Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1600: Take it off

Near the Huoya area.

Somewhere in the forest.

Xiao Yi stared at the black robe warrior in front of him.

"You go first."

Xiao Yi said indifferently.

The elder of Xuegong knew, but frowned, "Are you sure about it alone?"

"You can't help me." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

Although the words are ugly, they are facts.

The black robe warrior in front of him is absolutely strong.

And this elder of the Academy is just a warrior who can reach a peerless level and control 9990 Dao.

This level of strength can't help Xiao Yi, maybe it will drag him down.

Xiao Yi's figure did not move, nor did his eyes move half a minute from the black robe warrior.

Elder Xue Gong gritted his teeth, but he could only nod his head.

He is not a young man, but a mature and stable elder of the school, he will not have those passionate impulses.

"Zi Yan, be careful."

The elder of the Academy said solemnly, and his steps slowly backed away.

Behind him, Huo Linlang, with a reluctant face, looked straight at Xiao Yi's back with beautiful eyes.

"Go first." Xiao Yi said indifferently, even with a cold tone in his tone.

He always felt that his surroundings seemed a little weird.

Huo Linlang's body was shocked.

Next second...


A wisp of black air suddenly emerged from all directions.

The surging of black energy was extremely fast and extremely fierce.

Black air, like a dense fog.

It was just a few breaths, and the huge forest of monsters was enveloped by countless black mists.

"Not good." The elder of the Academy exclaimed.

With his cultivation base, he felt that his breathing was unsatisfactory and even his eyes were blurred.

"What a weird poisonous fog." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and moved away from the black robe warrior for the first time.


Xiao Yi blasted out with a punch, instantly blasting away a large swath of poisonous fog around him.

Just now, except for the elders of the Xuegong and Gu Feifan, the other Tianjiao of the Xuegong had fallen into a state of absence in an instant.

Even the elders of the Xuegong and Gu Feifan, their faces were black and uncomfortable.

"Hurry up." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

Dozens of purple flame swimming dragons violently emerged, and then swept up.

Around and high in the sky, a large swath of poisonous fog was dispersed.

The elder of the Academy didn't care about anything anymore, his face was horrified, he caught Huo Linlang, and Yukong flew up.

Gu Feifan and the other Xuegong Tianjiao also flew up in the sky quickly, and didn't dare to stay longer.

Xiao Yi's movements were extremely fast, from throwing his fists to disperse the poisonous mist around him, to controlling the purple flame dragon to disperse the poisonous mist from high altitude, it was only a momentary matter.

The departure of the Tianzang Xuegong group was also a matter of instant.

When everyone left, Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief suddenly.

The academy and his party stay here, they won't be able to help him, and they may drag him back.

The most important thing is that Xiao Yi has little chance of winning this battle.

Even Xiao Yi didn't notice when this "poison robe" appeared.

But the moment he appeared, Xiao Yi's heart trembled.

That kind of extremely strong sense of oppression is definitely not something ordinary warriors can give.

Xiao Yi has only seen this kind of oppression in a few people.

One of them is Lin Xiao, the master of the Lin Family of Sword Region.

Lin Xiao is a peerless powerhouse who controls the 9998 Dao; only one step away will reach the realm of a peerless powerhouse in ancient times, just like the predecessor of the star fantasy.

And the "poison robe" in front of him gave Xiao Yi a feeling similar to that of Lin Xiao, or even worse.

There was also the black energy that suddenly emerged just now, and the poisonous fog that filled the entire monster forest in a flash.

With such a wide range of poisonous fog, and the toxicity is so amazing, Xiao Yi has never discovered when the poisonous fog emerged.

He just felt that the surroundings seemed a little weird.

When you look at it with the naked eye and see these poisonous fog, the poisonous fog has already filled the forest and poured in layers.

Such a method is really scary.

"You are relieved." The poison robe suddenly opened his mouth first.

Xiao Yi said nothing, his indifferent eyes stared at the poison robe again.

"Humph." The poison robe was not a cold snort, but a cold laugh, as if squeezed from his throat.

"There are people you value? You know, if I didn't let them go just now, they wouldn't be able to go?"

Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent, and his mouth slowly opened, his tone indifferent.

"I just treat you as an opponent."

"The presence of irrelevant people will affect the battle."

"Huh, that's right." The voice of the poison robe was very low, "They are too weak and boring."

"You are interesting, but it is a pity that you are an enemy, and you have provoke my bottom line over and over again."

The indifference in Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly turned into indifference.

"You seem to have some meaning too, but unfortunately, you are an evil cultivator. After all, you are my corpse under the flame."

Murderous aura was looming in the indifferent words.

But only the real strong will discover that this murderous aura is the most terrifying.

This kind of murderous aura is easy not to reveal.

Once exposed, it must be the heart of the exposed person who has suppressed the astonishing murderous aura long ago. Once it breaks out, the murderous aura will come out unstoppable.

"You have an enemy with our Evil Monarch Mansion?" The poison robe didn't seem to be anxious to make a move, but asked coldly.

"Even if you are a demon hunter, you don't want to slaughter the major evil repair branches so madly."

"The only reason is to have enmity."

"Since you know, why ask more." Xiao Yi's tone was as cold as ever.

"Have you never heard of me?" Poison robe asked suddenly.

"Have heard of it." Xiao Yi replied.

Originally, just looking at the previous Wuhun phantom or wearing a black robe, Xiao Yi naturally did not know that this was the famous "poison robe" of the Evil Monarch Mansion.

But he knew the word "poison robe".

Within the Eight Halls, there are wanted orders.

On the wanted list, there are a few people who have been on the most wanted list but have been unable to take off the wanted list for many years.

"The guardian of the Evil Monarch Mansion, nicknamed Poison Robe, surnamed Wen, and named Yi."

Yes, the real name of Poison Robe is Wen Yi.

But most people don't know, Xiao Yi checked it out, and he knows.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you know, everyone is more willing to call him a poison robe.

Because it couldn't be more appropriate.

A black robe forever, when killing people, it is poisonous and poisonous, it is poisonous robe.

"Heh." The poison robe suddenly laughed, and his head, which had been slightly lowered, suddenly raised.

His head had been slightly lowered, and his body was in a large black robe, so he couldn't see clearly.

At this moment, he raised his head.

Xiao Yi could see clearly.

Poison robe, looks a bit cloudy, eyes muddy, half-year-old in his 50s or 60s.

There is a scar on the center of the eyebrows, not long, only a few fingers, about two inches long, as wide and thin as a grain of rice.

I'm afraid that this gloomy face will never be forgotten by just looking at it.

"Little guy, for some reason, the old man seems to find you very interesting."

"Although I will kill you after all."

"But before that, the old man wants to see the face under your mask."

"Pick it off yourself, okay?"

The poison robe spoke lightly, with a weird smile on his gloomy face.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned and stared at his hand closely.

His hand is moving.

Moving uncontrollably.

The arms are slowly raised; the palms are getting closer and closer to their eyes.

The palm was finally placed on the mask.


First more.

Some accidents, the code word is slower.

I thought it could be finished at 10 o'clock, but now it seems that I am afraid it will be finished after 11 o'clock.

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