Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1811: Peerless Yuanli

Xiao Yi's breath continued to explode soaring.

This kind of breath that belongs to the breakthrough of cultivation base is very comfortable and refreshing.

Xiao Yi had gone through many tests all the way in the cave, and the exhaustion was quickly wiped out.

"This is peerless power, right?"

Feeling the pure vitality in his body, Xiao Yi muttered to himself with more joy on his face.

The so-called peerless power is the original power that belongs to the martial artist of the peerless realm.

The cultivation base of a warrior has a division between realms, because each realm of a warrior will have a special feature and a great improvement belonging to this realm.

For example, the Dongxuan Realm of that year was known as the transcendental entrance to the Dao, which could fly in the air and enter the earth.

In the Earth Realm, there is a martial art pill.

Another example is the extreme realm, controlling a trace of martial arts power.

Just like the celestial realm, there can be a complete martial art.

The Saint Emperor Realm possesses the ability to condense the true meaning of martial arts and so on.

Among these many changes, Yuan Li is undoubtedly the lifeblood that penetrates all the realms of the martial artist.

From the moment the warrior has the elemental power, the martial artist's elemental power has been continuously refined.

From the gaseous elemental power at the beginning, to the liquid elemental energy afterwards, to the refining of the elemental energy after each breakthrough of the great realm.

Yuanli runs through every realm of martial artist's cultivation.

And Yuanli is also the source of powerful strength for the warrior.

After the cultivation of the holy realm, most of the strength of the martial artist came from the control of the power of the martial arts of the world, and the increase in the original strength was not as great as before.

But until after the peerless realm, Yuan Li once again began to make a great leap.

The Saint Realm, Saint King Realm, and the early stage of the Saint Emperor Realm's strength increase slowly, as if they were preparing for the Peerless Realm.

Once the warrior stepped into the peerless realm, Yuan Li would have an unprecedented leap.

However, the Peerless Realm still belongs to the Holy Emperor Realm, so this jump did not come from the promotion brought by the breakthrough of the Great Realm.

Regardless of the martial arts power or the peerless realm, they are still in the Holy Emperor territory, but at the extreme level after the peak of the Holy Emperor realm.

Therefore, the real reason for this jump in vitality is from the martial arts power of heaven and earth.

The martial arts power 9989, and the peerless realm 9990, seem to be only one difference, but it is a world of difference.

Once entering the peerless world, 9990 complete martial arts resonate with the vast martial arts between heaven and earth.

Or, to put it more simply, this is the improvement brought by the last 10 complete martial arts before the realm of ten thousand ways.

It is rumored that when the martial artist controls 10,000 complete martial arts and stepped into the realm of legend and ten thousand ways, then, the degree of resonance with the power of heaven and earth will be greater.

At that stage, the martial artist will have a baptism of heaven and earth, the real way is to forge a legend and know the power of this heaven and earth.

And before that baptism of heaven and earth, from the last 10 complete martial arts of this stage, each time you control one more, it means that the closer you get to this stage, the more obvious changes will be brought.

This change comes from the tremendous improvement of Yuanli.

That is to say, after Xiao Yi stepped into the realm of peerlessness, the purity of Yuan Li continued to soar.

Moreover, with each breakthrough, the higher the cultivation base after the Peerless Realm, the higher the purity of the Yuan Li.

"It's so pure and pure, it's no wonder that the Peerless Realm is still in the Saint Emperor Realm, but the strength is so powerful." Xiao Yi's face was stunned.

Regarding the cultivation situation of Peerless Realm, he of course also consulted the dossier in Fengsha Temple, and he knew roughly.

However, he has always known that his cultivation speed is extremely slow due to the huge size of the small world. He expected that he would not reach the peerless state so quickly, so he had not paid much attention to it before.

Just now, I was also stunned.

Now, it has reacted.

The reason why the martial artist of the peerless realm is strong is that in addition to the complete martial arts power of more than 9,990, there is also the essence and purity of this far exceeding ordinary martial artist.

However, every time a martial artist in the Peerless Realm controls a complete martial art, it is extremely difficult, and it takes 10 years or even a hundred years of work.

But every time you control one more, the more pure your elemental power is, and the stronger your natural strength.

This is also one of the reasons why the strength of the martial artist is extremely obvious for every complete martial art in the Peerless Realm.

After a few hours.

"Huh." Xiao Yi lightly exhaled a turbid breath.

The breath on his body exploded and stopped.

The vitality in the small world has also disappeared.

And the height of his small world power can reach the peak of 90%, and it can be filled with only a trace.

In other words, his current cultivation base is peerless 9999 Dao, which is the so-called peerless pinnacle.

Xiao Yi felt the purity of the essence of the small world at this time.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath.

Sure enough, the essence and purity of Peerless 9999 Dao was ten times that of Peerless 9990 Dao.

Such a pure power, combined with his huge and terrifying small world, once the power bursts out, it will be a monstrous power, extremely terrifying.

"It seems that my choice is not wrong." Xiao Yi smiled joyfully.

He did not use the pure flame power transformed by the old man to absorb and improve his cultivation.

It is used to cooperate with the martial arts sacred pill, the martial soul awakens for the second time.

One of the reasons is that after the martial artist's martial soul awakens for the second time, it will bring a great improvement in the martial artist's cultivation.

For example, when the eight young palace masters were in a dangerous place in the blood and light, they were only the cultivation base of the Saint King Realm.

But after the second awakening of Martial Soul, his cultivation level instantly soared above the Saint Emperor Realm, the worst were at the Seventh or Eighth Level of the Saint Emperor Realm, and the strong ones were even at the 9th Level of the Saint Emperor.

This is almost a leap in the realm.

This is also the benefits of Wuhun's second awakening, and the feedback from Wuhun itself.

Yes, feedback.

Wuhun is the existence that accompanies the warrior throughout his life.

Naturally, the spirit of martial arts is the top priority, and its changes will also bring changes to the martial artist.

Of course, how much it can jump depends on the level of the martial art sacred pill used for awakening and the power of the same attribute.

Xiao Yi used the ancient emperor's holy pill, naturally, the feedback given to him by the spirit after awakening was quite terrifying.

In a short period of time, he straightened the gap between his martial arts power to the Peerless Realm, and the gap between the Peerless Realm and the Peerless Peak.

Even if his small world is huge, even if the essence of the Peerless Realm is extremely pure, the jump brought by Wuhun after the second awakening has evened these huge gaps.

"It's worthy of the ancient emperor's martial arts sacred pill." Xiao Yi nodded, of course, also thanked the Yandian senior for his gift of vitality.

When the martial arts spirit awakened for the second time, it used the martial arts holy pill.

In the martial arts sacred pill, there is already a huge martial arts power.

Therefore, the cultivation base brought to the martial artist does not need to re-absorb the power of the martial art of heaven and earth by himself.

Just like Xiao Yi just now, his body's small world's vitality is constantly increasing, and his cultivation level is constantly breaking through, but he doesn't have to comprehend and control the martial arts of heaven and earth.

The martial arts power under his control is automatically increasing.

These powers come from the martial arts holy pill.

In other words, he currently controls 9,999 complete martial arts, and these additional complete martial arts are still the top martial arts with fire attributes that fit his own martial arts path.

After the peerless realm, every time you control a martial art, you will be trapped for a long time, and even a lifetime.

Judging from this aspect, the gains he gained after the second awakening of the Martial Spirit this time were greater than he had imagined.


Second more.

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