Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1512: If not?

In the third space.

Xiao Yi was immersed in the vast kendo.

Time, I don't know how long has passed.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi's blurred eyes suddenly opened, and his clarity was restored.

Not far away, the sword spirit sitting cross-legged took a look and asked jokingly, "But have you found the way to defeat me?"

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Dare to ask one thing, how long can I see it here?"

Sword Spirit stretched out his fingers and said, "When you entered the third level, it was the eighth day."

"You can only stay in the sword emperor stele for half a month, that is, you can stay here for 7 days."

"Seven days?" Xiao Yi frowned, "How long has it been now?"

Jian Ling replied, "Five days are more than six days."

"What?" Xiao Yi was surprised.

In other words, his time here is already less than two days.

"Jiejie, it seems that you have no chance to defeat me." Jian Ling smiled contemptuously.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the kendo glow around him.

In fact, he has been immersed in this knowledge of kendo, the feeling is wonderful and beyond words.

He could feel that his kendo had improved significantly.

It's just that if you want to break through your own kendo, you can't do it in this short time.

The sword emperor's lifelong knowledge of kendo is so vast that it can never be easily understood.

It is almost impossible to find a way to defeat the sword spirit.


Xiao Yi suddenly offered the Blizzard Sword.

"Oh? Do you want to fight again?" Jian Ling also stood up.

"Not bad." Xiao Yi nodded.

Sword Spirit shook his head when he heard the words, his face was full of disappointment.

"It's a pity, what a pity."

"If you can't find the way to defeat me, do you want to give up on yourself?"

"You fight with me, you just hope a miracle will happen."

"Unfortunately, it seems that the old man still has to wait for the 10th person to come, but, I don't know how many thousand years or ten thousand years later."

"Come on." Sword Spirit stood with his hands behind and looked straight at Xiao Yi.

"Let the old man tell you that in the face of absolute gaps, there is no fluke or miracle."

Xiao Yi's face was stunned, and he shot out instantly.

He is not defiant, but helpless.

Still the same sentence, how can the knowledge of kendo in the sword emperor stele and the kendo of the sword emperor's life be thoroughly understood in a short time.

Let alone find a way to defeat the sword spirit.

There are only less than two days left.

In any case, there is only one battle.


Xiao Yi shot out with a sword.

Jian Ling's face was full of disdain, "It's domineering kendo again, it's useless."

Boom... Sword Spirit once again condensed the sword with the power of swordsmanship.

Two swords clash.

Xiao Yi made a sword, and all thirty swords arrived.

As a result, it was the same as before, with no changes.

Xiao Yi was repeatedly blasted back, holding the sword in his hand, painful.

But the sword spirit is still extremely relaxed.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

Domineering kendo is his strongest kendo.

And one sword, thirty swords all together, is also his strongest method.

But this, nothing can help the sword spirit, at most it will cause the sword in the sword spirit's hand to show some signs of collapse.

The sword spirit is consistent with the sword he uses.

Using the same overbearing swordsmanship, Xiao Yi used the method of one sword and thirty swords.

The sword spirit only used domineering kendo.

Even so, Xiao Yi still lost to Jian Ling.

The kendo gap between the two can be imagined.

Another point is that the sword in the hands of the sword spirit is formed by the strength of kendo.

In other words, it is a sword of kendo.

With the different kendos used by Xiao Yi, the strength of the kendo that condenses the sword is also different.

This hand alone is not comparable to Xiao Yi.

The sword of kendo, in the hands of the sword spirit, displays the power of kendo to the fullest, perfect.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and stepped out again.

"Ming stubborn." Sword Spirit has flashed a hint of displea.


Xiao Yi made a sword, and all thirty swords arrived, but in the end, he was still blown away instantly.

This time, Sword Spirit did not stand still and waited for Xiao Yi, but took the initiative.

"Boy, originally I thought of you a bit high."

"But now, the old man is very disappointed."

Boom... Sword Spirit blasted with a sword.

Xiao Yi blocked it with a sword.

As you can imagine, Xiao Yi was blasted back ten steps directly and his arm hurt.

Sword Spirit sneered and came with his sword, "The domineering kendo that you are proud of, and the Promise of Dawn that you are proud of are nothing to do with the old man."

"The old man should have expected that you have no chance."

"It's a waste of much time for the old man."

Boom... It was another sword, and Xiao Yi was blown away dozens of steps.

The sword spirit came again with the sword.

"Although your domineering swordsmanship has become perfect, but your swordsmanship is not pure enough, not domineering enough, how can you be my opponent."

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, "Swordsman has cultivated a lot of kendos throughout his life."

"The so-called sword heart is even more solid as a rock after sharpening the kendo."

"Jianxin, how can he be pure domineering."

"That's because you are inadequate." Jian Ling sneered, and once again shot Xiao Yi flying.

After flying again and again, Xiao Yi only felt that his arm was about to be broken.

Of course he knew what Sword Spirit's words meant.

Domineering kendo, only under the same sword heart, can exert the greatest strength.

This is also the gap between him and Jian Ling in domineering kendo.

The so-called fit means that Jianxin is equally domineering.

But with the many swords he cultivated, how could Jianxin only have a domineering state of mind, but an incomparable state of mind?

"See clearly, kid." At this moment, Jian Ling had forced Xiao Yi to the end of the space.

Xiao Yi could not retreat.


The sword in the sword spirit's hand suddenly changed.

The sword of kendo that was full of domineering aura suddenly turned into a sword like a cloud.

The sword spirit slashed with a sword.

Ruyun's sword is actually extremely pure.

In the next second, the sword in Jian Ling's hand changed again.

The sword of kendo turned into a star-studded.

The sword of starlight, slashed by a sword, is equally pure.

"How is it possible." Xiao Yi's expression changed drastically, "Sword Heart is constantly changing under different kendos?"

Yes, Xiao Yi cannot read it wrong.

The sword in the sword spirit's hand is constantly changing, and the kendo is constantly changing.

But at the same time, his Jianxin is constantly changing.

"Nothing is impossible." Jian Ling sneered.

"Boy, do you remember how you deceived me?"

"The old man just wants to **** some energy and maintain spiritual consciousness, but you are obstructing everywhere."

"Remember how you threatened the old man? Threatened to wipe out the old man's spiritual consciousness?"

The sword spirit chopped down again and again.

Xiao Yi resisted again and again, holding the sword's hand, already dislocated, almost about to break.

He suddenly understood.

The sword spirit is the stele spirit of this sword emperor stele, even though the sword emperor stele exists.

It has existed for countless years.

All the kendo knowledge in this sword emperor stele is proficient in it.

Under such a vast kendo, plus the sword heart that has been honed through countless years, it has its current terrifying kendo strength.

Kendo can be used at will; Jianxin can be converted at will.

This is simply not an existence that human power can defeat.

Don't say that Xiao Yi is the ninth person, that is, the tenth person, the twentieth person, the 100 person, never think about it.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something.

Regardless of the arm pain, he gritted his teeth and looked directly at the sword spirit.

"Sword Spirit, I remember you said that no matter what kendo I use, you need to fight with me in the same kendo."

"Not bad." Jian Ling said coldly, "So far, has the old man ever used a kendo that contradicts you?"

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "If it was the sword that I used, wouldn't you?"

"No?" Jian Ling was taken aback for a moment, then, as if he heard a big joke, he laughed.

"Boy, I really don't know where you are."

"Do you know what kind of character the sword emperor is? Heaven and earth swordsmanship has been completely comprehended by him. Only then did he have a swordsman emperor."

"The vast kendo is in the hands of the sword emperor, do you think I will have no kendo?"

While talking, the sword in Jian Ling's hand was constantly changing.

Domineering Kendo, Ice Kendo, Star Fantasy Kendo, Wandering Cloud Kendo...

But for a moment, countless kinds of kendo are constantly changing in its hands.

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered suddenly, as a sword energy condensed from his hand.

As soon as the sword aura came out, the sword of the sword in the sword spirit's hand continued to sing, and the conversion stopped instantly.

Sword Ling looked at the sword aura, and his body trembled abruptly, "Great free swordsmanship..."

The sword spirit's constant bombardment had already stopped.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Sword Spirit, do it."

"You..." Jian Ling's delicate face suddenly gritted his teeth.

The sword of kendo in his hand suddenly disappeared.

"I can't condense this kind of kendo, I am defeated."

Sword Ling sighed heavily, as if sighed for thousands of years of depression.


Third more.

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