Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1672: Competition for places, start

At a glance, Xiao Yi recognized the person who attacked from a distance.

It is the sky spear Ran Qi who has been away for several years.


The shocking roar was deafening.

The gun is a thin device, it should have been clear and sick, but at the moment it is deep in sickness.

When the gun came out, Hanmang came first and came little by little.

This hand, Xiao Yi had learned in those days, just outside the city, a long spear blocked all directions, and it was like a rainstorm pear blossom.


A flame condensed in Xiao Yi's hand and covered it.

The spear came in at this moment.

Xiao Yi's speed was extremely fast, and under the flame-wrapped palm, he grasped the gun body.

Click... Click...

At this moment, the flame suddenly froze.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "Just with the cold light of the gun, I can freeze my flames."

"Ran Qi, you are a lot stronger."

"Huh, stop talking nonsense." Ran Qi snorted coldly, "You can't catch this shot."


When the gun arrived, the cold light was gathered up, and the thunder light was surging above the gun body.

One shot, like a tens of thousands of horses, wild and unparalleled.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, "The cold light comes first, and the power of the gun is hidden in it. When the gun arrives, it bursts out in an instant, just like a ten thousand horse galloping, thundering in all directions, and a single shot is devouring the enemy."


Above the gun body, the flames were already frozen in ice. At this moment, the thunder and lightning rushed, and with the force of destroying the dryness and decay, all the flames in Xiao Yi's hand were instantly burst.

At this time, the guns did not stop.

When Ran Qi moved his arm, the spear originally held by Xiao Yi pierced straight into it, and the momentum burst out again.

Above the tip of the gun, a huge Thunder Dragon condensed in an instant, and ate away Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's footsteps continued to retreat, and all flames instantly condensed.

The spear chased straight, and it was invincible, bursting the flames.

"Drink." Xiao Yi let out a low voice, amethyst spirit flame appeared out of thin air.

A purple flame swimming dragon violently emerged from his hand.

The purple flame swims the dragon, collides with the spear-point fierce Thunder Dragon instantly.

The gun force that pierced straight out was immediately blocked.

Xiao Yi looked directly at Ran Qi, a flash of surprise and expectation flashed in his eyes.

"Ran Qi, I haven't seen you for several years, you are making progress faster and stronger than I thought."

"Huh." Ran Qi said proudly, holding a spear in his hand, "I have been defeated in front of the city a few years ago, and I will use you as my opponent and practice hard."

"After several years of hard practice, after hardening, the mad dragon has passed through the clouds today, even more so in the future."

"Today, you and I have a good fight."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "disperse."

Ziyan Wandering Dragon, instantly dissipated the Pike Thunder Dragon.

The momentum of the two of them dissipated at the same time.

As the momentum impacted each other, Xiao Yi remained motionless, and Ran Qi was shocked back several steps.

"What do you mean?" When Ran Qi saw this, his face instantly became angry.

"Clear your momentum and dissipate the flames. Do you want to fight and avoid war? Or do you think that Ran Qi is no longer worthy of your Ziyan Yixiao's opponent?"

Ran Qi's eyes were cold, and suddenly broke out to the extreme.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "You are very strong. Back then, you and I agreed to fight again in the future."

"However, I would rather fight it upright."

"On the competition stage?" Ran Qi frowned and asked.

"Not bad." Xiao Yi nodded, "It's just that everyone doesn't seem to want Yi to play."

"Who said that." Ran Qi shouted angrily, immediately closed his gun, turned around, and scanned all the martial artists present.

"If anyone refuses to accept Yi Xiao's play, first ask me about the Cloud Piercing Gun in Ran Qi's hand."


With a cold snort, the fierce thunderbolt was weighed down.

There was no objection to the warriors in the audience.

It's just that the rumors still ring out from time to time.

"This idiot, it's nothing more than being stupid, and we are also tired."

"That's, Yi Xiao is a pervert, who can beat it?"

"I lost a spot for nothing."


Just at this moment, a figure broke out of the crowd and came straight towards Xiao Yi.

"Brother Ran, well said."

"Brother Yi and we are both young talents, so why not let him participate in the competition."

"Is it because Brother Yi's record is amazing, we are timid?"

The voice fell, and a figure also fell on top of the spectator stand.

"Ye Liu?" Ran Qi glanced at the visitor, his eyes also burst into war.

Yes, the person here is Ye Liu.

"Brother Yi." Ye Liu arched his hands.

"I have heard of the name Ziyan Yi Xiao, if I have the opportunity, Ye would also like to discuss with you."

Xiao Yi nodded and said nothing.

In fact, I had already discussed this with Ye Liu.

However, wearing a mask, he could not recognize himself.

At this time, Aodong Building scanned the audience and said loudly, "Do you have any comments on Yi Xiao's participation in this competition?"

The audience was silent.

Indeed, Yi Xiao was originally a young Tianjiao, and he was naturally qualified to participate in this grand event.

Moreover, with Yi Xiao's reputation today, few people are afraid to offend.

As early as when Xiao Yi released the flames, few people in the audience dared to object.

After that, even Ran Qi and Ye Liu, the two eighteenth-world arrogances, spoke, and the audience felt no objection.

"Okay." Aodonglou told, "Since you have no objections, then the competition officially begins."


Several sword palace elders jumped onto the competition stage and served as referees.

With the referee's onstage and Tianjiao's onstage, the surrounding people once again resumed their previous enthusiasm.

East from the sword palace, the entire sect was originally extremely large.

The Forbidden City Square is also huge here.

In the surroundings, under the arrangement of Dongli Sword Palace, the spectator stand has been arranged and the competition platform has been raised.

The entire competition platform is circular with a range of more than one kilometer.

There are more than hundreds of thousands of martial artists in the spectator seats around.

I want to know that this competition includes all major forces, sects, and families in the Central Region, and the number of warriors is naturally extremely large.

The warrior competition was refreshing, and the battle began.

"Palace Master Proud." Xiao Yi arched his hands and said, "Yi will not stay with the chief."

"Just find an unmanned seat."

The chief of the spectator is the seat of the palace lord, elders and deacons of Dongli Sword Palace, as well as the seats of the referee.

Since he also participated in this competition, he naturally did not sit here.

Ao Dong Lou, obviously also understood what Xiao Yi meant, nodded and said, "Well, I will send my disciple to find a free seat for little friend Yi Xiao."

Aodonglou is also a human spirit, so it is natural to see that Xiao Yi is the kind of person who doesn't like the noise.

"Please." Aodonglou made a'please' gesture.

Xiao Yi nodded.

A disciple of the sword palace arranged a seat near the chief for Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi came to the seat and sat down at will.

Just about to fall asleep, waiting for him to play.

Ran Qi followed and sat down directly beside him.

At the same time, Ye Liu also came over, followed by Gu Lianxing.

In fact, Xiao Yi wanted to be quieter alone.

However, all those who came were acquaintances, so they didn't bother to say anything.

Simply continue to close your eyes and sleep sleepy.


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