Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1532: One Heaven Sword

The two elders Yun Yuan looked at Xiao Yi with weird expressions.

"Ah what?"

"Neither I nor ignore, what are you?"

"The road to slaughter is a sign of the long road to swordsmanship, and it's generally that the peerless strong are not so encountered."

"If you encounter it, you will be in retreat for many years before you have a chance to break through."

"You broke through in an instant now, what else?"

Xiao Yi curled his lips, "In front of your second elder, you have to be surprised."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll hit your second old man too much."

"You..." Elder Yun Yuan's face went dark.

Butler Taboo smiled and said, "Smelly boy, if you get a bargain, you can still be good."

"However, there is still something to remind you."

"You, the bottleneck of killing, stepped over in an instant, there are only two possibilities."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi looked at Deacon Taboo suspiciously, waiting for the answer.

Deacon Taboo said, "One, or you really have terrible talents, any bottleneck in martial arts is a joke in front of you."

"If so, that's a good thing."

"I also hope that you can sing all the way on the road of martial arts and move forward bravely."

Xiao Yi nodded, but his expression also began to be solemn.

Since Deacon Taboo talked about ‘remind’, then there must be something that needs attention.

This thing that needs attention is definitely the second possibility.


The deacon taboo said in a deep voice, "The second possibility is that there may be some change in your body; in other words, something has broken the routine, and even broke the boundaries of the rules of heaven and earth."

"I don't know whether this change in you, or whether things are good or bad."

"Of course, the existence that can break through your road of killing instantly, Yun Yuan and I want to come and go to investigate for you."

"So, I advise you to be careful in everything."

Xiao Yi's face condensed.

Break the rules of heaven and earth?

This sentence, Jian Ling also said to him.

But there is something in him that can break or even ignore the rules of the world, the only thing is the Bingluan Sword.

Deacon Taboo continued, "There are not many things that can break the rules of the world, but not many."

"But no matter what it is, if it can break the rules of the world, it means that it is against the sky."

"Going against the sky, there will never be any good results."

"So, your kendo road seems to be very smooth now, but I feel very worried about the road afterwards."

"Forget it, ignore it." Elder Yun Yuan suddenly smiled.

"You and I have said that this kid is the best at creating miracles, and he will never disappoint."

"Since it's something we can't worry about, it just depends on this kid's own destiny."

Deacon Taboo nodded, "It can only be so."

"The two seniors don't worry." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Yeah." Deacon Yu nodded, "Well, you can stabilize your breath, and then leave the Forest of Ten Thousand Sword Tablets together."

"Steady breath?" Xiao Yi was stunned, and suddenly found that the aura in his body was abnormally thick and disordered.

"Your blood beads." Deacon Taboo reminded.

Xiao Yi reacted instantly and quickly sat down cross-legged.

Yes, his blood beads.

In the slaughter just now, the blood beads have automatically absorbed all the energy and blood power of these thousands of sword repairs.

At this moment, looking inside, the blood beads in his body are far more round and amazing than before.

Thousands of sword repairs here, all of them are strong.

Among them, there is no lack of peerless levels, as well as the best of the two peerless powers, Sect Master Qizong and Ouyang Lie.

A bunch of martial arts power levels.

There are more than a thousand at the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm.

These powerful men, how strong should the qi and blood power in their bodies be?

The Qi Xiu strength of thousands of sword repairs was all absorbed by the blood bead, one can imagine how powerful this blood bead is now.

If he talked about the blood bead before, he could easily control it after he passed the test of "Enlightenment for Life".

But now this one is a hundred times stronger than before.

Once it broke out, I was afraid that his current strong sword heart would instantly collapse.

"Hey." Xiao Yi couldn't help sighing again.

This blood bead in the body has once again returned to what it used to be.

But there is no doubt that if it is used, the power given to oneself will be quite terrible.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and stabilized his breath.

At the same time, he suddenly remembered that he had suddenly touched the bottleneck of the killing road, and he should have been inseparable from the Blood Brake Demon Scripture.

The Blood Brake Demon Sutra was passed down by the sword spirit.

The sword spirit, as the stele spirit of the sword emperor stele, controls all the martial arts knowledge of the sword emperor before his death.

Although the sword emperor is an emperor of kendo, he will certainly practice other martial arts, but he is not a major.

In the long life of the Sword Emperor, it is not surprising that a strong person at this level has collected or obtained some unworldly techniques.

The Blood Brake Magic Scripture must be one of them.

Xiao Yi had some scruples when he first obtained the Blood Brake Magic Scripture.

But now that the sword spirit is the sword emperor stele stele spirit, these scruples can be dispelled.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath again.

After running the Blood Brake Demon Sutra, he quickly suppressed the disordered breath of the blood beads in his body.

"Alright." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, then got up.

At this time, the two elders Yun Yuan, who had been beside him, were no longer beside him.

Xiao Yi glanced.

The two stood in front of a corpse, looking at them with complex expressions.

The corpse was the Heavenly Sword Elder killed when Xiao Yi fell into madness.

At this time, the two also noticed Xiao Yi who woke up.

"Senior Yunyuan and Senior Taboo are friends with the elder Tianjian?" Xiao Yi couldn't help asking.

The two shook their heads.

"Friends are not counted, but after all, there is half friendship."

The three of them are among the top three sword repairers, and they will naturally have friendship.

Elder Yun Yuan shook his head, "Tianjian, this kid is actually very powerful."

"When he was young, he was the strongest kendo Tianjiao of the Tianzang Academy."

"The young Tianjiao is unbelievable and conceited. He was placed high hopes by many kendo seniors in the Academy."

"In the end, even the Heavenly Sword inheritance was given to him."

Elder Yun Yuan's tone became more complicated.

"Under normal circumstances, he should grow faster than I and Ignore."

"His strength should also be stronger."

"Heaven Sword Inheritance?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

Elder Yun Yuan nodded, "A heavenly sword is one of the strongest swordsmanship."

"In the strongest kendo, ranking 8th is the top of the top."

"My Yunxuan swordsmanship and the ignorant Blood Fiend swordsmanship are not as good as him."

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Elder Yun Yuan shook his head.

"It's really a pity." Taboo ignored him and shook his head, his face was not complicated, but very cold.

"Sora has a talent and inheritance, but he is narrow-minded. After all, he trapped his kendo."

The two sighed at the same time.

Xiao Yi also shook his head.

There is no doubt that the elder of the Heavenly Sword used to be a stunning talent.

Unfortunately, it is also a villain.

"Fine, let's go." Deacon Taboo shook his head, stopped speaking, and returned to his usual indifference.


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