Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1827: There are too many ants


A crisp sword sounded.

Amidst the sound of the sound of the sword, there was an embarrassed body, struggling to the ground with sword.

Xiao Yi spit out blood, his face staring incredulously at the Elder Holy Moon in front of him.

"How is it possible, suddenly so much stronger."

"Boy, surprised?" Elder Shengyue walked step by step.

"The old man thought that at most 30% of his strength would be able to kill you."

"Unexpectedly, you are stronger than I thought."

"Therefore, the old man has improved his strength a little bit, and only reached 50% with just one palm."

Elder Holy Moon, actually only used 50% of his strength?

Elder Shengyue walked towards Xiao Yi step by step.

The speed is not that fast.

But with each step, the footsteps are extremely heavy and steady.

For some reason, in the cold eyes of Elder Holy Moon, a touch of disgust and even resentment burst out at this moment.

The disgust and resentment all gathered on Xiao Yi.

The steady footsteps seemed to be in Xiao Yi's heart.


Elder Shengyue, the last step, stood in front of Xiao Yi.


There was another roar.

Xiao Yi was about to use the sword to block it, but the palm of Elder Holy Moon was faster than he thought.

His sword could not even stop the elder Holy Moon, it was blown away by a palm.


Another spit of blood.

When Xiao Yi's figure fell, he was already holding the sword with one hand and covering his chest with the other.

He could clearly perceive that his internal organs were already damaged.

His bones are about to fall apart.


The figure of the elder Shengyue flashed suddenly, speeding up instantly.


The situation keeps repeating.

Xiao Yi was constantly bombarded.

"Oh." Xiao Yi's blood was already vomiting.

In the chest, most of the bones are broken.


Elder Shengyue appeared beside Xiao Yi instantly.

However, he did not blast the Moon Shaking Palm again, but slightly bent over and attached to Xiao Yi's ear.

"Boy, do you know what the gap is now?"

"The old man really can't understand, how could an ant like you be so favored by the saint's arrogant lady of heaven, and even make her sleepy night after night, and when she breaks through repeatedly, she almost suffers from longing and mind damage, leading to Backlash injury."

"The old man can't figure out why the old man and grandson are so outstanding, and she is also a great arrogant in the Holy Moon Sect, but she just ignores it."

"The old man thought that she had a very high vision, but now it seems that her vision is extremely bad."

"Of course." In the hands of the Elder Holy Moon, the vitality condensed again, and the aura was wild.

"What the old man can't even understand is that you are such a small waste, where is the courage to covet the love of the saint."

"The toad wants to eat swan meat, and it ends up in death."

The moment the voice fell, the vitality in the hands of the Elder Holy Moon became a monstrous force.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled triumphantly at this time.

"What are you laughing at?" The palm that Elder Shengyue was about to shoot suddenly stopped.

"I laugh." Xiao Yi smiled triumphantly, "I am finally sure that she is indeed waiting for me."

"Asshole." The Elder Shengyue suddenly furious, patted it with a palm.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, using his sword to block.

Boom... a loud sound.

Xiao Yi even carried a sword, and was bombarded for hundreds of meters.

His response was indeed fast.

However, under the absolute power gap, no matter how fast the reaction is, it is useless if it is too late, because it can't stop it at all.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"Xiao Yi."

"Brother Xiao Yi."

In the distance, the expressions of Mo You, Qinglin, Ye Liu and others changed drastically.

In fact, the clash between Xiao Yi and the Elder Shengyue was not long, at most one or two minutes.

But in this short period of time, Xiao Yi suffered a disastrous defeat.

From the one sword that can blast off the elders of the Holy Moon, to the barely able to resist it with the sword, to the embarrassing blast, to the end of being blasted off again and again is almost crushed.

A series of changes only happened in this very short time.

And in this short period of time, it was the first time in their history that they saw Xiao Yi's defeat so miserably and so thoroughly.

The little thief Xiao Yi among the outsiders who dared to slaughter the world sword repair, Xiao Yi, who had little success, would have failed so miserably.

However, his opponent was an elder of the "Moon" of the Holy Moon Sect who had lived for thousands of years.

This seems to have been defeated for granted.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi, I will help you." Mo You struck out with a sword.

Ye Liu, Qinglin and others also came here.

The chief of the Fifth University Palace, his face was cold, "Holy month old thief, return the life of the elder of my university palace."

The elder Shengyue had flashed in front of Xiao Yi, wanting to take a palm shot and completely end Xiao Yi's life.

At this time, looking at the figures that struck one after another, his brows were frowned, and then his face became cold.

"A group of ants."

Mo You's sword came first.

Elder Shengyue stretched out one hand, pinched two fingers, and easily clamped the sword.

"This is the Forgotten Sword that everyone praises? Zhongyu's strongest Tianjiao?"

"No shit."

"The surname Luo is strong enough, but unfortunately, the ability to teach people is not so strong."

The Elder Holy Moon flicked his finger, and Mo Youlian's sword was blown away.

To Mo You, who was indifferent from Xinxin, just one shot, a mouthful of blood spurted out and spread all over his chest.

Ye Liu blasted with all his strength.

Elder Shengyue's hand was like lightning, and before Ye Liu's palm hit him, he had already clasped Ye Liu's wrist.

"Ye Shengzhang?"

"Ye Sheng Liujue of your Ye Sheng Mansion is known as the epicenter, but now it seems that it is just a low-level method."

The Elder Shengyue's arm shook, Ye Liu's wrist was immediately broken, and then flew heavily.

Ran Qi's gun came later.

In the gun, the thunderbolt.

"Soul in the soul?" Elder Holy Moon caught the spear in the old hand.

The thunder raging on the gun was so hot that it could not damage his palm.

"Sky Spear Ran Qi? That's a joke."

The mad dragon cloud-piercing spear in Ran Qi's hand collapsed instantly and was also blown away.

The five chiefs of the University Palace, joined hands.


The Elder Shengyue shook his body and exploded fiercely.

The chief of the Five University Palace, just approaching, failed to attack, he was vomiting blood and flying.

"Five University Palace? The old man didn't intend to take your lives."

"But you are looking for death by yourself, and the old man doesn't mind killing."


One by one Tianjiao, one after another with all their strength.

However, as a result, it was not suitable for the enemy of the Holy Moon Elder One Union, vomiting blood and flying.

"An ant, it's an ant after all." The Elder Holy Moon said as he glanced at Xiao Yi.

"No matter how many ants, they won't do much."

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, a figure arrived last.

The speed of the figure, extremely fast, comes from the wind.

After the elder of the Holy Moon flew several black clouds to teach the evildoers, the figure appeared straight in front of the elder of the Holy Moon.

The figure, hands out, the elder of the pilgrimage month swept away.

On the figure and hands, blue scales emerged quickly.

It is Qinglin.

"I don't know what I can do." Elder Shengyue didn't even look at Qinglin.

But in the next second, a trace of pain flashed across the face of Elder Holy Moon.

I saw Qinglin's hands, sharp claws, and the wind of annihilation on the cyan scales continued to surround him.

With a stroke, the clothes of the Elder Holy Moon were instantly torn apart.

The elder Shengyue quickly took a shot and detained the hands of these sharp claws.

To be more serious, several bloodstains have been drawn on his chest. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, I am afraid that the hands of these two sharp claws would have broken his stomach.

"What a sharp claw." The Elder Shengyue's face was startled.

"There are too many ants, and they can bite off a piece of your meat after all." Qing Lin sneered.

"You're looking for death." Elder Shengyue blasted out his palm and took Qinglin's head straight away.

Obviously, he was going to kill.

Qiang...A purple light came through the air.

Xiao Yi's sword suddenly became sharp and sharp.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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