Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1838: Blood Realm Four Forms, Fourth Form


Jin Yan's holy flame instantly condensed and wandered through his body.

Xiao Yi tried to restore the bloodstains all over the body.

Otherwise, under so many not-so-shallow scars, blood drenched, I was afraid that this alone could make him bleed to death.

However, the Jin Yan Sacred Fire, the Alchemist's No. 1 Sacred Flame, only barely stopped the blood and failed to recover from his injuries.

Xiao Yi frowned.

It's not that Jin Yan Holy Fire's healing ability is not good, but that his scars carry an amazing martial arts power.

These martial arts forces greatly hindered the effect of the Jin Yan Holy Fire.

If the guess is correct, this is the blood mirror of Elder Jingyue.

Xiao Yi frowned, but he was helpless.

This is not the time to heal the wounds, as most of the wounds have stopped bleeding.

Although there were still a small number of wounds still bleeding, Xiao Yi no longer cared.


The battle stopped for only a few seconds, and Elder Jingyue took the lead again and attacked Xiao Yi directly.

Xiao Yi stepped out with a sword, not afraid.

Although the blood mirror is powerful and unpredictable, Xiao Yi is not afraid of the same method, let alone suffer the same loss again.

"Blood mirror." The moment Elder Jingyue attacked, a blood mirror condensed again.

The moment the blood mirror condensed, it was broken again.

The space around Xiao Yi once again resembled a broken mirror, which was extremely shocking.

This time, Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, with all the **** power covering his body, and the figure continued to retreat.

At extremely fast speeds, it was able to avoid the terrifying power of space fragmentation.

"I see how many times you can block it." Elder Jingyue grinned and shot again.

Xiao Yi's strength is already extremely strong.

The three elders, Huayue, Shuiyue, and Holy Moon, can't help Xiao Yi at this moment.

Naturally, to deal with Xiao Yi, only Elder Jingyue could do it himself.

Elder Jingyue was also clearly out of strength at this moment.


Bang... bang... bang...

Two figures, chasing endlessly within this huge blood moon array, flashing endlessly.

Wherever he went, the space was broken.

Pieces of space, like a frozen picture, fragmented every inch.

Xiao Yi became more frightened as he fought.

This is the power of the legendary powerhouse.

Moreover, the elder Jingyue is still a veteran legendary powerhouse, and his cultivation level has long been unknown how high it is.

"If you continue like this, I will be in a disadvantage, and I will gradually lose out." Xiao Yi said inwardly.

His combat experience is extremely rich, and he can see the current situation in an instant.

Can't return anymore.

"Blood brake cut." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

A sword slashed out, and a huge **** sword aura stretched high in the sky, and then burst out.

Elder Jingyue looked at the huge sword energy that hit, his face changed slightly.

"Blood mirror." Elder Jingyue put out his hands together.

The blood brake cut was originally an extremely fast attack.

In Xiao Yi's previous battles, the huge **** sword aura was usually flashed by, and the enemy was dismembered and even annihilated in the **** sword aura.

But this time, the extremely fast and fierce blood brake cut was extremely slow in the eyes of Elder Jingyue.

Several huge scarlet mirrors appeared out of thin air.

The mirror face instantly trapped this huge sword energy.

The mirror surface, then shattered.

Within the huge area around the **** sword aura, the space was fragmented.

Such an astonishing gigantic sword energy was actually ‘divided into corpses’ in an instant, turned into countless tiny mirrors and fell, then dissipated.

"Boy, you don't have any trouble." Elder Jingyue obviously noticed the anxious expression on Xiao Yi's face and sneered even more.

When the voice fell, Elder Jingyue shot again.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his eyes shuddering and warfare burst out, holding a sword in his hand, not retreating but advancing.


As he walked forward with the sword, the sword in his hand was already split out.

The sword fell and cut a perfect arc.

The radian is not large, but within the continuous reduction of the radian, the sound of the sword has turned from the'chiangming' into a roar at an extremely fast speed.


Xiao Yi slashed with a sword, and the roar continued.

His sword energy also smashed the space into pieces, but he couldn't cut the space into countless small pieces like Elder Jingyue did.

Elder Jingyue obviously didn't expect Xiao Yi's sudden incomparable vigor.

But he reacted equally fast.

Hurriedly put out his hands and shot out blood mirrors.


Xiao Yi still smashed with a sword, and did not retreat.

The mirror surface of the space shattered, and Xiao Yi's **** sword aura blasted.

For a time, within the huge blood moon array, the roar was constant and deafening.

The battle between the two almost swept the entire blood moon formation.

In the battle between the two, there were dozens of clashes in almost every second.

The battle was heated up at this moment.


The three elders of Huayue, Shuiyue, and Shengyue watched the fierce battle high in the sky in shock.

"That kid, terrible strength." Elder Huayue said in shock.

"I have forgotten how many years I haven't seen Elder Jingyue's strength." Elder Shuiyue looked shocked.

"This time, I'm still fighting with a young evildoer."

"Humph." Elder Shengyue sneered, "Look, that kid, it won't last long."

high altitude.

The battle between Xiao Yi and the elder Jingyue, the confrontation between the two seemed to be a crazy confrontation.

"Blood World Slash."

"Blood Slash."

"Blood brake cut."

Xiao Yi's face was almost crazy.

This is not madness that is irrational, but a madness of fighting intent and awe-inspiring killing intent.

If the person in front of him does not die, he will never stop.

The sword in the hand is cut out again and again.

The power of the blood pill in his body was borrowed by him uninterruptedly.

This is obviously extremely dangerous behavior, even like walking a tightrope above the tip of a knife.

Once the blood pill was unstable and Jingyue was not dead, Xiao Yi took the lead to die under the power of the blood pill.

But at this moment Xiao Yi could no longer care so much.

With the help of the Blood Brake Demon Sutra, Xiao Yi controlled these blood qi powers as much as possible, and broke out these blood qi attacks most perfectly.

Elder Jingyue, also in a crazy state, was clearly in a state of combat.

Even this kind of action already put Xiao Yi as a strong man at the same level as himself.

Pieces of blood mirrors continue to condense and blast away.

The center of the two people's confrontation, that space, has long been scattered for an unknown number of times, and has long since been fragmented.

Time, I don't know how long has passed.

Either a few minutes, or tens of minutes.

In short, not long.

But in Xiao Yi's feeling, he swings his sword again and again, and explodes heartily with blood energy, and mobilizes the power of blood pill again and again like a bet. The feeling of life and death makes him feel as if it has passed. for a long time.

He didn't even notice that his sword power was gradually changing.

All he knew was that his sword of blood became sharper.

My own control over the power of blood and energy has become more and more like an arm's command, more and more fluent.

But in a moment, his sword power completely changed.

In Xiao Yi's heart, a sense of openness and cheerfulness emerged spontaneously.

The blood pill power exploded like a bet, and swinging the sword with all his strength that time and time again seemed to temper his blood world four styles.

At this moment, Xiao Yi suddenly understood.

"Blood Realm Four Forms, that's the case, I understand." Xiao Yi grinned.

"Blood Realm Four Type Four Type, Blood Heart Slash."

Xiao Yi cut with a sword.


Elder Jingyue, who had been confronting Xiao Yi constantly, suddenly changed his face.

Countless blood mirrors shattered instantly.

A touch of blood, like the refracted light in a broken blood mirror, instantly penetrates countless blood mirrors.

With a huge roar, the figure of Elder Jingyue flew in response.


Second more.

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