Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1775: The ninth ban was broken

Eighteen banned giant gates were enlightened by 14 leaders.

At this time, Mo You's physical training ban, Xiao Yi's kendo ban, plus the bans of the six teams including First Yun, Hua Ruo Lian, Changsun Chilie, and Ye Liu, Ran Qi, and Gu Feihua.

A total of 8 huge prohibition doors have been opened.

And the puppets and monster beasts that rushed out had reached the level of peerless 9891.

Densely dense, like a turbulent army of monsters and puppets, both of them are of peerless strength. Such a sight is enough to make people palpitate and even tremble.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi glanced at the surrounding situation and couldn't help but cursed in secret.

"Come on to me."

Xiao Yi gave a low voice.

Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu rushed to the side of Xiao Yi.

With their strength, it is simply not enough to deal with these monsters that have reached the peerless level.

But the monster beasts that rushed out of the other giant gates were even more surrounded.

They had already appeared in horror. Now that they heard Xiao Yi's words, they stopped fighting in an instant and came out.

"Star Fantasy Sword Formation, seal it." Xiao Yi yelled coldly and put out his hands together.

The starlight sword aura instantly poured out of the giant gate, and then formed a sword formation on its own, blocking all areas before the giant gate.

In the ancient emperor's cave, although he could not use the power of heaven and earth to increase himself.

But since he cultivated Starlight Sword Art, he could naturally condense Starlight Sword Qi.

With the huge vitality in his body, the Starlight Sword Qi condensed from him is equally powerful.

Bang... bang... bang...

Within the Star Fantasy Sword Formation, heads of monster beasts kept rushing into the sword formation.

However, the sword formation is obviously unbreakable, even if the countless monsters are slammed into the explosion, it is still difficult to break through the sword formation blockade.

But within the sword formation, the starlight sword aura was flying continuously, or penetrating the heads of monsters, or dividing the monsters into corpses, killing these monsters as much as possible.

It is a pity that within the tomb of the emperor, it is impossible to use the power of the stars of heaven and earth; otherwise, with Xiao Yi's current cultivation base, even a sword aura in the star fantasy sword formation would be enough to instantly kill the monster beast.

The sword aura was flying, enough to make these monsters rush out and die.

But now, relying solely on his own strength, the condensed sword formation and starlight sword aura, the power is much weaker, at most it is the monster beast that rushed out of the besieging the giant gate of kendo.

"Young Master Xiao Yi, what should I do?" Gu Lianxing and two asked anxiously, looking at the sudden change in the surroundings.

Xiao Yi frowned.

The giant gate of kendo was completely sealed off by his star fantasy sword formation, and a monster beast could never rush out.

But the other banned giant gates, including Heiyun Learning and Teaching, and the banned giant gates of six teams including First Yun and Ye Liu, have all been opened.

A large number of monsters and puppets have become unstoppable.

It was originally a blockade and surrounded by the teams, but now it has become a problem for the monsters in the main game, and it has surrounded the teams and Tianjiao present.

But at this moment, Heiyun Xuejiao and his party gave up the resistance outside the giant physical cultivation gate in an instant.

And instead, under the leadership of Mo You, he moved all the way to the direction of the team of the Fourth University Palace.

At present, the ban on the six people, chief of the four university palaces, Ao Yinfeng, and Ling Hong, has not been broken by the enlightenment.

Mo You's move was obviously to give up the resistance in front of the giant physical cultivation gate, and instead went to protect the enlightenment of the chief of the Fourth University Palace.

"So that's it." Xiao Yi glanced, frowning even tighter.

Gu Lianxing followed Xiao Yi's gaze, and also reacted.

"Heiyun's teaching team, as well as the disciples of the Fourth University Palace, want to protect the four chiefs and give them time to break the ban."

"But, if the ban is broken again, the strength of these monster beasts will soar again."

"How long can we block?"

Gu Lianxing looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It won't last long."

"If their restrictions are broken, the strength of these monsters will reach the peerless 9995 level."

"If I pass the watershed of this peerless realm again, I may not be able to leave here."

"What?" Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu's expressions changed when they heard this.

If Qiangru Xiao Yi could also say this, the seriousness of the consequences obviously exceeded their imagination.

"Brother Ye, hurry up and wake up the chief of the Fourth University Palace, Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng." Gu Lianxing quickly shouted.

Before the kendo giant gate, Xiao Yi laid down the Star Fantasy Sword Formation.

And Gu Lianxing two people in the sword formation can be assured.

But outside the sword formation, the rest of the teams have already fallen into a bitter battle.

Ye Liu both palms out, wandering around his team, killing as much as possible the dense monster beasts.

Ran Qi, with a thunder gun, opened and closed, stupefied that within a radius of tens of meters, no monster can get close.

First Yun, Changsun Chilie, and Hua Ruo Lian are similar.

But this is not a long-term solution after all.

These monsters and puppets can never be killed.

If it continues to be consumed, the consumption can also consume all the arrogances present.

And each team was originally in front of each banned giant gate.

The various banned giant gates are not closely connected.

Within this big main game, the teams were completely divided by dense monsters.

"Brother Ran, help me protect for a while." Ye Liu shouted loudly.

A pair of iron hands forcibly opened the way, protecting the team behind the Tianjiao approaching Ran Qi.

Ran Qi nodded, the Emperor Thunder Spear in his hand burst into the air.


The monstrous thunder came in an instant, raging in a radius of 100 meters.

With his strength, the monstrous Thunder was enough to ravage a larger area.

But these monsters are peerless monsters. With such a large number, he can only compress the range of Thunder to increase the power of Thunder.

Ye Liu's team was merged into Ran Qi's team.

In the next second, Ye Liu's figure flashed and went straight to the chief of the Fourth University Palace.

"Wake up for me." Ye Liu shouted loudly, about to forcibly wake Linghuwang and the other four people.

"Don't think about it." Gu Feifan banged his palm.

Papa...The two confronted, Gu Feihua was shaken back several steps, but Ye Liu's move to hit Linghuwang and the other four was also stopped.

"What are you doing?" Ye Liu's face was cold.

Roar... roar... roar...

Ye Liu was alone in the tide of monsters, with both palms stretched out to resist the surrounding monsters, while looking at Gu Feifan with an ugly expression.

Gu Feifei said coldly, "If you feel that you are invincible, you can leave first, but why do you stop us from breaking the game?"

Gu Feifan had already broken a restriction.

Now, together with the black cloud learning and teaching team, two teams are guarding outside the chief of the Fourth University Palace.

Jin Chen, who had been awakened by the infestation of the monster beast, had already sat down again and began to comprehend.

"Are you looking for death?" Ye Liu frowned.

The Chief of the Four University Palaces are guarded by the Heiyun Xuejiao and Tianzang Academy. If these two teams are unwilling, he will not be able to force the Chief of the Fourth University Palace.

Moreover, he himself was surrounded by this monster beast, and his situation was not good.


Just at this time, another banned explosion sound came.

"It's Linghu forget." Gu Feifei looked happy when he saw this.

"You..." Ye Liu gritted his teeth.

The aura and strength of the surrounding monsters suddenly rose.

"These monsters have reached the strength of the peerless 9992 Dao." Ran Qi shouted violently, "Ye Liu, ignore the group of fools, come back soon."


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