Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1639: Those confident eyes

Xiao Yi's hand tightly grasped the stick of the poison robe.

The poison robe was not afraid of fear, but his dark face became colder.

"On playing with fire, you are better than me."

"But this is the gray flame condensed from the bones of the desolate shadow spider, which is absolutely controlled under my bones of the desolate shadow."

"On the control of the Desolate Shadow Spider's Bone, are you better than my Desolate Shadow Spider Spirit?"

The words of the poison robe were also filled with incomparable confidence.

Yes, when it comes to controlling fire, Zi Yan Yi Xiao is indeed very strong.

But this is too desolate Cangyan, to put it plainly, it is'desolate bone Cangyan', which turns fire into bone.

To ossify the fire, and to control it absolutely.

The bone of the Wild Shadow Spider is also the strongest control power of the Wild Shadow Spider Martial Spirit.

Xiao Yi, what do you use to **** control of this bone?

"Jie Jie." Poison robe sneered, and the flame on the stick grew more and more surging, growing faster.

At the same time, behind the poison robe, a huge white bone shadow gathered.

This scene was exactly the same as when Xiao Yi fought against the Supreme Elder in Firefang Sect.

However, at this moment, the shadow of the bones behind the poison robe is even greater.

The flame condensed on the stick is also more terrifying.

"Yi Xiao, you can't stop this guardian."

The flame on the cane grew at an astonishing rate, from a small fireball to a fireball of several meters in size.

Above the fire ball, the cold and white flames have shocked people to this day.

The poison robe stared at Xiao Yi coldly, or to be precise, stared at Xiao Yi's eyes.

"Yi Xiao, do you know that this guardian hates your self-confidence very much, no, more accurately, it hates your eyes."

Xiao Yi frowned and said nothing.

The poison robe Yinzhe smiled, staring at Xiao Yi's eyes, becoming more and more sullen.

"Your eyes are clear, cold, and always full of confidence."

"In your eyes, everything seems to be as you calculated, everything is under control."

"Why are you? What are you?"

"When this protector became famous, you were just a yellow-haired kid in open pants."

"Just because you have been fighting with this protector for many days, can you step on this protector's reputation to skyrocket, and become the hottest evil in the middle?"

As the poison robe spoke in succession, his tone became colder and colder, and his teeth became more gnashing.

Yes, what he hates most is Yi Xiao's eyes filled with incomparable confidence.

His poison robe should be an extremely confident person.

He can't remember how many years it has been since he became the protector of the Evil Monarch Mansion.

But whenever he makes a move, everything he has to deal with has always been a perfect success.

As long as he shots and hunts down the people, no one can survive; oh no, the only failure is the earth-shattering legend.

But that is a legend, a legend of the mainland.

Rather than a brat like Yi Xiao.

Moreover, even if he failed, the legend didn't help him and forced him to escape.

But now, all this has been subverted just over a month ago.

The hairy boy he wanted to hunt down was actually what he couldn't do, and he was even crushed repeatedly.

Even if he wants to escape, this crazy kid will not hesitate to fight head-on with the Long Family, but he will also disturb the changes in the entire Liulong region and force him to come out.

If he hadn't had a back hand in the Liulong region, he would have been forced to show up a few days ago.

There is also the martial arts ice crystal matter, whether it is the Firefang Sect, or the hundreds of areas nearby, it is in his control.

But all of this was also in a short period of more than a month, one branch after another was destroyed; one by one his capable men were killed one after another.

He prepared for many years, stored for many years, and the large number of martial arts ice crystals that he planned to return to the headquarters were destroyed.

Even in the area of ​​Six Dragons, he had planned for a long time, and he was able to obtain the six dragons and six evil spirits, and the entire area of ​​the six dragons, only a quarter of a minute away.

And all of this was on this Maotou boy, and he was completely lost.

Originally, it was his poisonous robe Wen Yi that possessed the confidence that everything could be controlled.

Instead of the hairy boy in front of him.

The face of the poison robe twitched.

God knows what amazing killing intent he has suppressed this month.

God knows how far his resentment towards Yi Xiao has reached.

Behind the poison robe, the shadow of the white bone has reached the size of a thousand meters.

The bones are dense, the face is hideous, the breath is extremely evil.

Above the stick, the flame has reached a hundred feet.

"Almost soon, soon." The poison robe gritted his teeth and looked directly at Xiao Yi.

"Aren't you very good? Not very confident?"

"How about the self-confidence of the sentence'On playing with fire, you are better than me'?"

"Come on, take the fire control method you are most proud of, and try if you can block the flames of this protector."

He is gritting his teeth, but it is not what he is bearing, but what he is suppressing.

He was suppressing his joy.

"Jiejie, if you can't stop it, the flames of the wild shadow condensed from the bones of my wild shadow spider will burn most of the six dragons."

"And you, you, a well-known fire-controlling evildoer among outsiders; it would be ironic if you died under the flames of this protector."

"You warrior in the Demon Hunting Palace, it's not your responsibility to kill evil cultivation? But today, you can't stop it."

"Today, it is also you, Zi Yan Yi Xiao, who angered this protector. He had to obstruct this protector to force him to burn most of the six dragons with the flames of the wild."

"Most of the six dragons in the region, over a hundred million creatures, will die because of you."

"The Six Dragons region is also the only famous region where my Evil Monarch Mansion has been burned to death because of your Ziyan Yixiao."

"This law protector will not only burn you to nothingness, but also ruin you, jiejiejiejie, jiejiejiejie."

The poison robe laughed coldly.

At this moment, his face is no longer depressed.

His joy was fully revealed at this moment.

Because the cold white flames on his cane had condensed to hundreds of meters in size, and it would not take long for it to completely erupt.

At this moment, Xiao Yi, who had been silent, slowly opened his mouth.

"Break and fame?" Xiao Yi's tone was indifferent, "Do you think Yi is a person who cares about fame?"

The eyes of the poison robe were dark, "No matter whether you care or not, today you will definitely die."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled playfully at this time, "Poison Robe, I said, when it comes to playing with fire, Yi is better than you."

"But I said, did Yi want to stop you with fire control?"

"What do you mean?" Dupao's face was startled, and a faint thought flashed through his mind.

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "Yi's hand has been on your stick for a long time."

"If it weren't for you to say so much triumphantly, Yi is really not sure."

"Huh?" The poison robe was startled suddenly, then his face changed drastically, "Zi Yan, are you cheating me?"

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "I said, do you think I am like someone who cares about fame?"

At the moment when the voice fell, Xiao Yi's eyes became cold, "Bring me off."


At this moment, the bone stick broke.


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