Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1560: Evil repair


The old man furiously slapped out with all his strength, black energy surged.

Xiao Yi was instantly shaken back dozens of steps under this palm.

The full attack of the peerless strong man is really strong.

"Bone-eating palm." The old man was obviously full of anger and shook Xiao Yi back with a palm, and then slammed with another palm, intending to take Xiao Yi's life.

In fact, he originally intended to'handshake and make peace' with Xiao Yi.

For such a promising evildoer, it is better to have a good relationship than to commit evil.

It would be even better if it were drawn into the Evil Monarch Mansion.

But he didn't expect that it was just a few moments that allowed Xiao Yi to seize the opportunity and kill the middle-aged elder beside him on the spot.

At this time, the black energy in the old man's palm surged astonishingly, and it hit Xiao Yi directly.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, and struck a purple flame.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time he has really played against a peerless powerhouse.

The last time I killed Sect Master Qi and Ouyang Lie in the Forest of Ten Thousand Swords Tablets, the premise was that both of them had been severely injured by the two Elder Yun Yuan.

Therefore, this time, it was Xiao Yi's first time against a peerless powerhouse.

But Xiao Yi was not afraid.

The purple flame and black energy collided instantly.

Zi Zi Zi...

In the air, piercing screams surging continuously.

Amethyst Lingyan has the effect of burning everything.

The black energy is obviously also extremely powerful, and it contains amazing corrosive power.

It can be clearly seen that after the black qi is shot in the palm of the old man, it gradually becomes dense, even pitch black like venom, dripping dripping.

While the black energy was blocked by the amethyst spirit flame, the two melted into each other.

But the black gas also turned into a little black liquid, dripping to the ground.

The ground was corroded bitterly, but for a moment, a big pit was corroded.

Xiao Yi frowned as he watched the dripping black liquor, "What a weird martial skill."

The black air and purple inflammation in the air clashed continuously.

Black air comes from the palm of the old man.

The old man's palm has not been collected, and the black qi has become more and more amazing.

Gradually, the black gas turned into a river of black liquid.

The black liquor dripped rapidly from the point of confrontation with the amethyst spirit flame, and then continued to flow out.

But for a while, the black liquor actually flowed and covered hundreds of meters around it.

In other words, the surrounding hundreds of meters turned into a poisonous swamp at this time.

At Xiao Yi's feet, wisps of flames had already lit up to resist the black liquor.

Because it is obvious that the entire ground, under the black liquor, is constantly corroding.

But the corpses around were not so lucky.

The corpse, soaked in poison, dressed at an alarming speed.

The corpses around were at least strong men above the Holy Emperor Realm.

But now, the body can't resist it at all.

In just a few seconds, there was only one bone left around.

Xiao Yi didn't care much at first, but after a short while, his expression suddenly changed.

The bones in the poisonous black liquor suddenly climbed up.

The moment he got up, black air lingered.

"This..." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

Such a weird situation really scared him.

The old man didn't take his palm. Although he couldn't see the expression under Xiao Yi's mask, he could see Xiao Yi's frown.

"Jiejie, boy, do you know the old man's methods now?"

"It won't be long before you will be like them."

"After you die, the old man will immerse you in a poison pool and refine your body with ten thousand poisons."

"Then the old man will refine you into a poisonous puppet and become in the old man's hands."

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "Evil repair, really weird means."

"However, they are just bluffing tricks."

Xiao Yi sneered, hands out.

In the hand, one by one purple flame dragon shot out.

Roar... roar...

Ziyan wandered around the dragon and roared.

Dozens of purple flames roam the dragon, flying around.

Wherever it went, the poison dissipated, and those weird white bone corpses also turned into powder under the collision of the Ziyan Dragon.

"Scatter." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

Dozens of Ziyan dragons blasted out together.

The black energy in the old man's hand collapsed instantly.

Moreover, Ziyan Yulong's power was not enough, and he went straight to the old man.

The old man was startled, and he repeatedly fought out black.

Dozens of black qi wandering dragons clashed with Ziyan wandering dragon.

In the end, the two ended up dissipating from each other.

However, the impact of Ziyan Youlong shook the old man back a few steps.

Obviously, in this confrontation, Xiao Yi had the upper hand.

"Good fire control ability." The old man's eyes were shocked, "As expected of Zi Yan Yi Xiao."

"However, you are not qualified enough to help me."


In the old man, black energy surged again, and this time, it surged even more alarmingly.

The entire three-risk area, the huge monster forest, was agitated for an instant.

"Ten Thousand Flows and Desolation."

The old man raised his hands together, and countless black rivers flew into the sky.

Above the sky, the river gradually turned into a huge wild snake.

The huge and ferocious Shekou, straight out.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, and put out his hands together.

Numerous purple flame swimming dragons appeared out of thin air.


Thousands, or even tens of thousands of black giant snakes, came in assault.

Ziyan Youlong also played in an instant.

The confrontation between the two blasted out a thunderous roar.

Just the imposing impulse, it has directly razed a hundred li radius to the ground.

Above the black giant snake, it was extremely poisonous, so that the whole air was filled with pungent poisonous gas.

Xiao Yi's amethyst spirit flame is equally powerful.

The purple flame swims the dragon, and the black giant snake, confronts and collides.

The two were unable to do anything with each other temporarily.

The advantage of the old man is that his realm cultivation is much stronger than Xiao Yi.

And Xiao Yi's advantage is the incomparable power of the world's mighty flames; if he has the sixth level of the Saint Emperor Realm, he has the background of a powerful opponent against the peerless power.

At this time, the high altitude, the surrounding area, and the radius of a hundred miles, almost turned into a space of poisonous space and flame space.

The confrontation between countless black giant snakes and purple flame dragons seemed to be the confrontation between the poisonous space and the flame space.

Of course, this is actually a clash between the old man and Xiao Yi.

At this time, the old man obviously regarded Xiao Yi as an opponent of the same level.

Otherwise, they won't have all their strengths, and they will confront each other in this way of hard power.

If there are no accidents, the outcome of this battle depends on who can last longer between the two sides.

The Purple Flame Wandering Dragon and the Black Giant Snake are temporarily stalemate with each other.

Whoever can't hold it first, or exhausts his vitality, will lose.

"Want to fight with me?" Xiao Yi sneered.

In fact, he is equally confident in fighting Yuanli.

However, he was not interested in spending it.

The old man has already shown his strength, but Xiao Yi has not.

"Golden fire of earth veins, out." Xiao Yi yelled coldly.

The golden flames swim the dragons, surging out.

The golden flame instantly merged with the erupting purple flame dragon.

Ziyan wandered around the dragon, instantly turning into golden light, fierce and abnormal.

The amethyst spirit flame, which had the effect of burning everything, instantly became extremely fierce, it would be an extremely terrifying existence.

Sure enough, the black giant snakes were burned and scattered at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

But for a moment, the black giant snake collapsed under the golden purple flame swimming dragon.

In the next second, the golden purple flame swimming dragon blasted towards the old man.

The whole world has turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The flames of gold and purple completely swallowed the old man.


Second more.

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