Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1650: The vanishing robe

Retreat indoors.

Xiao Yi looked at the broken bone cane in his hand in shock.

"This is the real Desolate Shadow Spider Skeleton?"

Originally, Xiao Yi thought that the bones of the Desolate Shadow Spider were just the condensed poison robe based on his own martial spirit.

But now, I really looked closely, only to discover that this was a real monster bone.

The spirit of the martial arts was condensed, or it was an entity at all, which made a big difference.

No wonder there was such confidence in the eyes of the poison robe Yinzhe at that time.

Xiao Yi suddenly remembered.

The poison robe is really cautious.

No wonder he was confident that no one could damage the bone cane in his hand. No wonder he was confident that the ridiculous fire condensed at that time could kill Xiao Yi, who was treading blood and wind.

Xiao Yi suddenly understood.

The poison robe applied at that time was ‘Desolate Bone Cangyan’.

This martial skill is one of the well-known martial skills of the Xiejun Mansion.

To ossify the fire, condense the wild fire.

The poisonous robe uses the bones of the real ‘wild shadow spider’ to condense the wild fire, which will be extremely powerful and terrifying.

Unfortunately, in the end, the flame had not yet reached, and Xiao Yi ruined the cane because of his extreme confidence.

The flame disperses without attack.

However, what shocked Xiao Yi was, where did the poison gown find the corpse and bones of this desolate shadow spider?

Desolate Shadow Spider, but the legendary Ten Desolate Beasts.

The ten wild beasts were born in the heaven and the earth, and came into being during the wild period. There are only these ten beasts between the heaven and the earth.

Who can see the Desolate Shadow Spider?

Moreover, in mainland legends, Yanlong's eight dragon flames breathed, and these ten wild beasts were extinct.

How could there be corpses?

So, where did the poison gown find this bone?

Xiao Yi couldn't figure it out, so he could only calm down his heart in horror and stop thinking about it.


The light in his hand flashed again, and he took out some exercises and books in the Universe Ring.

Xiao Yi glanced a few times, and threw it back into the Qiankun Ring.

These exercises classics are a kind of exercises like poison cultivation.

However, in Xiao Yi's judgment, this was nothing short of **** compared with the Poisons Book.

There are a lot of poisons and cultivating things inside.

Xiao Yi perceives the entire Qiankun Ring, intending to see if there is any other information about the Evil Monarch Mansion.

However, as he expected, no.

The evil cultivation of the Evil Monarch Mansion has always been cautious, not to mention the poison robe.

In Qiankun Ring, there is not even a half-point intelligence file.

Xiao Yi shook his head, swish...wish...wish...

The light in the hand is brilliant.

After Xiao Yi's perception of the Qiankun ring of one hundred thousand evil repairs, all were taken out.

Inside, there are many evil weapons.

Counting every evil cultivator itself, there are very few cultivating objects and poisons.

But the total amount of 100,000 evil repairs is not small.

Moreover, the monster blood is even more abundant.

One of the reasons Xiao Yi had been pursuing these evil cultivators was to quickly collect the blood of monsters.

Xiao Yi didn't waste time and directly began to absorb refining.

Those poisons were all absorbed one by one.

The poison pill in the body has grown a bit, but it is not obvious.

Speaking of it, the cultivation method of the Poisons Book has almost subverted the entire normal cultivation system.

If you really want to verify it, or if you are entangled in practice, you can't do it now.

In the future, if the Poison Pill can continue to grow and reach the point of transformation, perhaps it will be the time to truly thoroughly verify the Poison Tome.

All the objects of cultivation are also absorbed one by one.

There are not many cultivating objects in these evil cultivators, although the total number of 100,000 seems to be a lot; but compared to Xiao Yi's huge small world and Qi Spring, it is also not very impressive.


Xiao Yi's body exploded.

The cultivation base broke through the first level, reaching the eighth level of the Saint Emperor Realm a little more.

Next, there was a large amount of monster blood.

The blood of these monsters is quite a lot.

After being absorbed one by one, the Asura battle body directly hit the ninth level of the Saint Emperor Realm.

Compared with the previous Seventh Level of the Saint Emperor Realm, he jumped twice directly.

"The eight-fold cultivation base of the Saint Emperor Realm, the nine-fold level of the Asura Battle Body Saint Emperor Realm." Xiao Yi squeezed a powerful fist, his face was slightly happy, but still frowned slightly.

"Such strength is certain, but it's still not enough." Xiao Yi frowned and muttered to himself.

His pursuit of evil cultivation these days is also a kind of experience in disguise.

He naturally also prepared for the opening of the tomb of the ancient emperor.

When I left the Sword Emperor Monument last time, it was about seven months away from the tomb of the ancient emperor.

If you count the time now, there are probably two months left.

"There are still two months." Xiao Yi clenched his fists.

With his current strength, it is enough to ignore the major arrogances of the Central Region.

From beginning to end, Xiao Yi never put the younger generation in his eyes. He still had such confidence.

But his purpose is not to treat the younger generation as opponents alone.

In the past few years, Xiao Yi understood very well what it meant to be a young man, and the old one came out to take revenge.

Therefore, what he has always regarded as an opponent has never been a younger generation.

Another point is that it is no easy task to truly break through the tomb of the ancient emperor.

According to what Senior Yun Yuan said at the beginning, the assessment given by the tomb of the ancient emperor was estimated to be set by the ancient Tianjiao.

Moreover, even the ancient Tianjiao, there is little certainty that it can break.

The tomb of the ancient emperor has existed for many years.

But so far, no one can break it.

Xiao Yi didn't know how amazing the Tianjiao in ancient times was.

But I can probably guess.

The methods used in the ancient times are far from today's arrogant.

Then, the tomb of the ancient emperor, even the ancient Tianjiao is not certain that it can be broken, the difficulty is evident.

In Xiao Yi's comparison, one's current strength is certain to say that he can go to the tomb of the ancient emperor, but to say that he is 100% certain, it is definitely not enough.

"Perhaps, this trip to the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace will be rewarding." Xiao Yi thought, muttering to himself.

The last two months will be his last opportunity for strength improvement.


After finishing everything, Xiao Yi left the retreat room.

As soon as I left the retreat room, I saw Moxibustion and Tang Yin, the two palace masters.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The two main hall masters, like ‘door god’, guarded outside the closed room, which really surprised him slightly.

"Two hall masters, this is..." Xiao Yi frowned.

"Heh." Moxibustion smiled, "Hall Master Yi Xiao, you are notoriously famous."

"If you don't look at you, I'm afraid you are gone again."

"It seems that after a retreat, your injury has healed; let's go, follow me to the main hall."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "Main Hall, I will go, but before I leave, I still have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Moxibustion and Yan frowned.

"It's nothing big." Xiao Yi shook his head, "Just be cautious, and look at the corpses in poison robe and other evil repairs."

Poison robe, and the 100,000 evil spirit power of martial arts, but they haven't absorbed it yet.

Xiao Yi originally thought, after retreating, he would absorb it, and then follow the two to the main hall.

Moxibustion nodded, "Let's go, I will accompany the Master Yi Xiao Branch."

"I want to go by myself." Xiao Yi's tone was cold.

"No." Moxibustion shook his head, his tone hard.

"Then it's up to you." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and the purple flame fire wings fluttered away instantly.

"Huh." Moxibustion snorted coldly, and also turned into a flame, Yukong caught up.

"Fast speed." Xiao Yi's eyes were startled.


But for a moment, the three returned to the ruins of the previous war.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi looked around, his face under the mask changed drastically.

"Where is the corpse in the poison robe?"

Although the surrounding area was in ruins, it was messy.

But for the strong, one perception can know everything here.

"Not good?" The two of Moxibustion also changed their complexions.

"What a poison robe, cheated to death before?"

"He shouldn't be far away, we chase him."


Moxibustion and Tang Yin quickly flew away from Yukong.

Xiao Yi frowned, didn't follow, but looked at the spirit power of the 100,000 evil spirits floating in the air.


Third more.

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