Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1517: Feng Ji's death

At the second space.

A figure continued to move forward with a look of surprise.

"What's the matter? This second level test is so simple?"

Feng Ji walked all the way.

"There are so many magic weapons, but it's a pity that I won't take any of them."

Feng Ji watched the sharp swords sticking into the ground around him.

But these sharp swords were still and motionless.

Not long after, Feng Ji came to the end.

"Tsk tut." Feng Ji smiled triumphantly.

"This second layer of space is so simple."

"Father told me that the real opportunity for the Sword Emperor Monument is in the third floor."

"As long as I enter the third level, I will definitely get this opportunity in this world."

Feng Ji, came before the barrier.

It's just that the barrier is only closed, and he can do whatever it takes.

"Damn, there will always be a way..." Feng Ji said like this.

Suddenly, within the barrier, a figure emerged out of thin air.

"Huh? Xiao Yi thief?" Feng Ji saw Cong Xiao Yi at a glance.

The figure is Xiao Yi.

"Are you coming out of the third level?" Feng Ji looked directly at Xiao Yi coldly.

"What is it with you?" Xiao Yi was too lazy to bother.

"Humph." Feng Ji snorted coldly, "Little thief, baby in the third layer, you took it."

In fact, although Feng Ji often shows disdain for Xiao Yi, even sarcasm.

But he has to admit that Xiao Yi's talent and strength are extremely strong.

After all, Xiao Yi's amazing deeds are there.

It's just that, regardless of Feng Ji or other Tianjiao, he always subconsciously believes that Xiao Yi has nowhere to go and his achievements are limited.

They always feel that they are in a big power, have countless training resources, and are taught by martial arts experts who are admired.

Their achievements will surpass Xiao Yi in the future, and they will step on Xiao Yi under their feet.

This is their confidence.

At this time, Xiao Yi glanced at Feng Ji, "The same sentence, what is it to you?"

"Oh, little thief, you don't have to pretend to be garlic." Feng Ji sneered.

"Don't say anything else, you are really powerful."

"Furthermore, you little thief has a lot of means, and it is commonplace to do whatever you want to achieve your goal."

"If you can't get the third-tier baby, would you come out so easily?"

When Xiao Yi heard the words, his eyes instantly cold.

A murderous intent came to my heart.

When Feng Ji saw this, he shuddered unconsciously, and made a secret voice in his heart.

However, Feng Ji still looked complacent, "Forget it, you will leave when you leave, don't disturb my son through the barrier."


Xiao Yi said nothing, but sneered.

Feng Ji's heart became even more uneasy, but he was still complacent, "Little thief, my son is too lazy to care about you today."

When the voice fell, Feng Ji turned around and left.

However, his footsteps have not yet begun to move, a surging weather has instantly locked him.

"Have I said to let you go?" Xiao Yi's face was cold.

"What do you want to do?" Feng Ji was startled, but his face was full of anger.

In fact, when he discovered that Xiao Yi's face was cold, he had instantly noticed something was wrong.

He was not a fool, and he naturally reacted instantly.

He subconsciously ridiculed Xiao Yi, even piercing Xiao Yi's acquisition of the third-tier baby.

So, would Xiao Yi let him go safely?

At that moment, he had already retired.

Can only hope that what he is worried about will not happen.

But now it seems that what he worries most is about to happen.

"What do I want to do?" Xiao Yi smiled coldly.

"Feng Ji, you are a smart person, you should know."

"Thank you for reminding me, otherwise I almost forgot."

How important is the origin of the sword emperor.

He came out of the third space and was seen by Feng Ji.

Regardless of whether he took the things in the third floor, Feng Ji only had to insist that he took it, and Xiao Yi would be in great trouble.

What's more, the origin of the Sword Emperor was indeed taken away by him.

"Xiao...Xiao Yi..." Feng Ji shivered, "I just said casually, why are you so stingy."

Feng Ji didn't even say the word "little thief" anymore, just called it "Xiao Yi".

Feng Ji smiled, "I want to know that the sword emperor monument has existed for countless years, and countless earth-shattering and thorough sword repairs have come here to challenge."

"But in the end they all came back to no avail."

"You are a young sword repairman, how can you get the treasure in it."

"It's not that I, Feng Ji, underestimated you, but just told the truth."

Feng Ji said this, trying to shake to lock, and then left.

But obviously, Xiao Yi did not relax his momentum.

"I'll tell you the truth." Xiao Yi sneered. "The things in the third floor were indeed taken by me."

"This..." Feng Ji Ziruo's face changed drastically in an instant.

He knew that Xiao Yi didn't intend to let him leave when he said this.

He knew his strength, not as good as Xiao Yi.

He usually dared to ridicule Xiao Yi, or even disdain it; it was because there was Jianguang Mansion behind him, and Xiao Yi would not dare to attack him unless it was necessary.

But if necessary, if Xiao Yi shot him, he was definitely not an opponent.

"Xiao Yi, don't mess around." Feng Ji said in surprise.

"I assure you, I will never tell anyone about you coming out of the third level."

Feng Ji deliberately avoided the baby in the third level, but only talked about Xiao Yi coming out of the third level.

"Trust your words?" Xiao Yi sneered.

"Of course." Feng Ji nodded repeatedly, "I can swear."

"My dignified Young Master of Jianguang Mansion, can I still say something to deceive?"

"Haha." Xiao Yi smiled contemptuously, "you are a villain, you can't be trusted."

Xiao Yi's figure suddenly moved.

Feng Ji was shocked, "Xiao Yi, don't mess around."

"I warn you, the elders of my Jianguang Mansion and the Supreme Elder are all outside."

"If I lose half a point, you won't be pleased."

"If you really have a death feud with my Jianguang Mansion, even Yun Yuanjian can't keep you."

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly and shot instantly.

As he said earlier, Feng Ji is a villain.

Regardless of whether he admits that he won the third-tier inner treasure, Feng Ji will be in great trouble as long as he insists.

As for enmity with Jianguang Mansion...

Not to mention that he and Jianguang Mansion had long been enemies and not friends, and the fact that the Sword Emperor's origin was spread out on him, I am afraid that Xiao Yi would instantly become the target of the sword repairmen in the world.

Therefore, Feng Ji must die today.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi shot instantly, a sword aura burst out.

Feng Ji seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and a burst of turbulent weather broke out on his body, instantly breaking Xiao Yi's lock-on aura.

At the same time, Feng Ji's hand exploded with sword energy.

Sword Qi, reaching the level of a peerless powerhouse; obviously, this is the sword aura of Palace Master Jianguang Palace.

Xiao Yi was about to sacrifice the Leng Yan Sword, only to find that the Leng Yan Sword was long gone.

One was caught off guard, but was knocked back dozens of steps by this sword energy.

Whoosh... Feng Ji turned into a streamer and left quickly.

That kind of speed, far surpasses the speed that a Saint Emperor Realm should have, and I'm afraid it's not far from the martial arts power.

"Flying mid-grade sacrificial artifact?" Xiao Yi frowned, then sneered.

Boom...The momentum on the body broke out instantly.

Ninety-four thousand stars descended instantly.

A ray of sword power instantly added to his body.

With such a strength, even if a peerless power comes, he has the power to fight.

Feng Ji wanted to escape, but it was just a joke.


Second more.

Something happens temporarily tonight, the third one will be updated before 2:30, sorry.

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