Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1700: 9,500 complete martial arts

Let’s talk about what gains or opportunities can be gained in the tomb of the ancient emperor.

Xiao Yi can't guarantee.

However, if only to take a walk and retreat from the whole body, Xiao Yi naturally has it.

Therefore, he also agreed.

"So, the old man thanked little friend Yi Xiao." Aodonglou arched his hands and thanked him.

"Farewell." Xiao Yi arched his hands and turned to leave.

"Farewell." Aodonglou nodded, "In his spare time, little friend Yi Xiao can come to my Donglijian Palace as a guest, and the old man will welcome him."

Xiao Yi nodded and left without saying more.

Although he is young, his displayed strength is undoubtedly comparable to the top and peerless powerhouses of Zhongyu who have been famous for a long time.

Therefore, he was not surprised that Aodonglou had this request.

And that Ao Yinfeng, as the most outstanding successor to Dongli Sword Palace, Ao Donglou naturally didn't want him to be surprised.

For any force, any predecessor, they value their successors very much, and they don't want to be surprised.

After all, the younger generation has just been the hope of a power and the hope of Zhongyu.


Xiao Yi has left.

As soon as I left Dongli Jiangong Mountain Gate, I saw Ran Qi, Ye Liu, Gu Lianxing, Gongsun Huowu and others.

"Tsk tusk, Yi Xiao, you kid." Ran Qi was full of anger.

"I really made Ye Liu's guess. If you leave, you will not say hello."

Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "Are you leaving too?"

"Yeah." Ye Liu nodded and said, "There is still one month before the tomb of the ancient emperor opens."

"Since we have obtained the quota, we are naturally prepared to continue to retreat for a period of time to deal with the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"I will return to the Eighteenth House region later."

"Well, let's say goodbye." Xiao Yi arched his hands.

"You are really cold-tempered." Ran Qi shook his head, "Well, anyway, you got a spot, see you in the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"Good." Xiao Yi nodded.

Whoosh... In the next second, the purple flame fire wings flicked and flew away directly from the sky.

On the spot, Ran Qi shook his head.

But Gu Lianxing frowned and looked at Ye Liu, and said, "Brother Ye, are you sure of your previous guess?"

Ye Liu hesitated for a second, then nodded.

"The figure, the back, and the eyes are very similar. No, they are carved out like a mold."

"I can never forget the ability, you know it, you can't go wrong."

"Although Brother Yi has a low voice, he may have pretended it."

"Although there are hundreds of millions of creatures in the Central Territory, it is possible for anyone to imagine, let alone just the shadow of the figure."

"But, one thing..."

Ye Liu paused and said, "Brother Yi and I have no friendship."

"It's just a few conversations before the start of the competition, but his rumored indifferent character, but he talks with us from time to time."

"Especially after Lianxing, you ran on words one after another. Brother Yi didn't care about you?"

"You have to know that the strong have dignity, let alone such characters as Zi Yan Yi Xiao."

"The only possibility is that he is Brother Xiao Yi, who knew us and your character, so I didn't care about you."

"Ah...this..." Gu Lianxing's face wrinkled, "Then I have run against Young Master Xiao Yi several times before?"

"That's not necessarily." Ye Liu smiled, shook his head, "I said, it's my guess after all."

"Besides, it doesn't matter whether he is Brother Xiao Yi or not."

"If it is, the Xiao Yi brothers deliberately concealed it, naturally he has his reasons. Since we believe him, we won't make much guesses."

"If not, then Yi Xiao is also a close friend, it doesn't matter."

"That's right." Gu Lianxing nodded.

"But...that...that...that..." Gongsun Huowu's expression turned strange.

"If he is really that little thief, wouldn't it be..."

Gongsun Huowu remembered what he said when he met Yi Xiao near the Hengyuan area a few months ago, and what he said in the spectator stand before...

His face flushed with a brush.

"Okay, don't think about it, go back to the Eighteenth Mansion area." Ye Liu smiled.

Four people, Yukong left.


the other side.

After Xiao Yi left, although he flew a million miles away, he did not go beyond the extreme east.

Instead, he randomly searched for a barren land, laid a barrier, and started practicing.

The small world in his body has already been filled to 50% of his vitality.

Now, it's time to start absorbing the power of martial arts from heaven and earth.

The cultivation of martial artists after the holy realm is mainly about the understanding of the martial arts of heaven and earth, and the control of the power of martial arts of heaven and earth.

The required vitality and the control of the power of heaven and earth are indispensable.

Now, Xiao Yi only had enough power, but the power of the martial arts of heaven and earth has not been controlled enough. Naturally, his cultivation level cannot be improved.

Of course, this is not difficult for him.


Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, and the power of heaven and earth descended instantly.

This is the power of heaven and earth that comes from the world and belongs to these martial arts.

Not human.

The martial artist has just comprehended these martial arts.

Through martial arts, Fang draws the power of heaven and earth down, and uses it for his own use, only then has the amazing strength of the martial artist.

An hour later.

The power of the heaven and the earth that had come, all dissipated, and the surroundings returned to calm.

In Xiao Yi's small world, four hundred complete martial arts powers have been added.

The small world is undoubtedly the most important place for warriors.

From the time the warrior stepped into the cave, the so-called transcendence into the Tao, ‘Hua Dan’ became a small world, the small world has always been the most important thing for the warrior.

It stores elemental power, and when the elemental power is sufficient, the warrior can attack the next realm.

And even if the martial artist stepped into the holy realm, inside was a place to store the power of the martial arts of heaven and earth.

The power of Yuanli and the martial arts of heaven and earth are all within the small world.

It is conceivable that the small world carries and penetrates the life of the martial artist.

Xiao Yi, I still remember Yi Lao's instruction.

At that time, the martial artist entered the Taoism superbly, very mysterious.

But Yi Lao, just a word, made Xiao Yi broad and cheerful.

That sentence is ‘Rumor, the small world of the Valkyrie is as big as the entire Yanlong Continent’.

Now, Xiao Yi wants to add another sentence.

‘In the small world of the **** of war, all the martial arts of the whole world are contained.’

Xiao Yi smiled, finished his cultivation, and got up.

In fact, his small world is now extremely large, far exceeding ten thousand meters long.

And the complete martial arts power contained in it has reached 9,500.

In other words, he is now a real martial arts power.

Moreover, because its small world is too large, it far exceeds the power of ordinary martial arts.

Therefore, to be more precise, he is equivalent to invincible in martial arts power.

And this is only the case of cultivation base.

In the past, he needed to use the power of starlight to make his swordsmanship amazing.

And the power of starlight, after all, is an external force.

But now, he can far surpass the martial arts power based on his own cultivation base and kendo strength.

Really want to fight, not counting any hole cards, can be invincible under peerless.

If you add the hole cards, the high-grade sacred weapon of the Purple Lightning Divine Sword, as well as sword skills; in terms of strength, even in peerless sword repair, Xiao Yi still has his place.


Second more.

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