Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1792: The end of the cave

"Disperse." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice, dispelling the sword intent from his eyes.

Today, the 18 prohibitions within the main game have been broken.

In other words, the main game has been broken.

For thousands of years, the main game that no one can break, at this time, finally broke.

And Xiao Yi probably knew the purpose of the test of this main game and the purpose of the ancient emperor's leaving this cave mansion.

The magic way, Xiao Yi has never heard of before.

But the magic way, it really exists in the world.

It's just that no one can discover it, and no one can comprehend perception.

However, the ancient emperor, the first emperor of the ancients, who had mastered countless methods, and even mastered the five elements prohibition, five cultivation methods, and controlled the four forces of heaven and earth, discovered this way.

Demon Dao prohibition is the center of 18 Dao prohibitions.

The remaining 17 prohibitions can be said to be auxiliary prohibitions.

Among the 17 prohibitions, the reason why the prohibition of the medicine path is the most difficult to follow is that the fusion of the path of medicine and the ultimate physical cultivation, the resulting magic path is far stronger than any other fusion.

The path of medicine seems unremarkable, and the attack methods of normal alchemists are not strong.

But here, the drug road prohibition is actually the most difficult one.

On the other hand, the kendo prohibition is the weakest and the easiest among the 17 prohibitions.

But it seems easy.

In fact, the fusion of kendo and ultimate body practice is the strongest, even stronger than the fusion of medicine and ultimate body practice.

The reason is also very simple.

Any other ultimate one, ultimate alchemist, ultimate fire martial artist, do not need to take the way of killing.

But the ultimate sword repair, but must go.

"Mao Dao, huh." Xiao Yi shook his head and stood up.

This time the tomb of the ancient emperor and his entourage, not to mention anything else, just knowing and comprehending this magical way is a great gain.

The magic way, its explosive power, is indeed terrifying.

However, he doesn't plan to deepen it for now.

Although he was qualified to practice this kind of magic way discovered by the ancient emperor, it was too complicated and troublesome.

The fusion of the two extremes cannot be achieved overnight.

Xiao Yi didn't want to experience the feeling after falling into a madness.

Today, the most important thing is to continue to go deep into the tomb of the ancient emperor.

Just now, he briefly entered the magic way and instantly killed all the monsters and puppets.

And those monsters and puppets never appeared again.

The reason is that the 18 restrictions have been broken, the monsters and puppets have been killed, and they will no longer appear again.

Now, the main game has been broken, but what is there in this cave?

Xiao Yi didn't know.

In addition, in fact, in this cave mansion left by the ancient emperor, every kind of restriction and test obviously had his purpose.

At the same time, in fact, the appearance of every test has already given a hint.

Those puppets who cultivate themselves have swords in one hand and fire in the other.

That is the omen of the magic way.

After that, no matter if the puppets were physically cultivated or the monster beasts, their bodies were already extremely powerful.

The test after the 15 bans were broken, the yellow sand was full of the sky, the wind was blowing, the thunder and lightning, and other powers of bans were applied to these monsters and puppets, which were also the performance of the magic way.

It is equivalent to the ultimate body repair, plus other ultimate.

Of course, they can only be regarded as reluctant attempts.

Yes, try.

According to Xiao Yi's comprehension of the demon path restriction, these puppets and monsters, after adding other extreme powers, can not fully integrate the two extremes.

And these puppets, monsters, and methods were all left by the ancient emperor.

In other words, even if it is as strong as the ancient emperor and proficient in countless methods, it is impossible to perfectly integrate all these methods into the ultimate physical training.

The ancient emperor, repair the magic way.

Obviously, he is in control of the ultimate body cultivation, and may have successfully integrated a certain kind, or some other ultimates.

Such as kendo and fire control together.

But it is absolutely impossible to integrate all the ultimate ways.

The five elements prohibition, the five cultivation methods, the four forces of heaven and earth, the ancient emperors are all proficient; but Xiao Yi would not believe that all can be integrated into the ultimate body cultivation.

I am afraid that only the legendary Valkyrie can do this!

So, now the main game has been broken, what will happen next?

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, but his face was full of expectation.

He already stood up and glanced at the giant gate of the magic road in front of him.

Step, move slowly, start to step in.

The 18 prohibitions have different martial arts.

In fact, these restrictions have already been triggered before the leaders entered the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion.

But which one will be triggered is unknown.

Each team leader will trigger one.

In the past, there have been 18 team leaders entering the cave.

However, even if the 18 prohibitions are triggered at the same time, there will be nothing special about the magical prohibition here.

As before, what Xiao Yi triggered was the prohibition of the drug path, but what he encountered was the test of the drug path, the path of the drug path, and so on.

And if someone triggers the Demon Dao prohibition, then they will only encounter ordinary martial arts trials, ordinary martial arts channels.

Demon Dao prohibition, triggered before the main game, will only be an ordinary martial arts test.

Only here in the main game, the other 17 restrictions are broken, and the magic path restrictions will truly trigger its effects.

And only when the 18th restriction is broken, the main game will be broken. The deeper part of the cave, the entrance, is also this giant gate.


Xiao Yi stepped into the giant gate of the demon way, and the surrounding scene suddenly changed drastically.


After stepping through the giant gate of the magic road, behind him, the 18 giant gates have disappeared.

Instead, a glimpse of the thick walls.

In front of him, there was a quaint room.

The room is not big, at least not big compared to the huge room before, compared with the huge passage.

Here, it seems to be just an ordinary and simple room.

However, at the end of the room, an ordinary bed let Xiao Yi know that this place is not ordinary.

There is a futon in front of the bed.

Xiao Yi couldn't be more familiar with this scene.

He had also encountered other ancient cave houses in the past.

These positions are all places where the Lord of Dong Palace meditates before his life.

In other words, this simple room was the real resting place of the ancient emperor.

"The ancient emperor?" Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "Or, call it senior."

As Xiao Yi spoke, he saluted the bed.

Although he was not related to the ancient emperor, but this martial arts emperor was enough to make almost all martial artists look up and awe.

The Yanlong Continent respects the strong.

The first emperor of ancient times, naturally could afford Xiao Yi's gift.

In addition, since he has won a lot of his treasures anyway, he should naturally be a gift of a junior.

However, just as Xiao Yi bowed, a breath of astonishing scorching flame hit the sky and the earth instantly.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's expression changed.

He has always been cautious, and he can feel the astonishing killing intent contained in this flame aura almost instantly.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's heart sank, and his steps retreated.

But there was a wall behind him, and his figure moved horizontally.

A pair of animal hands and animal feet, instantly condensed.

Six powerful flames in the world burst out instantly.


Third more.

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