Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1558: Three Wind Beast

The entire evil repair branch is indeed very large, at least more than tens of miles in radius.

The surroundings became empty at this moment.

But only one hundred meters ahead, the cornerstone of an ‘altar’-like formation was undamaged.

Surrounding Xiao Yi, the flames were blazing, and no one dared to approach him.

The middle-aged man's face changed slightly, "Zi Yan Yi Xiao, it's really not a general generation."

"However, you are not yet qualified to come to my branch to run wild."

"The three winds are in a big gust, get up."

The middle-aged man yelled.

Boom...A burst of power emerged.

A huge formation instantly surrounded Xiao Yi.

And the old man, from beginning to end, there was no half-point movement and face fluctuation.

The middle-aged man glanced at the old man and said, "Elder Zhang, don't worry, you don't need to take care of these little things."

"Yeah." The old man nodded indifferently, his figure flashed, and he retreated to the altar formation a hundred meters away.

There was a stone seat, and the old man sat down slowly.

The middle-aged man, the same figure flashed, retreated to the side of the old man.

The entire large formation instantly expanded to a range of 100 meters.

Xiao Yi frowned. He clearly felt that there was an unusually violent wind attribute around him.

At this time, the middle-aged man whispered a few words to the old man, and then his figure flashed into the big formation.

The middle-aged figure is only a few steps away from Xiao Yi.

But middle-aged people are not afraid.

Xiao Yi frowned.

His ability to kill the evil elder in Baixin City proved that he was also capable of killing the middle-aged man in front of him.

But this middle-aged man is not afraid at all?

The evil elder in Bai Xincheng, like him, is a martial arts power of 9,600 Dao.

The middle-aged man sneered at this moment, "Boy, do you know why this place is called Sanfeng Area?"

Xiao Yi said nothing.

The middle-aged Jie Jie sneered, "Cold wind, up."

As the middle-aged man's voice fell.

Within the large array, the cold wind screamed.

The cold wind, the ordinary cold wind outside, is actually extremely cold.

For almost a few seconds, frost formed on Xiao Yi's arm.

"It's so cold." Xiao Yi was secretly surprised.

The degree of iciness of these cold winds, I am afraid that within a few seconds, a holy emperor realm peak monster beast can be blown into ice.

Frost gradually formed between Xiao Yi's eyebrows.

"Boy, just turn into ice chips in the cold wind." The middle-aged man smiled triumphantly.

However, his smile instantly condensed after a second.

A flame of flames scattered on Xiao Yi, instantly turning into frost.

Under the flames, there was a cold wind around him, and he couldn't get close at all.

In the entire array, the cold wind roared, as if it were a cold wind hell, but in the middle, Xiao Yi's flame-emitting figure was intact.

"I see how long you can be proud of." The middle-aged man scolded.

"Yin wind, get up."

Suddenly, within the large array, in the howling cold wind, strands of black yin wind mixed up.

The cold wind and the yin wind blow at the same time.

The icy cold of the cold wind, the weird and unprovoked wind of the yin wind, cooperate perfectly.

This big formation is obviously not an ordinary formation.

The two powerful wind attributes gradually crushed the flames around Xiao Yi to disperse.

Especially those black winds are eating away at the flames.

The middle-aged man sneered, "Boy, wasn't it crazy just now?"

"These are only two wind attributes, you can't resist it?"

"Under the cold and cloudy winds, even the martial arts power can't last for a while."

With the power of the two wind attributes, coupled with the power of the middle-aged, the blowing power has reached a level above 9,700 martial arts.

Xiao Yi began to be unstoppable just by himself and ordinary flames.

"Purple Flame Domain, start." Xiao Yi shouted in a low heart.

Boom...The purple inflammation spread out.

Purple flames in the sky blew away the cold and cloudy wind around him instantly.

The method of evil cultivation is really weird, but under the amethyst spirit flame, it is just a joke.

"Damn it." The middle-aged man glanced behind him and noticed the displeasure flashing in the old man's eyes.

"The wind, up."

Accompanied by the middle-aged man's voice, the entire three winds suddenly increased in strength.

The three inexplicable wind powers, cold wind, yin wind, and violent wind, suddenly went away.

The howling cold wind and the weird yin wind suddenly became violent and monstrous.


Xiao Yi's footsteps were forced to take a step back in the howling wind.

Under the three winds, the blowing force has reached 9,800 martial arts power levels.

"This is interesting." Xiao Yi sneered.

"Earth vein gold fire, melt."

Within the purple flame domain, a golden flame flashed by.

The complete martial arts power belonging to the ground veins of Jinhuo instantly merges into the martial arts.

At this moment, the power of the domain increased tenfold.

Xiao Yi blasted out with a punch, and a burst of purple inflammation surged out.

Within Zi Yan, there was a breath of extreme fierceness suddenly, that was the fierce power of earth veins and golden fire.

The amethyst spirit flame burned everything, coupled with the fierceness of the ground veins and golden fire, this punch was enough to break the formation.



The explosion of flames instantly dissipated the three wind attributes.

After that, the flame fist lost its power, and went straight to the middle-aged man.

"Not good." The middle-aged man's face changed drastically.

Boom...a loud sound.

The middle-aged man spit out blood and was directly blasted out of the large array.

If it hadn't been for Dazhen to help him withstand most of the power of the flame, I'm afraid he would be dead now.

"Damn it, so strong." The middle-aged man's face changed drastically.

Behind him, the old man coughed, obviously very impatient.

"The elder calms down his anger." The middle-aged man gritted his teeth.

The middle-aged man put his hands together and suddenly joined.

Within the big formation, the three wind attributes suddenly merged.

A huge black beast gradually took shape.

The behemoth is a hundred feet tall.

On the dark skin, there is no half-scaly, but it looks extremely smooth.

The hideous face is like a fierce beast crawling out of hell.

That huge body, as well as an amazing breath, all declared that this giant beast is absolutely extraordinary.

The expression under Xiao Yi's mask also suddenly became serious.

The strength of this behemoth, which is fused under the power of the three wind attributes, absolutely reaches the level of 9,900.

In other words, this giant beast is already extremely close to the strength of a peerless powerhouse.

"What kind of monster is this." Xiao Yi frowned.

In his impression, there is no information on such monsters.

At this time, it was not his turn to think.

The middle-aged man yelled violently, "The evil three wind beasts, tore me that kid."

Roar... The giant beast roared and punched out.

"Evil Dao Three Wind Beast?" Xiao Yi frowned, didn't think much, but threw a punch.

The fist of the giant beast, and the fist surrounded by Xiao Yi's flame, bombarded heavily.

At this moment of collision, Xiao Yi clearly felt that the power of the giant beast was extremely powerful, and it was equally violent and amazing.

And although his fist was equally astonishing under the blessing of the Golden Fire of the Earth Vein, but when it hit the smooth skin of the giant beast, most of its power was removed.


The giant beast remained motionless, but Xiao Yi was shaken back dozens of steps.

Xiao Yi's punch just now was full of explosive power under the blessing of the flame; coupled with the fierce nature of the earth veins and golden fire, a punch was enough to blast a 9800 martial arts power into serious injuries.

But it wasn't enough to look at this evil three wind beast with a strength of 9990 levels.

"Ten realms kill, light up fire, melt." Xiao Yi yelled.

A strange cyan flame flashed across the purple flame domain.

Xiao Yi punched again, and there seemed to be no change in this punch.

The same frenzy as before, the same speed, and the same momentum.

But, when his fist hit the evil three wind beast...


The evil three wind beasts only made a light'hiss' sound.

In the next second, the entire giant beast turned into nothingness.

The three winds burst into disarray instantly.

The purple inflammation domain shrouded all around again.

Hiss... Hiss... Hiss...

All around, there was a neigh.

The evil cultivators who originally surrounded the big formation suddenly fell to the ground.

Above the corpse, there was no vitality, turned into shriveled corpses.

"How is it possible." The middle-aged man's face changed drastically.

The old man trembled and stood up abruptly, "How could it be possible? This is the Lord’s Ten Realms Extinguish and Lightning Fire..."


Third more.

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