Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1789: Enchanted

"The Poison Book?"

Xiao Yi frowned.

He hadn't cultivated this Poison Dao technique he brought from the Eastern Region, but he had read it all.

Most of the various poisonous ideas in it have not been confirmed.

Therefore, Xiao Yi has never dared to practice, at most, he tried to dabble for some time.

But nowadays, the martial arts knowledge that is restricted by the drug road can actually fit in with the ideas in the treasure book?

In other words, there is no need to verify the original records that could not be determined in the Poison Tome.

Since the martial arts knowledge here exists and can form a prohibition, it must exist in the world.

After an entire hour.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes slightly, his face was shocked, "Hi, what a vast knowledge of poison."

The prohibition on the giant gate of the poisonous road, the knowledge of martial arts in it, is bigger than Xiao Yi imagined.

Although the level is only in Peerless 9999 Dao.

But its scope is quite wide.

Among them, there are some martial arts knowledge that Xiao Yi has never heard of. I think, it is the knowledge of poison in ancient times.

In addition, whether it is the knowledge of Poison Dao in ancient times or the knowledge of Poison Dao in the present, the power of the martial arts rules exists in the world.

It's just that the current martial artist can reach the height of the ancient times.

This is the difference.

Time gradually passed.

A few hours later, Xiao Yi's face showed joy.

After a long time.

The restriction on the giant gate of the poisonous road suddenly broke.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes and smiled with joy.

The knowledge of martial arts in the prohibition of the drug road cannot be said to be completely compatible with the treasure canon.

It can only be said that many of them coincide with the records in the Poisons Book.

And the various whimsical ideas in the entire Poisons Book cannot be fully verified today, only a part of it has been verified.

"Or, I can really cultivate this poisonous way in the future." Xiao Yi smiled.

Xiao Yi got up and walked to another giant gate.

He broke the 17th giant gate.

The Ten Thousand Poison Book, this time can be regarded as helping him, of course, to be precise, it saved him a lot of time for enlightenment.

Otherwise, if he is not proficient in this poisonous way, it will take at least a few days to understand and comprehend only by his own martial arts level.

With all the entry points of the Poisons Book, I have roughly understood a part of the Poison Dao knowledge, and then comprehend it, it is much faster.

In other words, with 18 prohibitions, he only had the last one.

Xiao Yi walked towards the last giant ban.

However, he did not sit down cross-legged.

Around, like the roar of a tide monster, the impact became more intense.

The poison road ban was broken, and the monsters and puppets in the main game had more aura and stronger strength.

At this moment, although it has not broken the bottleneck of Peerless 9999 Dao, it has been stronger than that.

If you really want to compare, you are already very close to Ye Shang, Jiuhan, Lin Xinghe and other veteran peerless peak powerhouses who have stepped into the Peerless 9999 Dao for a long time.

If it's just a few or dozens, it's better to say.

But nowadays, it is densely packed, more than a hundred thousand.

At the beginning, Xiao Yi's opponents Jiuhan, Ye Shang, and Lin Xinghe were injured once, let alone now?

Therefore, Xiao Yi also had to condense animal feet at this moment.

With the increase of the beast feet, the power of the flame increased sharply again, once again stopping countless monsters and puppets around.

Counting it all out, this is already the ultimate strength of his Fire Dao, and he has all his cards.

Being able to block countless monsters that are no less powerful than Lin Xinghe and other peerless pinnacle powerhouses at the same time, his fire control ability is already a metamorphosis.

However, the strength of these monster beasts is only temporary.

There is also the 18th ban unbroken.

Let’s not talk about whether the 18th restriction can be broken. Even if it is broken, what level will the strength of these monsters and puppets soar?


No, it's impossible.

Xiao Yi was convinced that this was impossible. The gap between Legend and Peerless Peak was extremely large, and the increase could not be levelled.

However, at least it will reach the point where it is infinitely close to the legend.

That is the same level as one's current level.

In other words, once the 18th ban is broken, the countless monsters and puppets here, any one, will have the strength equivalent to his current full strength.

By then, how can he stop?

I am afraid that these monsters and puppets will be able to tear him to pieces in an instant.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth.

He must break this main game.

He said before that he wanted to gamble on his life.

Xiao Yi was actually not sure about breaking the game.

The ancient emperor cave mansion, this ancient existence, for thousands of years, no one dares to say that it will be broken.

Xiao Yi, dare not say it.

Therefore, he only dare to say a gamble.

However, he must get the opportunity of the tomb of the ancient emperor.

This opportunity is an opportunity.

He has been in a hurry all the time.

The time left for him is actually not much.

His two promises need to be fulfilled with sufficient strength.

This time, it may be an opportunity.

Therefore, even if he is not sure, even if he wants to fight for his life, he still chooses to stay and try to break the game.

"Fight." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, his eyes fierce.

Xiao Yi has always been ruthless to himself.

"If the 18th ban is really broken, and the strength of these monsters and puppets has greatly increased, use some last resort cards." Xiao Yi said to himself.

Naturally, he still has a hole card.

It is just a hole card that will not be used when it is not a life worry. If used, it will cost a lot.

Of course, whether the 18th prohibition can be broken is also a question.

The 18th prohibition is connected to the other 17 prohibitions.

Once it is broken, its increase is bound to be quite terrible.

Before that, the difficulty must be extremely great.

Xiao Yi suppressed his distracting thoughts, smiled faintly, as flat as ever.

Let go of perception and begin to sit down cross-legged to comprehend.

However, after the martial arts knowledge appeared in his mind, Xiao Yi's expression suddenly changed.

"Magic Way?" Xiao Yi's body trembled.

Gudidong Mansion's main bureau, the 18th prohibition, is the magic way.

But what is the magic way?

Just listening to the name really surprised Xiao Yi.

Just beginning to observe these martial arts knowledge, Xiao Yi also showed shock.

However, the more you look down, and the more you comprehend, Xiao Yi gradually became stunned.

Demon Dao prohibition was the first prohibition in the main bureau and the main prohibition in the ancient emperor's cave.

The difficulty is absolutely far beyond any of the other 17 prohibitions.

Even the drug road prohibition is inferior.

But Xiao Yi repaired quickly and participated smoothly.

This 18th prohibition, to him, was not the slightest difficulty, and even when he enlightened it, it seemed to be a matter of course.

Time gradually passed.

An hour later.

The aura on Xiao Yi's body changed.

His enlightenment is over.

He opened his eyes, but those eyes were already flushed, scarred of blood.

She has long flowing hair, messy around her waist.

At the corner of his mouth, there was an evil grin.

"Ha, ha ha." Xiao Yi smiled blankly.

The breath of the whole body is amazing, but chaotic.

The breath of the whole body, fierce, but also frightening.

The 18th prohibition has already been broken.

The breath of the monsters around him really increased.

However, Xiao Yi didn't have any fear. To be precise, he already knew what fear was in his eyes, except for blood red.

There is no fear on his face, and there is no expression on his face, only madness.

"You guys, do you want to die?" Xiao Yi stared at the monster beasts around him, spit out a few words unconsciously.

The voice is low, but with a grinning smile.


Xiao Yi put his hands together, and the hideous animal hand seemed to cut the space fiercely.

Under a stroke, a monstrous flame raged at the main game.

The fire burned like blood.

That fire, go wild like a demon.

Under the flames swept, but for a while, there was no more half monster puppet in the main game.

In the main game, he was the only one left, Xiao Yi, staring directly at the eighteen giant bans.

"Hahahaha." Xiao Yi laughed loudly.

"That's it, that's it."

"What is a demon, Shura Yuhuo is a demon."

"What is a demon? Asura holds the wind, it is a demon."

"What is a demon, Shura refining medicine, an undead demon."

"What is a demon, Shura fights a sword, and a demon in a demon."


Fourth more. (Make up)

Sorry, I wrote a big chapter, it was 10 minutes late.

Update today, over.

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