Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1732: Make you mess up

"No." Mo You shook his head.

The Wangyou Sword that was originally condensed in his hand disappeared instantly.

"Brother Yi." Mo You looked at Xiao Yi and arched his hands.

"I will not take advantage of the danger. Today's battle will end here."

"In the future, when you recover from your injury, you and I will fight again."

"Humph." Not far away, Mo You sneered, "Yi Xiao villain, you heard it."

"My brother spared you today, are you still not grateful to Dade?"

"Heh." Xiao Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up forcibly.

"The sword aura blessed by the Sword Emperor's Origin is indeed powerful."

"But it's not enough to defeat Yi."

"Brother Yi, why do you..." Mo You frowned.

"Huh, I can't help myself." Mo You smiled dismissively, "This girl will be merciful and tell you that there is only a trace of the origin of the sword emperor I have just been able to call."

"But it can already hurt you seriously like this."

"And the origin of the sword emperor my brother can mobilize is ninety-nine percent."

"I haven't used it before, just want to fight you fairly; if you really use it, your fate will only be like that Xiao Yi little thief back then..."

"Like a mourning dog, fled in embarrassment."

"Oh, right." Mo You sneered triumphantly, "This girl spares you today."

"But, you remember, this is the price you paid for offending this girl."

"The little thief Xiao Yi couldn't do anything to me that day, you... also can't."

"Go back and tell the little thief Xiao Yi, the old woman and the group of idiots, within ten days, come to the Tianzang Academy in person to apologize."



A monstrous flame swept across in an instant.

The astonishing flame suddenly stopped De Moyou's words.

Xiao Yi's body was covered with flames again.

The terrifying heat immediately burned his wounds and scabs.

But, the corner of his mouth, blood overflowed again.

Not far away, Dean Huo, who had been silent, frowned.

"Yi Xiao, why bother with you."

"Forcibly burned the wound, just desperately doing it, and the wound was wounded."

"The power of the Sword Emperor's origin, your state may not be able to stop it."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, and the grinning meaning was again mixed in the laughter.

He came to the Tianzang Academy to fight and suffered only two injuries.

Once, under the siege of Jiuhan, Ye Shang, and Lin Xinghe, Ye Sheng's Ye Sheng Liujue hit him once and hurt him once.

Once, it was Mo You that borrowed Lin Xinghe's bodyguard sword aura just now, adding the sword emperor's origin blessing, and the shocking sword aura he sent out, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, directly injured him seriously.

However, there will not be a third time.

"A few days ago." Xiao Yi slowly opened his mouth, "I talked with my little brother."

"He said that his origin of the Sword Emperor was robbed, he didn't care."

"He is confident that his swordsmanship will surpass all of this one day; those external forces, no matter how strong they are, he does not bother to use them."

"I told him, well, if I meet him in the future, I will not be afraid of it, because you are my opponent."

Hearing this, the elders of the academic palace around him stared.

The first feeling in my heart is "crazy", which is extremely crazy.

They naturally knew that the little brother in Yi Xiao's mouth was the other of the twins, Xiao Yi.

The matter of being robbed of the origin of the Sword Emperor has long been spread from Heiyun Learning and everyone knows.

But this Xiao Yi didn't care at all.

This is a real sword repair, an arrogant evildoer who is more arrogant than the sky.


At this time, the flames on Xiao Yi's body broke out again.

Mo You narrowed his eyes, "Well, if Brother Yi really wants to fight, I can only accompany him."

Forget Worry Sword, once again condensed.

The extreme black light is extremely dazzling.

Xiao Yi ignored his steps, stepped forward again, staring directly at Mo You with cold eyes.

Mo You suddenly turned cold, "Brother Yi, I am the only sister, no one can hurt her."

Mo You's tone was already cold.

Bang... Mo You's body burst out with the same momentum.

Strands of white awns surround the body.

That... is the origin of the Sword Emperor.

And the original aura of the sword emperor far surpasses Mo You.

At this moment, Mo You's strength was definitely stronger than before.

His Sword Emperor origin had obviously been integrated into the martial spirit with the help of Senior Luo.

"Sacred Sword." Mo You, a sword cut out.

This sword is almost at its extreme.

However, his sword stopped in an instant.

The monstrous purple inflammation poured out.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's momentum and flames really broke out.

Xiao Yi at this moment is the one who has the best strength.

With both hands out, the power of controlling the fire was already quite understandable.

From a distance, Xiao Yi at this moment looked like a flame god, and the flames of heaven and earth were all under his control.

The black light was eclipsed under the six-color flame.

That sharp sword aura was crushed by the monstrous flames.

"Do you think it is really difficult for me to break your sword aura?" Xiao Yi's tone was with disdain.

"Do you think it really takes a lot of work for me to defeat you and kill you?"

Xiao Yi sneered.


There was a shocking sound.

A dozen fierce six-color wandering dragons rushed out loudly.

The breath of the holy sword was shattered almost in an instant.

Mo You's body was directly under the dozens of fierce fire dragons, and was heavily bombarded.

When the flames dissipated, Mo You was already far away, spitting out blood, no longer able to fight.

Around, the expressions of the elders of the academic palaces were extremely shocked.

This is where it is slightly better, it is simply crushing strength.

"This Yi Xiao, good... terrible."

Here, Xiao Yi's flame has not disappeared.

In hand, take out that list.

"On the list, without your name, I won't kill you for now."

After all, the list was retracted.

Footsteps, walking slowly again.

His gaze stared straight at Dean Huo.

In his eyes, in addition to indifference, there is also solemnity.

From the very beginning, he hadn't paid attention to the retreat elders on the peak of Tianzang Mountain, including Mo You.

Before he came to Tianzang Academy, he knew that he wanted to take Mo You, and only Dean Huo could really stop him.

"Yi had thought that you would keep watching without showing up."

Xiao Yi said indifferently.

Yes, in fact, Xiao Yi knew that Dean Huo was always there.

Including his previous defeat by Hua Qingyi and all the elders and deacons of the Xuegong palace around him, Dean Huo had been watching him, but he didn't show up.

In the huge Tianzang Academy, what can be hidden from the eyes of the old Dean Huo?

Dean Huo smiled faintly, "I didn't show up before because I knew it was unnecessary."

"You only hurt people. Even if you kill, you only kill a few people."

"It doesn't matter if Elder Tongtian or Elder Tiandi, you want to kill them, I can't do anything."

"Even if I can stop you today, you can come back in the future."

"I can keep them for a while, but not a lifetime."

"So it's not necessary, I just let you make a lot of trouble, vent enough."

Dean Huo smiled faintly, without joy or sadness.


Fourth more. (burst)

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