Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1584: Flame out

"Mid-grade pinnacle holy artifact?" Sect Master Huofang's expression changed.

But that's it.

"Fire Fang." Sect Master Huoya raised his arm, and a fang-like spike appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Spikes, made of flames, are about three feet long.

If it weren't for its fang-like hideous appearance, it looked like a spiked sword.


The speed of Sect Master Huoya suddenly reached the extreme.

Xiao Yi was startled and took a step back subconsciously.

The moment he retreated, the fangs spikes in the hands of Sect Master Firefang slashed across in an instant.

The space was divided into nothingness.

Even the flames wrapped in the palm of the hand with Xiao Yi closing his fist slowly to the upper half were cut off by the waist.

"It's a solid flame." Xiao Yi was slightly startled.

These fire fangs are made of flames, and the flames are condensed to an astonishing level.

This allowed these ordinary flames to explode with terrifying power.

Even ordinary flames, under extreme compression, have the power to counter the powerful flames in the world.

Sect Master Huofang's cultivation is undoubtedly much higher than Xiao Yi.

At the same time, the surrounding evil elders attacked together.

Pairs of black palms came in densely.

The flame in Xiao Yi's hand congealed again, and it burst out instantly.

The fist and wind danced, and they actually received these palms one by one.

The black energy in the palm burned out one by one under the flame.

Sect Master Huoya and dozens of Xiexiu elders were unable to help Xiao Yi for a while.

The two sides fought non-stop.

While fighting, Xiao Yi looked at the evil repairs around him.

"9990 Road."

Xiao Yi glanced at most of the evil elders.

"Dao9991." Xiao Yi stared at several of the evil elders again.

"Dao 9992." Xiao Yi's gaze was finally fixed on Sect Master Huofang.

For some reason, after perceiving a huge area in the form of the power of heaven and earth, Xiao Yi found that his perception was constantly getting stronger.

Every time he uses the eyes of the lunar sun, he seems to be honing his perception, making his perception a little stronger.

Originally, he could only have a guess when he was facing a powerful person at the peerless level.

But since the month of killing evil repairs, especially now, he has been able to accurately perceive the level of a peerless powerhouse through perception.

Among these dozens of evil cultivation, most of them are 9990 Dao.

If Xiao Yi didn't guess wrong, the evil elder who fought in the Three Winds region was of this level.

Come to think of it, most Xie Xiu elders are martial artists of this level.

And now among the dozens of evil cultivation, there are only a few people, reaching 9,999.

The aura of these people is far stronger than ordinary Xie Xiu elders.

These people should all be the heads of the evil repair branch in the first-class regions.

In the end, it was the strongest Firefang Sect Master on the scene, reaching 9992.

Peerless level, with every difference, the difference in strength can be described as a huge difference.

At the beginning of the Saint King Realm, there was a saying that every difference in the Saint King Realm was almost instantaneous.

That is the huge power gap between the warriors brought by the martial arts power gap.

After the Holy Emperor Realm, this gap became more obvious.

Especially the peerless level, it has reached the point where it is different from cloud and mud.

After 9990, what the warrior needs is to find which one he missed.

From countless martial arts, it is far more difficult to break through a martial arts than normal perception.

Especially in terms of martial arts integration, after the peerless powerhouse, every additional martial arts is equivalent to a qualitative leap in the 9990 martial arts carried.

Taking Firefang Sect Master as an example, Xiao Yi didn't even doubt that Firefang Sect Master alone was much stronger than dozens of other evil elders combined.

And Sect Master Huofang and these dozens of evil elders are just one or two martial arts.

After this level, the gap is astonishing.

Thanks to Xiao Yi, who possesses a powerful flame in the world, and cultivates this kind of top martial arts, he has the strength to equalize these gaps.

Xiao Yi fought fiercely at this time, while also comparing.

Of the 9990 warriors, he killed one when he was in the Three Winds region, and the two flames could merge to kill.

The martial artist of 9991 Dao needs three kinds of flame fusion to cope.

As for Sect Master Firefang, with 9,992 complete martial arts, with Xiao Yi's full strength, coupled with the increase of the Star Fantasy Gloves, he was able to fight and tie.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was almost his strongest strength in controlling fire.

Amethyst Spirit Flame, Earth Vein Golden Fire, Ten Realms Extinguish and Fire.

The martial arts power of the three flames has all been integrated into the domain.

The body of the three kinds of flames is also all condensed in the hands, wrapping the fists to achieve amazing explosive power.

Martial arts power and body, the two are perfectly matched, and the strongest power can be exerted.

Plus the middle-grade holy artifact star magic gloves.

The Star Fantasy Gloves were originally holy artifacts such as fire control.

Today, ranking the pinnacle of the middle-grade, only one step away from the high-grade holy artifacts, is also very powerful.

Only a middle-grade holy artifact, a warrior above the late Saint Emperor stage, can fully exert its power.

And the mid-level pinnacle holy artifact, but the peerless strong pinnacle can fully exert its power.

For example, when the Star Fantasy Senior had reached 9999 Dao, Fang fully utilized the Star Fantasy Gloves.

It is conceivable that the Star Magic Gloves have increased greatly to Xiao Yi today.

Of course, because of this, Xiao Yi now has the power to fight against Sect Master Huoya and others.

The six levels of cultivation in the sacred emperor realm, being able to have this kind of combat power, is already quite remarkable, no, even abnormal.


"Broken." Xiao Yi suddenly shouted in a low voice.

Although his cultivation is only the sixth level of the Saint Emperor Realm; but the vitality possessed in that huge small world far exceeds the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm.

Therefore, his own combat power exceeds this level.

Coupled with several powerful flames in the world, the gap with Sect Master Huofang and others have been evened.

At this time, with Xiao Yi's low drink, the spiked fangs in the hands of Sect Master Firefang were suddenly frozen.

"Huh?" Sect Master Huofang was startled, "What a weird flame."

The spiked fangs in his hand were made of flames, but at this moment, they were frozen by a strange flame.

"It's Bingming Youhuo, be careful." Sect Master Huofang is indeed the Xie Xiu elder who rules hundreds of areas of evil cultivation, and he recognized it at a glance.

However, he was still a step slower.

When he reminded him, Xiao Yi's fist had already passed through the bodies of several evil elders.

Above the fist, compared to the original three-color mixture, the four-color mixture at this moment adds a touch of cold white.

Several Xie Xiu elders were instantly frozen into icy lumps.

The outside looks like ice, but inside, it burns with flames.

Almost a few breathing rooms, within the ice, there is only a smear of ashes.

The outside is extremely cold, and the flames inside are scorching. It is Xiao Yi's sixth powerful flame in the world, icy flames.

"Bastard." Sect Master Firefang roared.

A face-to-face is the death of several peerless elders, so how can he not be frightened and angry?

"Double fire fangs."

Sect Master Firefang put his hands together, and two fang spikes condensed out.

Two sharp fangs pierced through the air.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly and blasted out a punch.


Second more.

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