Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1681: North Hidden Statue


Within the sword circle, Ye Liu blasted out with another palm.

"Is it Ye Shengzhang again?" Bei Yindong frowned.

"You already know that this trick won't hurt me, and you will waste time?"

While talking, Bei Yindong blasted out with a punch, and the punches were filled with vitality and strength, one after another, which was the same famous Beiyin Yuanjin in the Central Region.

Before, Ye Liu took a photo with the palm of his hand, and the competition platform turned into a fan, but Bei Yindong was unscathed.

The reason is that Beiyin Yuanjin layer after layer, like the waves of the big river surging layer by layer, dissipating Ye Liu's palm strength.

The Northern Yin Sect, being a more famous existence than the Eighteen Houses, naturally makes sense.

The inner strength of the clan is no worse than the Eighteen Houses.

Beiyin Yuanjin is one of the strongest techniques of Beiyin Sect.


The two of them made a palm and a punch, facing each other and making two explosive noises.

Under the sound of the explosion, the violent airflow instantly impacted around.

Under the impact, it turned out to be like dozens of mad dragons, running abnormally.

On the ground, there was a large formation of Dongli Sword Palace, which was intact.

But outside...

Both of them are of peerless level, and even the aftermath of the battle is not something ordinary martial artists outside can bear.

Just at this moment, on the edge of the sword circle, sword energy rose out of thin air.

When the violent air currents rushing out came to the edge of the sword circle, they were instantly strangled under the sword aura.

Wait until the airflow dissipates.

In the center of the sword circle, the leaf flow did not move, and the north Yindong was shaken back ten steps.

"This is Ye Sheng Liujue? Some ability." Bei Yindong was slightly surprised.

Although Ye Liu also played the'Ye Shengzhang' just now, the vitality surging in his body was obviously stronger than when he first palm.

On the spectator stand.

Xiao Yi glanced, nodded suddenly.

This is one of Ye Sheng's six uniques, Yuan Jue.

Inside the sword circle.

A light flashed in Bei Yindong's hand, and a long dark iron stick appeared suddenly.

"Middle Grade Peak Sacred Artifact?" Surrounded by the spectators, many people with vicious eyes suddenly felt the surging breath of the long stick in Bei Yindong's hand.

"If you read it right, that is the famous sacred artifact of the Northern Yin Sect, the black rock swing golden stick."

It was obviously a middle-grade peak holy artifact.

Moreover, it is the property of the young masters of the Northern Yin Sect, the Black Rock Dang Golden Stick.

In terms of level, the black rock swings the golden stick, which can be called the ultimate among the top sacred artifacts.

In the spectator stand, Xiao Yi glanced, secretly surprised.

This black rock swing golden stick is afraid that it is infinitely close to the high-grade holy artifact.

Even if his stellar fantasy gloves were not up to the top-grade holy artifact, when it was only the middle-grade peak holy artifact, she was afraid that it would not be as good as this dark stick.

The Northern Hidden Sect really has a profound background.

Inside the sword circle.

"Ye Liu, I won't deceive you either." Bei Yindong said coldly.

"I will give you time to take out your weapon."

Ye Liu smiled faintly, and shook his head, "Ye has no long objects, not to mention the middle-grade peak holy artifacts, even the ordinary middle-grade holy artifacts."

"So, no need, just shoot."

"You..." Bei Yindong looked angry, "Ye Liu, if you have to be so arrogant, then don't blame me."

In his opinion, how could it be possible that the Young Palace Master Ye Sheng Mansion didn't have a Middle Grade Peak Saint Artifact.

The so-called no, but Ye Liu despised it, and didn't even need a weapon to deal with him.

On the spectator stand.

Gu Lianxing shook his head and said, "Brother Ye does not have a middle-grade holy artifact."

As he said, Gu Lianxing smiled again, "However, even if you don't have to resort to foreign objects, Brother Ye can defeat that Bei Yindong."

Aside, Xiao Yi said nothing, but he knew that this was a fact.

Ye Liu actually had a lot of treasures, but when it came to sacred artifacts, there were really not many.

This has something to do with Ye Liu's own personality and also with Ye Liu's habits.

In Ye Sheng Mansion, naturally there are sacrificial artifacts that are not weak, even high-grade.

However, he did not take one.

In addition, he is not accustomed to using weapons.

When Xiao Yi fought him, he never used a weapon.


At this time, inside the sword circle, there was a shocking sound.

Bei Yindong was holding a black rock swinging golden stick and blasted it down in the air.

Ye Liu didn't dodge or hide, only a pair of fleshy palms blocked it.

Ye Liu was undamaged, but the cornerstone of the sword palace formation on the ground under his feet trembling.

The cultivation bases of the two were both at the level of the peerless 9990 Dao, but this stick and palm had obviously reached the power level of the 9,999 Dao.

In the peerless level, every difference is a huge difference.

Bei Yindong is holding a black rock swing golden stick, and this kind of combat power erupts, needless to say.

And Ye Liu...

Obviously, you can see that at the position of Ye Liu's chest and abdomen, wisps of Yuan Li leaped out quickly. Yuan Li, on his chest, actually formed a formation by itself.

And the palm of the blocking stick in his hand, the same vitality twisted into a formation, unpredictable.

This is one of Ye Sheng's six uniques, Zhenjue.

"Broken." Ye Liu let out a low voice, shaking his palm, and Bei Yindong was shaken away by dozens of steps.

"Bei Yindong, don't waste time, use your strongest blow."

"As you wish." Bei Yindong shouted violently, his momentum soaring again.

"Secret method, Beiyin golden body."

The strength of Bei Yindong's body, which had overlapped layers, suddenly circulated rapidly.

In the rapid speed, the illusion is like gold, with a hundred feet of light.

Looking at it from a distance, Bei Yindong actually seemed to be in the golden light, mighty and invincible.

On the spectator stand.

Xiao Yi glanced and felt it.

The Beiyin Golden Body, he knew, was the strongest secret method of the North Yin Sect, and it was also the most famous and powerful secret method in the Central Region.

However, at this moment, although Bei Yindong's aura soared, he still couldn't break the gap of 9,992.

In the peerless level, every gap between them is huge and extremely difficult to be smoothed.

At this moment, Beiyindong is at the peak of Peerless 9891 Dao.

Inside the sword circle.

Seeing this, Ye Liu squinted his eyes.

In the hand, one by one pill suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Afterwards, a lot of pills were thrown into the mouth and swallowed and digested quickly.

Ye Liu's breath was also soaring.

Ye Liu's move was not a secret method, but better than a secret method.

It is the third of Ye Sheng's Six Absolutes, the medicine is extinct.


Beiyindong, coming with sticks and banging down with a stick, the power is more than a few points stronger than before.

Ye Liu didn't make much movement, and just blocked it with one hand.


There was another explosion.

When the stick fell, Beiyingdong's body was frozen in midair.

When the palm came out, the leaf flow did not move, but the ground formation under his feet trembled again, and more violently than before.

"Hundred Crackers." Bei Yindong yelled abruptly.

Whoosh... the figure of Bei Yindong disappeared into the air instantly.

When he reappeared, he slammed down from an extremely tricky angle.

Ye Liu still blocked it with one hand.

The two played against each other, regardless of the outcome.

But Bei Yindong's attack did not stop there, but the figure flickered, disappearing, appearing, and banging down again.

The speed of Bei Yindong is getting faster and faster.

But for a moment, there were already phantoms in the air.

One after another phantoms, the rods blasted down.

"Huh?" Ye Liu's expression became slightly solemn for the first time.


Ye Liu's speed was also extremely fast, the palm came out like a dance, and one palm took the long stick that was under the blast.

However, the explosion in the air became more intense.

And Ye Liu's face became more solemn, and even frowned.


First more.

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