuo Wanzong was already resenting Xiao Yi.

Not to mention that Xiao Yi was still defeating him on the martial arts stage, almost making him laugh generous.

This time, not only could he'use' Xiao Yi, but he could also make Xiao Yi helpless and could only be angry.

He naturally felt extremely proud, as if he had a breath of malice in his heart.

"Noisy." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, and the speed of his advance suddenly increased.

He didn't mind that Zhuo Wanzong would profit from behind him, but he was not interested in listening to these harsh words.


The sword qi in Xiao Yi's hand became more vigorous, and his forward speed became faster.

Wanzong's face changed slightly at the table behind him, "Little thief, I won't let you get away."

"You can't run away."

If he was following Xiao Yi, the sword formation would automatically determine that he and Xiao Yi were in the formation together.

But if the distance is too large, they will be judged to be fighting each other.

Within the sword formation, an equal amount of sword shadows would stop him.

The methods in the space of the sword emperor stele are mysterious.

This array of ten thousand swords is not waiting for an idle sword array.

Whoosh... Wanzong's fingertips on the table condensed, and a sword aura burst out.

Ahead, Xiao Yi's figure rushing forward suddenly stagnated.

Xiao Yi's reaction was extremely fast.

Kancan turned around and shot out several sword qi.

However, his sword aura was instantly dissipated by the blast of sword aura, and the sword aura hit his chest.

Stare... stare... stare...

Xiao Yi retreated ten steps.

Don't forget, there are 2,000 magic weapons around him attacking him.

Xiao Yi's complexion changed, thanks to his rich combat experience, one side of his body turned over, which was able to avoid the attack.

"Sect Master Qi's Jian Qi?" Xiao Yi frowned and looked at Table Wanzong behind him.

The sword energy that hit him just now has absolutely reached the level of a peerless powerhouse.

There is no doubt that that is the sword aura of Sect Master Qi.

However, after all, it was not the master of Qizong who played it himself, but the eighth layer of the Saint Emperor Realm who played Wanzong.

Otherwise, the sword energy just now could cause Xiao Yi to be seriously injured in an instant.

"Taiwan Wanzong, don't force me to kill." Xiao Yi's sword intent is overwhelming, blocking the surrounding magic weapons, cold eyes, and looking directly at Zhu Wanzong.

"Kill me? Just rely on you?" Zhuo Wanzong sneered.

"I'm telling you, obediently give this son a head start."

"Otherwise, I will give you no chance to break into the battle."

He now has the sword energy protection of the Qi Sect Sect Master, consciously not afraid of Xiao Yi.

Click... Click... Click...

Beside Zhuo Wanzong, Lin Zifeng already clenched his fists.

"Zuo Wanzong, I will warn you one last time, put your mind away."

Lin Zifeng's killing intent was awe-inspiring.

"Lin Zifeng, I will say it for the last time, don't worry about it." Zhuo Wanzong said coldly.

"This sword emperor monument is the sword emperor monument of our sword domain."

"He Xiao Yi is an outsider, and it is his great blessing to come here to benefit."

"It's just taking the lead for the two of me now. Is it worth your anger?"

After all, Zhuo Wanzong looked at Xiao Yi, "Remember, move forward obediently, and you can get a share of the benefits of this second-level space."

"Otherwise, my sword aura can make you go all the way and give up all your previous achievements."

"You are looking for death." Lin Zifeng was furious.

"Zifeng, don't talk to him much." Xiao Yi said in the distance.

"Senior Brother Xiao Yi." Lin Zifeng looked anxious.

Xiao Yi smiled, "I'm one step ahead. Have you forgotten what I have?"

"Huh?" Lin Zifeng frowned, and nodded with joy on his face for a long while.

Qiang... In Xiao Yi's hands, the Leng Yan sword appeared out of thin air.

Boom... It was almost the instant that Leng Yanjian appeared, and the magic weapon around him instantly diminished its power.

"Leng Yanjian, Wan Jian convinced?" Zhuo Wanzong's expression changed, "No, Xiao Yi, you are cheating."


Second more.

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