Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1874: Palace Lord Jinpeng

When Gu Feifei stopped the way just now, Xiao Yi felt it slightly.

Gu Feifan's cultivation base reached 9992 Peerless Dao.

He is a peerless Tianjiao, with all his strength exploding, it is indeed possible to fight the poison robe.

Of course, it is only possible.

And it is only a battle, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

However, this level of strength, leading the team to experience, is enough, and more than enough.

It was their last words that surprised Xiao Yi for a while.

Before entering the tomb of the ancient emperor, forcibly raised his cultivation strength?

Xiao Yi remembered that it was indeed the case. Before entering the tomb of the ancient emperor, Tianjiao of the Five University Palace and many Tianjiao of the Eighteenth Mansion suddenly increased their cultivation base.

Take Ling Hong, He You and others as an example. When they were in the blood and dangerous places, these talents had just awakened their spirits for the second time, and they were cultivated at the eighth layer of the Saint Emperor Realm.

It has been less than a year, and within 8 or 9 months of reaching the sky, at the time of goodbye in Dongli Jiangong, is it already a cultivation base of martial arts power?

The most obvious is Gu Feifan.

Xiao Yi remembered that when he rescued everyone from the group of evil cultivators in the eastern region, Gu Feifei had just stepped into the martial arts power.

At that time, Xiao Yi was already slightly surprised.

Afterwards, within a few months, he met again in front of the tomb of the ancient emperor, and Gu Feifei had stepped into a state of peerlessness.

Did he forcibly mention his cultivation base?

Suddenly, Xiao Yi, it is no wonder that he had been practicing endlessly and the limit was improved, but he still failed to catch up with the cultivation level of these guys.

I won’t say much about the powerhouses of other dominant forces.

But the old deans of the Five University Palace really did a good job.

Especially Dean Huo, Xiao Yi could not determine his cultivation level.

But that kind of means and teaching ability, in the middle domain, absolutely no one can match.

Each Tianjiao is in front of the tomb of the ancient emperor, and the cultivation base skyrocketed.

And Xiao Yi, after entering the ancient emperor's tomb, his cultivation soared even more astonishing.

Of course, these skyrockets are now gone.

"Within the legend, what exactly is it?" Xiao Yi's eyes were full of expectations.

He now only thinks about strength and cultivation.

Naturally, I am curious and looking forward to the scenery in the legendary territory.

"I hope I can find this opportunity in the past six months." Xiao Yi thought to himself.


Not long after, Xiao Yi has entered the area of ​​Dongyan.

Falling from the sky, Xiao Yi went to the main hall of the Black Demon Palace.

Handed in the task, and received a lot of tasks.

Just about to leave.

The law enforcement team inside the palace actually stopped him again.

"It's because of the Jintie Sage Emperor again?" Xiao Yi's tone was already somewhat unkind.

The leader of the law enforcement captain nodded, "Also ask Deacon Xiao Xun to follow us in the back."

"In the main hall on the eastern side, news has already come from the main hall of Dongyan."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly when he heard the words.

The main hall of the previous area stopped him because there was no definite news yet.

And the main hall of this area, since there is news, it won't be too troublesome to think about it, just go through a cutscene to end the incident.

After all, the death of a main hall master was not a trivial matter.

Enter the inner hall of the temple.

Ahead, two elderly people are waiting here.

In the surroundings, the strong inside the temple surrounds them.

Behind him, the law enforcement team immediately blocked the escape route.

The comer is not good.

Xiao Yi saw the situation instantly.

"Does the main hall on the eastern side spread the letter?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"No." One of the two old men shook his head in a cold tone.

"Not yet?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"No hurry." The old man said solemnly, "I am the person in charge of the main hall of Dongyan."

"This one is the Lord Jinpeng."

The old man, glanced at the other old man beside him.

The person who spoke, was dressed in a black robe, and was wearing the costume of the main hall of the Black Demon Hall, who was the main hall of Dongyan Main Hall.

The other person beside him was also an old man, but he was tall and thin, with a cold face, especially his eyes, like the sharp gaze of a bird and a beast.

Moreover, this old man is wearing a pale white robe.

On the robe, on the chest, there is a circular mysterious pattern.

That is the costume of Tianji Temple.

It proved that this tall and thin old man was the main hall of the Tianji Temple.

"Hall Master Jinpeng?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly. He had heard of this person, but he didn't know what he knew.

Xiao Yi ignored this person, but looked at the Dongyan Hall Master, "Since there is no letter, let me come here, why?"

"This..." Palace Master Dongyan hesitated.

On the one hand, the Lord Jinpeng had a cold tone, "What are you talking nonsense with this guy."

"Is it black robe Xiao Xun? The old man only asks you, the holy emperor of gold and iron, but you really killed him?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, "but that's because he violated the palace rules..."

The Lord Jinpeng interrupted in a cold voice, "No need to explain."

"Whether it violates the temple rules, it is up to you to say."

"The little deacon of the Black Demon Hall, dare to overstep his position and kill the main hall master?"

"On this alone, it is reasonable for me to kill you now."

Palace Lord Jinpeng, in his tone, gradually killing intent.

"I have been with the King of Gold and Iron for a hundred years."

"You know, what was my mood when I went to the dangerous place of Jidu and saw his corpse separated and turned into a mummy?"

"You can't kill people, but you are so vicious?"

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Set a trap and kill the robe, so it's not vicious?"

"Presumptuous." Dongyan Hall master scolded, "Now that the matter is not settled, it is not your turn to slander the Golden Iron Holy Emperor."

"You are a little deacon, but you presumptuously slander the main hall master. Based on this alone, the old man is enough to detain you by the rules of the palace."

"Then you wait for the conclusion of the matter before you come to find me." Xiao Yi said indifferently, turning around and leaving.

Bang... bang... bang...

Around, all the warriors in the temple burst out in an instant.

"Do you want to keep me strong?" Xiao Yi's tone was already without any anger.

"Forced to keep you?" Palace Master Jinpeng sneered, "You think I am chasing you all the way from Jidu, just detain you?"

"Today, the old man wants you to pay for his life."

"Paying for life?" Xiao Yi sneered. "The message from the eastern area has not arrived. The result is unknown. What right do you have to kill me?"

"You also said it." Palace Master Jinpeng sneered, "No one knows whether the letter is true or not."

"At least it seems to me that you have killed the Golden Iron Holy Emperor, and have been absconding in fear of sin. It is not a pity to die."

Xiao Yi's figure that was about to leave, stopped and turned around.

Looking directly at the Lord Jinpeng.

"If a letter arrives later, it proves that the Holy Emperor of Gold and Iron has violated the rules of the temple and killed the robe?"

"That has nothing to do with me." Palace Master Jin Peng sneered.

"If that's the case, you're out of luck."

"Heh." Xiao Yi finally showed a smile, "In other words, are you planning to avenge your personal revenge and use power for personal gain?"

"What about it?" Palace Master Jinpeng has already exploded with great dominance.

Xiao Yi ignored it, but looked at the Hall Master Dongyan, "Hallmaster Dongyan, what do you mean?"

"There is no evidence now, and the true and false have not been added. The Jinpeng Palace mainly kills people to vent their anger."

"How do you plan to deal with the Lord of the Black Demon Hall?"

The former Dongyan Palace Master, who had a cold face, stopped speaking at this moment, and didn't even look at Xiao Yi. He just turned his head slightly and ignored it.


Fifth more. (burst)

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