Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1872: Siege of Law Enforcement Team

"Black Robe, Xiao Xun?" The demon hunter around was confused at first, then surprised.

"The dark magician that suddenly rose up in the eastern region the other day?"

"I heard that this person is ruthless and stern."

"The place I have passed has almost swept the top quests of the major Black Demon Temple."

"However, this person has a weird character. He has a black robe all day long. I heard that he is a predecessor with a weird character."

There was a lot of discussion around the demon hunter.

But when I wanted to look at the demeanor of this black robe Xiao Xun again, I saw that the whole demon golden beast had already turned into a corpse.

The inner alchemy has been taken away.

And the figure in the black robe, Yukong flew away, leaving only a slightly wide black back.


Xiao Yi has gone out of the eastern area, but has not yet entered other areas.

These ranges are roughly demarcated in different directions from east to west, north to south.

And Zhongyu is huge.

Therefore, there will still be a large number of areas that are not connected to each other and difficult to delimit between areas in this direction.

Xiao Yi's current area can only be said to be adjacent to the edge of the eastern area, but it has not entered the middle area.

Xiao Yi walked straight all the way.

Therefore, if he passes a region, he will inevitably pass through the center of the region.

The central point of each area, the so-called central city, must be the place where the main hall of the Eight Palaces is located.


Ten minutes later.

Xiao Yi went directly to the main hall of the Black Demon Palace in this area.

After handing in the task and receiving a lot of tasks, he was ready to leave.

Now, only the main halls of each region can let him stay for a while and hand over the task.

Only tasks at the main hall level were slightly difficult for him.

Therefore, he did not go to the general branch hall, nor did he stay.

At this time, Xiao Yi finished a large number of tasks and was about to leave.

However, a law enforcement team in the hall suddenly stopped him.

"Your Excellency, but Xiao Xun?" A leader of the law enforcement team asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi nodded, "What's the matter?"

The hoarse and harsh sound made the surrounding law enforcement team frown.

"Deacon Xiao Xun, cannot leave for now."

"The lord of the palace is pleased, please follow us into the hall."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly when he heard the words.

This Black Demon Temple is the main hall of this area.

The master of this main hall is naturally the master of the main hall.

Although Xiao Yi was puzzled, he nodded and entered the hall.

The inner hall of the Black Demon Palace was not much different from the inner halls of the other five halls that Xiao Yi had entered.

At least, the layout is so.

Row after row of rooms.

Located in the middle is the room of the hall master and the person in charge of the hall.

However, the only biggest difference is that in the past, Xiao Yi always saw a busy demon hunter, wind envoy, and Shura when he went to the halls of the demon hunting hall, the wind brake hall, etc. Warrior, keep walking.

Either be busy dealing with affairs, or busy delivering files.

However, there are not many busy warriors in the Black Demon Hall.

Xiao Yi put away his doubts.

Just about to head to the middle room.

In the room, an old man walked out first.

"Your Excellency is Xiao Xun?" The old man asked in a deep voice, but his tone was obviously not very friendly.

"Say something quickly." Xiao Yi said concisely, obviously not intending to waste more time.

"Oh? It's quite anxious." The old man sneered, "Why, but in a hurry to escape?"

"A few days ago, killed one of the main hall masters of my Black Demon Hall, the Golden Iron Holy Emperor."

"Since the time of the killing, you should have expected the punishment and pursuit in the palace."

"Today, I dare to enter my main hall calmly and calmly. It's amazing, and the old man admires it."

Xiao Yi knew what the main hall master meant after hearing this.

"The matter of the Golden Iron Holy Emperor is that he set up a trap, intending to trap and kill the black magicians in the area."

"There were hundreds of black magicians who escaped that day."

"As soon as you check this matter, don't tell me, you haven't checked this main hall."

"You said so?" The old man's tone was cold.

"What about the evidence?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I have no obligation to help you collect evidence."

"I've made things clear, I'm not interested in wasting time with you anymore."

After that, Xiao Yi turned around and wanted to leave.

锵... 锵... 锵...

The surrounding law enforcement team, as well as the deacons and sub-temple masters in the hall, burst out instantly, offering weapons.

The old man looked directly at Xiao Yi, "Xiao Xun, you must not leave until this matter is clear."

"The Golden Iron Holy Emperor, whether it really violated the temple rules first, as you said, is still unknown."

"The main hall on the eastern side will be verified by itself."

"The results of the investigation will be sent to our main hall later."

"Prior to this, if you dare to leave forcibly, the old man will treat you as absconding with fear of sin and kill on the spot."


Several days have passed since the Emperor Jintie died.

There is a main hall master, or a master hall master with a peerless cultivation base, so dead, the nearby main hall should be investigated immediately.

On that day, a large number of dark magicians who knew the inside story fled.

As long as the main hall over there is carefully inspected, things can be found out within a few days.

And then through the sub-sacred artifacts in the temples, the news can be transmitted instantly.

But now, in this main hall, there is still unknown news, and you want to detain others?

The slow efficiency of the Black Demon Palace really surprised Xiao Yi.

It is impossible for him to wait and waste time here.

"Then you will slowly wait for the result here." Xiao Yi's footsteps have already moved.

"I'm not interested in wasting time."

"Of course, if you feel dissatisfied, you can directly issue a wanted order and send a law enforcement team to chase me down."

"But let me remind you that I can kill the Golden Iron Holy Emperor, you, the main hall master who is not the peak of martial arts power, I can also kill."

"Including all the deacons and law enforcement teams in your temple, I kill them like chickens."

"If you want to force me to stay, I will also treat it as an enemy and kill it on the spot."

"Humph." Xiao Yi let out a cold snort.

Boom... A very toxic breath broke out.

Xiao Yi's figure was already floating away.

In the same place, within tens of meters, the poison was permeated, and a large hole was corroded in the ground.

The surrounding law enforcement teams, the warriors in the temple, and the weapons in their hands were instantly corroded.

"Damn, what an arrogant fellow." A sub-temple master's eyes were cold.

"Hall Master, immediately issue a wanted order." The captain of the law enforcement team had a black sword in his hand, and at this moment, only the hilt was left.

"Shut up." The old man yelled, "Is he black robe Xiao Xun? It's really amazing."

"If he wants to kill us, in our main hall, now there are no dogs and chickens left, and it will become a place of silence and poison."

"Wait for the investigation of the main hall on the eastern side."


Xiao Yi had already flew away from the sky, and after a short while, he left this area.

According to his route, he should pass through the middle area of ​​the central region and then traverse all the way.

In about half a month, he could reach the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses.


Third more.

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