Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1743: One person short

"It deserves to be the tomb of the ancient emperor." Xiao Yi's expression was startled, and he was also happy.

The stars in the sky are beyond human control.

But the method here in the tomb of the ancient emperor can make heaven and earth stars form an array in a special time, so as to stir a little power of the heaven and earth.

And these Xu Tiandi powers drove the ancient forbidden formations below.

That series of chain changes directly produced amazing qualitative changes.

In the front, a terrifying ancient aura rushed forward.

Xiao Yi could not describe this breath accurately.

I only knew that this was the oldest, most awe-inspiring, and most shocking breath he had ever seen and felt.

Even the places of inheritance of the Eight Palaces are far inferior.

No one knows how long this ancient tomb has existed, but it is definitely far more than tens of millions of years.

This eternal tomb, lying in the river of time, is full of mystery and unknown.

The ancient aura that rushed to the face almost came in an overwhelming manner, and then swept across the depths of the far east.

The martial artist on the scene, the weaker, even unable to stand firm, had to resist with his strength.

The tomb of the ancient emperor has not yet been born, but it has such power.

Time gradually passed.

When the sweeping momentum dissipated, the ancient aura, like the might of the world, firmly suppressed everyone present.

However, the tombs of the ancient emperors, or the tombs of Dongfu, have not yet been seen.

On the contrary, among the countless ancient prohibition formations around, in the intersecting stars, the prohibitions suddenly appeared out of thin air.


A series of eighteen prohibitions suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


Aodong Building, the elders of the Five University Palaces, and the elders of the three palaces of Heavenly Spear Mansion, Tianxing Mansion, and Arrow Star Mansion, jumped out instantly, guarding before the eighteen bans.

"If you don't leave at this time, when will you stay?" Aodonglou shouted.


Xiao Yi, Ye Liu, Ran Qi and other people who had the quota, flashed out instantly.

Gu Feifan, Jin Chen and others also appeared in a flash.

Before the eighteen bans, the 12 heavens stood proudly.


At this moment, from a distance, three figures came swiftly.

In a few breaths, three warriors with amazing aura fell from the sky.

It is Hua Ruo Lian, First Yun and Changsun Chilie.

"Fortunately, I can rush to it." The three smiled at each other, and then flashed before the eighteen prohibitions.

Aodonglou nodded and said loudly, "You wait for fifteen people, and each chooses one to prohibit entry."

Xiao Yi, Ye Liu, Ran Qi, Ling Hong, Ao Yinfeng, Chief of the Five University Palace, Mo You, Zhang Nanfeng, a total of 12 people.

Add to that the Hua Ruo Lian three who can be rushed here today.

There are 15 people in total.

15 people nodded when they heard the words, already knowing.

Before, Aodonglou had told everyone about the tomb of the ancient emperor.

As for the three of Hua Ruo Lian, although they only arrived now, they obviously already knew about these matters in the main hall.

The tomb of the ancient emperor has actually been born today.

However, in the eyes of all the warriors present, the surrounding area was empty.

Yes, it's just a dazzling star screen.

In fact, these 18 prohibitions are the ‘passage’ to enter the tomb of the ancient emperor.

The reason why there are 18 places in the tomb of the ancient emperor is not because of anything else; but because every time the tomb of the ancient emperor is opened, there will only be 18 prohibitions, not one more, many one.

Therefore, there are only 18 places.

The eight palaces of the ancient times, with superb status, directly owned 8 of them.

Naturally, the remaining 10 belong to the major martial arts schools and the forces equally divided.

However, not every time the tomb of the ancient emperor is opened, the 18 Heavenly Pride will arrive.

The 10 places of the major forces and the major martial arts schools will be allocated, and they will be assigned to them.

The number of places in the Eight Palaces is not necessarily so.

Sometimes, Badian might not send Tianjiao here to participate.

Like this time, everyone counts, only 15 people, not at least 18.

Perhaps it was the Tianjiao of a few temples who was in retreat and couldn't come out for a while.

Or perhaps, for certain halls, the tomb of the ancient emperor has been opened for many years, and no one can break it for countless years, and it is the same whether it comes.

Of course, this situation will only appear in the Eight Palaces.

There has never been a vacancy in the places in the university palaces and major forces.

This situation is not too surprising.

After all, some extremely crazy Tianjiao is really hard to guess.

For example, at the beginning of the Fengcha and Shura Halls, 10 edicts were sent to Xiao Yi to go to the main hall for assessment, but Xiao Yi was never seen.

The same is true for the eight halls. It is very likely that the quota has already been set, but Tianjiao, who was originally going to come, temporarily dropped the chain and did not come directly.

Of course, as now...

"Hold on." Ran Qi suddenly shouted.

"There is still someone in the future. The tomb of the ancient emperor cannot be opened temporarily."

"The future? Who?" Aodonglou frowned.

"Yi Xiao still has the future." Ran Qi said coldly.

"Vice Hall Master Yi Xiao?" Aodong Tower frowned instantly.

"What nonsense." The elder of the Five University Palace snorted coldly, "The tomb of the ancient emperor is such a grand event, and that Yi Xiao is so arrogant. If he doesn't come by himself, do we have to wait for him to fail?"

"In the tombs of ancient emperors and the eight halls, there are always some arrogant people who think that the world is invincible, so they won't come."

"Huh, the quota of their eight palaces is too easy, so don't you cherish it?"

"This..." Aodonglou frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

"Deputy Hall Master Xiao Yi, do you know what happened to Vice Palace Master Yi Xiao?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yi together.

After all, in their eyes, Xiao Yi is another twin.

"Uh, here." Xiao Yi touched his nose slightly embarrassed, "I came to the Far East a few days ago and met him."

"He seems to have fought a battle in the Tianzang Academy. He has gained a lot in martial arts and went to retreat."

"I don't know if I entered a state of retreat and missed the event for a while."

"Have you gone to retreat?" Everyone was stunned after hearing the words.

Indeed, the warrior enters a state of retreat, and generally does not wake up easily.

Especially when there are great gains in martial arts, it is even more difficult to leave the closed state for a while.

Yi Xiao defeated all the strong scholars in the Tianzang Academy alone, and it was normal to gain something.

"Why retreat at this time?" Aodonglou frowned.

"He should know that there is not much time until the tomb of the ancient emperor opened, and he chose this time to retreat?"

Just at this time, a contemptuous speech sounded in the Five University Palace.

"Perhaps, someone feels triumphant about defeating the Tianzang Academy and feels that they can control everything."

"Even if you are closed, you can wake up in time."

"Even if the martial arts insight is great, with his talents, he can complete the enlightenment in a short time."

"But the reality is obviously that he failed and he is still trapped in retreat."

"The grand event in the tomb of the ancient emperor has no chance with that Ziyan."

"This guy." Ran Qi gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry about him." Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "He has always been cautious and measured."

"He chose to retreat, he has his own reasons."

"Yes." Ran Qi frowned, "This guy is not a fool, but a person who thinks he is arrogant, like a fool."

Ran Qi said this, and glanced at the people in the Fifth University Palace.

"He would rather retreat than come. If he wants to come, it must be a martial arts, and he will have a great harvest."


Second more.

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