Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1741: long time

Mo You, turned and left.

It's just that the unrestrained Mo You in the past, the broad back, and the feeling of peace of mind.

At this moment, it has turned into depression, depression, and endless loneliness.

"Hey." Qing Lin sighed.

"Brother Mo You, he's actually a nice person."

"It's just his sister...Oh."

"If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been so cold in the hearts of teachers."

Qing Lin sighed again, "In fact, Senior Brother Mo You is also having a hard time these days."

"His sister has just been sent back to Heiyun to study and is already seriously injured. She has been completely abolished, and she is still suffering from the endless flames all day long."

"I have seen how painful Brother Mo You is about this."

"For this, how haggard and exhausted."

"Unfortunately, he has to prepare for the grand event in the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"If you can..." Qing Lin hesitated for a moment and looked at Xiao Yi.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"That senior is one of the seniors I respect most."

Xiao Yi looked at Qinglin, "You have always been free-tempered, and you don't care about many things like me."

"Mo sorrows you, you don't care much afterwards."

"But, what if it is the vice president who is sad?"

"Dare she?" Qing Lin's eyes were cold, and killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"That's not it." Xiao Yi smiled, "So, these words don't need to be mentioned in the future."

"Everyone needs to be responsible for what they do."

"Everyone's choice has his reasons, but there are also consequences he needs to bear."

"If you are a martial artist, you may step into the evil way with a difference of thought, and join the evil cultivator at all costs for the sake of strength."

"As a result, all the warriors in the mainland abandoned it and hunted it down."

"Such as martial arts, thousands of martial arts, all have an end; but if you step on the wrong step, you will no longer take the same path."

"Life, isn't it the same?" Xiao Yi shrugged.

"Sigh." Qing Lin sighed, and said no more.

Aside, Ye Liu smiled, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Okay, let's not talk about it."

"Brother Xiao Yi, there is still about half a day before the tomb of the ancient emperor opens."

"We might as well enjoy drinking and talking."

Xiao Yi smiled and looked far away.

Here, within the ancient forbidden group, there are forbidden formations everywhere.

The tomb of the ancient emperor is within these forbidden formations.

Once the time is up, it will be turned on automatically.

Calculating the time, there is still about half a day from the opening.

"Speak up the wine?" Xiao Yi looked at Ye Liu and smiled, "Why don't you talk about it?"

"When you were in the Wind Holy Region, you swinger, but you often talked to me about those wind currents..."

Before Xiao Yi's words were finished, Ye Liu waved his hand quickly, "I haven't said it."

Behind him, a grim gaze came straight.

Two shadows came slowly.

"Oh, it's Lianxing Girl and Huowu Girl." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Young Master Xiao Yi." Gu Lianxing bowed slightly.

"Keep on talking, I'll listen."

Gu Lianxing glanced at Ye Liu, "Brother Ye, you were walking outside a few years ago, and I want to hear about the wind flowing past."

Ye Liu's body trembled, "Where am I? Brother Xiao Yi is nonsense."

"Nonsense?" Gu Lianxing narrowed his eyes. "Young Master Xiao Yi's temperament, do you think I don't know?"

"If you hadn't really said it, would he have confided?"

"Brother Xiao Yi, please explain quickly." Ye Liu looked at Xiao Yi with a begging look.

Xiao Yi shrugged.

On the side, Gongsun Huowu also showed a piercing gaze, "Ye Liu, it's nothing more than your own wandering, how can you still take this little thief..."

"I..." Ye Liu was bitter.

"Haha." Xiao Yi smiled, "Girl Lianxing, Girl Huowu, I'm really just joking."

"A few days ago, I talked with my Yi Xiao brother."

"He also talked to me about talking with you in Dongli Sword Palace."

"He said, at that time, Ye Liu, your kid seemed to have misunderstood something, thinking that he was me, and deliberately tested him a few times."

"Originally, I didn't worry about it."

"But." Xiao Yinao smirked, "I just fell down just now, and you actually tempted me."

Ye Liu smiled bitterly, "I'm just curious, Brother Xiao Yi, wouldn't you take revenge on me like this?"

"But your brother Yi is really amazing."

"My previous temptation, without a trace, was discovered by him."

"It's really worthy of being a fellow with the same fame as Brother Xiao Yi, you really are not a general generation."

Ye Liu said sincerely.

Xiao Yi smiled and said nothing.

The heart slandered, this is not nonsense, it is the same person.

"Little thief, long time no see." At this moment, Gongsun Huowu looked straight at Xiao Yi.

Compared with the previous carelessness, at this moment, the voice was a little timid.

Xiao Yi smiled.

Gongsun Huowu and Gu Lianxing did not have the quota for this tomb of the ancient emperor.

However, they can also come and see.

Those who have a quota can indeed bring a few people into the tomb of the ancient emperor.

However, the only ones who can enter the main game are those with quotas.

Other people, at most, just go in and see, maybe they can have some chance.

"You are Xiao Yi?" At this moment, another familiar voice came.

"Ran Qi?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly and curled his lips.

He already guessed what Ran Qi would say next.

Sure enough, Ran Qi had just arrived in front of him, already standing with his hand with his hand, proudly said, "Are you a twin with the same name as Yi Xiao?"

"Humph." Ran Qi snorted coldly, wanting to say something.

Xiao Yi had already prepared, and interrupted directly, "Ran Qi? Tian Lance Mansion Ran Qi is not?"

"I know you, my brother Yi also told me about you."

"Oh?" Ran Qi was about to say something, but he swallowed it instantly. Instead, he asked, "What did you say?"

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "He said, you are good at strength."

"However, you are not qualified to fight me until you beat him."

"Huh? What a Ziyan Yi Xiao, really rampant." Ran Qi's face became cold, "Okay, I will wait for him to defeat him, and then I will find you again."

After that, Ran Qi said no more.

Xiao Yi couldn't help secretly rejoicing.

This Ran Qi is a fighting frenzy.

Either don't mess with him, if you mess, just wait for endless challenges.

Fortunately, the identity of Yi Xiao has always been fascinating, this guy can't find it.

Whether it is Ran Qi, Gu Lianxing, Gongsun Huowu, etc., they are actually here long ago.

However, they had obviously been standing next to the elders of their own forces before, so they just came here.

Xiao Yi glanced around.

There are over a hundred forces here.

Except for the overlord powers such as the Eighteen Houses, the rest are at least first-class powers.

On the other side, on the side of the academy team, there were also the five great palaces, and the elders accompanied them.

In a long time, the tomb of the ancient emperor will be opened.

Everyone is looking forward to it.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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