Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1724: No one can stop

"Huh, pretending to be." Mo You snorted coldly.

"You are really like that little thief, you are not good at bluffing and pretending to be powerful."

"No wonder you and that little thief have the same name and called as twins."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, and there was obviously a trace of hideousness in the laughter.

"I took a look at the list, but I didn't want to miss any."


Xiao Yi's footsteps moved.

Under the flames, even if it was only one step, there was an astonishing burst of air.

Step... step... step...

Xiao Yi's footsteps were not fast, just walking step by step.

"Stop him for me." Elder Tongtian gave a cold cry.

"Yes." The surrounding deacon and the elder of the Academy immediately shot.

In the distance, Mo You stood beside the elder Tongtian, "Want to come to the Tianzang Academy to get me? That's a joke."

"Yi Xiao, this girl just stood there motionless, she has the ability, just come."

Xiao Yi kept silent, moving slowly.

The elders and deacons all around came from the sky.

It was just a few breaths that surrounded Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi, still ignored, walked slowly.

"Yi Xiao, stop right away, and get caught." Deacon Tongtianfeng gave a cold cry.

Xiao Yi recognizes this person.

Back then, in front of the Twelve Peaks of Tianzang, this person came to force him to hand over the jade.

Deacon Tongtianfeng, blocked the way forward, "If he refuses to stop, then I will blame the Tianzang Academy for being rude."

"Take it down."

More than a dozen elders and dozens of deacons all attacked.

Xiao Yi didn't stop, but his hands were moving lightly.

With a flick of his fingertips, a flash of fire popped out instantly.

The deacon who was the farthest away was instantly bounced a hundred meters away under the flame.

Xiao Yi's hand moved.

An elder who relied on the recent attack was blown away with a punch.


Time, the last moment.

There was only a roar around Xiao Yi.

But dozens of elders and dozens of deacons all blasted off in an instant.

Dozens of figures, like a fireball, were heavily bombarded in the air.

All this seems to be only a moment.

However, the powerful, such as Hua Qingyi and others, are very clear that at the moment, Xiao Yi's speed has reached the extreme.

Fingertips lightly moved, fists lightly danced, and they were swung dozens of times in an instant.

Naturally, all the elders and deacons who attacked him were blown away at the same time.

"How is it possible, okay, so strong..." The Deacon of Tongtianfeng who had been blocking the road opened his eyes wide.

At this time, Xiao Yi's seemingly slow pace had already reached him.

In Xiao Yi's eyes, he was a roadblocker.

"Not good." Deacon Tongtianfeng reacted instantly and planned to back off.

However, in Xiao Yi's eyes, a deacon of Twelve Peaks is not much faster than an ant.


There was another explosion.

The deacon of Tongtianfeng was blown away instantly.

When he flew, the flames were added to his body; the moment he landed, the flames dissipated, but his body was already blackened.


Deacon Tongtianfeng spit out several blood.

Bloody, dark red, as if burnt water.

In the next second, he fainted directly.

He was not dead, but he was seriously injured and dying.

Xiao Yi's footsteps could not be stopped, step by step, walking.

At this time, he already walked to Hua Qingyi's body.

"No, Elder Hua..." The surrounding elders changed their expressions.

At this moment, Hua Qingyi is sitting cross-legged in place.

He had already suffered backlash, and he sat cross-legged, intending to stabilize his injury.

At this moment, there is no escape at all.

From everyone's point of view, he had obviously become a blocker on Yi Xiao's journey, so his fate...must be like the deacon elders who shot just now.

However, the expected roar did not appear.

Xiao Yi grabbed Hua Qingyi's collar, and with a flick of his arm, Hua Qingyi was thrown away heavily.

When Hua Qingyi fell on the ground, she fell all over her face and ate a lot of dust, but she was obviously not injured.

"Bah." Hua Qingyi quickly sat up and wiped the dust on the corners of her mouth.

He knew that Yi Xiao didn't hurt him seriously because he had been seriously injured just now, and Yi Xiao disdain to take action.

In addition, he was once the deputy head of the Yandian Hall and made great achievements in the Yandian Hall.

Putting on a robe, let him go.

Of course, he now finally understands why the dignified Ziyan Yixiao, this peerless evildoer who is now in the middle of the sky, will personally set foot on the Tianzang Academy, and even fight against it.

This evildoer can make evil cultivators frighten and retreat.

This evildoer can sweep all the way, fearless, and never fail.

This enchanting evildoer, even the head of the three halls, praised and directly recognized it.

But this evildoer, and the swordsman Tianjiao who was expelled from the school for no reason, are friends, and even known as twins.

That kendo Tianjiao, the Academy did not treat him fairly.

But now this fire-controlling evildoer can force his Tianzang Academy.

And most importantly, a disciple of the Xuegong has touched the bottom line of this fire-controlling evildoer.

Including all the elders and deacons present, in fact, after sensing the message, they already knew the matter.

I already know the reason why Yi Xiao made a noise in the Tianzang Academy today.

But what about this? Let him be handed over to Tianzang Academy? Not to fight? Then what is his face in Tianzang Academy?

Moreover, is it still during this extraordinary period that the tomb of the ancient emperor is about to open, hand over the sister of the breaker? This is of course absolutely essential.

At this time, Xiao Yi had already reached the top ten elders.

These dozens of elders came from Tianzang Mountain with Hua Qingyi, and had always been behind Hua Qingyi.

Now Hua Qingyi is thrown away.

It is naturally these dozens who stand in the way.

These dozens of elders are all retreat elders on the peak of Tianzang Mountain.

If you put them outside, these dozens of people, all of them are well-known and strong.

But now, before stopping Xiao Yi's path, he couldn't help but shudder.

Because they asked themselves that there was no chance of stopping Xiao Yi's footsteps.

"Yi...Yi Xiao...I have something to say..." An elder shivered.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "What else can I say to hurt my elder friend?"

Don't wait for the elder to say anything.


There was a loud noise.

This elder, directly adding the flames, was instantly blasted for a hundred meters.

Bang... bang... bang...

Xiao Yi's footsteps were walking slowly, not fast, but they did not stop at all.

Wherever he went, only flames exploded and silhouettes were blown away.

But within a few seconds, dozens of retreat elders were seriously injured one by one.

Ahead, Mo You, who had always been calm and sneer, suddenly changed his face.

"So many retreat elders can't stop this crap?"

Mo You's face has indeed changed.

But what changed was not panic, but a trace of dissatisfaction and anger.

"Huh." Elder Tongtianfeng snorted sharply, "Elder Twelve Peaks, follow me and take down this kid."


Elder Twelve Peaks flashed out instantly and surrounded Xiao Yi.


Second more.

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