Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1711: Wonderful Flower

"Deputy Hall Master Yi Xiao, don't worry."

Xu Heyan spoke quickly.

"We do have reason to suspect that the group of warriors behind you are Xie Xiu."

"According to our intelligence, this group of people have unknown origins and have been acting low-key."

"If it were not for our main halls to join forces, even some of their information would not be found."

"All signs indicate that they are likely to be members of the evil monarch's mansion..."

"Xu Heyan, do you also teach me to distinguish evil cultivation?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

"Do you think that Yi Mou can't even tell Xie Xiu?"

"Do you think that these days, the countless evil cultivators killed by Yi, and the countless evil cultivators that were bloodbathed, have all been killed a lot by Yi and misunderstood?"

"Don't dare." Xu Heyan quickly gave up.

Today, if anyone understands evil cultivation better, it is by no means the Eight Palaces of the Ancients.

It was Ziyan Yi Xiao, who was known as the "Evil Xiu Nemesis".

The powerhouse in front of him who had been beheaded and killed countless evil cultivators in a short period of time, and bloodbathed countless evil cultivators' branches, looking at Zhongyu, who would dare to tell him how to distinguish evil cultivators?

Xie Xiu is always secretive, low-key, and extremely cruel.

However, as long as the evil cultivation is attacked by the strong man in front of him, there is never a survivor.

Even the well-known poison robe can only use such inferior means to flee for his life.

Tell him how to distinguish evil cultivation?

If this were to be heard, it would be Jiang Liuhuo and Xu Heyan who would instantly become the laughing stock of the entire Central Region.

Xiao Yi held the file and said coldly, "Wanted for two reasons."

"One is the treasure of the plundering Yaozun Temple given by Heiyun Learning and Teaching."

"Second, give you 5 halls of evil repair status."

"None of the two reasons are valid, what else can you say?"

"These are just speculations of Vice-Hall Master Yi Xiao, and there is no evidence." Bai Yue, Jing Wu and others wanted to say something.

"I remind Vice-Hall Master Yi Xiao, so slander our main Hall Masters..."

Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, "If you think that Yi can't even find out the authenticity of these things, then continue to quibble."

"If you think your methods are more sophisticated and secretive than evil cultivation, you can continue."

"Yi also reminds you that, so far, the people who have been hunted and killed by Yi are the only ones who can survive. You can try it."

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao, you are so brave, dare to threaten us..." Bai Yue yelled coldly.

But you can clearly see the panic on his face.

Even if it is cold drink, it seems to be strong and dry.


A monstrous flame filled the sky instantly.

The astonishing amethyst spirit flame turned into a sea of ​​flames, blocking the surrounding area.

"Threat you?" Xiao Yi smiled coldly, "Are you qualified?"

"I am not interested in wasting time with you."

"What is the fact, I will press you back to your respective main halls, and have my own conclusion."

"You..." The main hall master around him changed his face suddenly.

With Zi Yan Yi Xiao's strength, if he wants to use it strong, who can stop the resistance?


Just at this time.

In the distance, a figure came quickly.


Before people arrived, a soft drink like the wonderful sound of heaven and earth had already fallen.


The purple inflammation in the sky disappeared instantly.

Even the Shura Lock Sky Formation that had been placed by the two of the Palace Master Chengfeng also collapsed.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and looked straight into the distance.

The two masters of Palace Chengfeng also frowned.

The three of them were able to determine almost instantaneously that the person was extremely strong, no, to be precise, it was terribly strong.


After a few breaths.

An old man landed firmly in the air.

"Miao Hall Master." Among the surrounding main hall masters, Bai Yue and Jing Wu were obviously overjoyed.

"Miaoshenghua." Palace Master Chengfeng directly said the name of the person.

"Chengfeng Hall Master, Hengtian Hall Master, long time no see." The old man, with a faint smile, arched his hands at the two.

"Miao Hall Master." The two Hengtian Hall Masters also responded with a salute.

The old man's gaze was finally fixed on Xiao Yi.

"This one is the famous Ziyan Yi Xiao, Vice Palace Master Yi Xiao."

"Master of the Miao Hall." Xiao Yi also arched his hands.

The old man, he saw it for the first time, but he had heard of his name.

Moreover, this name alone was enough to make his gaze extremely serious.

Miaoshenghua, the main hall of Tianji Hall.

In terms of position, he is probably equivalent to the position of the two masters of the Palace of Chengfeng in the Hall of Wind and the Palace of Shura.

But this person is a legendary array mage who has become famous thousands of years ago.

A pair of wonderful hands, snapped fingers in a row.

The exquisite array and the unparalleled law, this person is in full control.

Even if it is the ancient great formation, it will not last for a while in the hands of this person.

This person is a well-deserved legendary array mage.

"Hall Master Miao is here, is that...?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

Miao Shenghua smiled faintly, and said, "Naturally, this is a solution."

"The district main hall wanted order, is it worth the visit of the miraculous hall master?" Xiao Yi frowned, and a faint thought flashed through his mind.

Miaoshenghua waved her hand, "Vice-Hall Master Yi Xiao don't have to misunderstand."

"There is a wanted order in the main hall of the district, and there are also a group of wanted people who are not ordinary peerless strength. Naturally, it is not worthy of an old man to come."

"However, it is also the wanted order for the main hall of this district, and there are also a group of wanted people in the district, but the two hall masters, Fengsha and Shura, and the famous deputy hall master Xiao Yi came here in person. ."

"Now, even you, the successor of the Three Halls, are here. If the old man doesn't come, I can't justify it."

Miao Shenghua smiled and said, "Jiang Liuhuo and Xu Heyan are the people of your Yandian and Yaozundian. The old man can't control it."

"The old man is here just to deal with Bai Yue and Jing Wu."

"Baiyue, Jing Wu." Miaoshenghua's face instantly became solemn, her majesty, with coldness.

"Do you really think you can hide from the main hall?"

"The Eight Halls have their own iron rules, and if they are violated, they will be severely punished."

"From now on, you two will remove the titles of the main hall master and deputy hall master, and will be relegated to the branch hall master, and will no longer be hired within a hundred years."

"The law enforcement team and the warriors in the palace who participated in the hunt for this wanted order will all be demoted to three levels in a row."

"Within a hundred years, if there is still a lag, you will be punished for several crimes, and you will be sent to the black devil prison and punished heavily for a hundred years."

"This..." Bai Yue and Jing Wu's expressions changed.

When they heard that they were relegated to the sub-temple master, they wanted to say something.

Zhongyu is not an ordinary place. It is extremely difficult to accumulate merits for the titles and positions of the Eight Palaces.

It takes a hundred years to be the master of the main hall, or even to enter the main hall to become the deputy head of the main hall.

Now he immediately revoked his status and even became the sub-temple master. This was a great blow to both of them, and even heavy punishment.

But when they heard the words "Black Demon Prison", their bodies trembled again, and they dared not say anything more.

"Follow the orders of Miao Hall Master." The two hurriedly bowed.

Miao Shenghua nodded and looked back at Xiao Yi, "Vice Palace Master Yi Xiao, is it satisfactory to deal with it like this?"


Second more.

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