Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1880: What a coincidence in the world


The surrounding cold wind howled.

The violent ice storm wind completely covered a hundred miles and kept blowing.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi sighed slightly and tightened his wide coat robe.

He felt a little bit cold in the howling of the cold wind.


A poisonous force in Xiao Yi's hands condenses.


The cold wind blew past, shaking the group of virulence for several minutes.

Wait until the wind blows.

The virulence in Xiao Yi's hands remained unchanged, and it was still so dark and dense, exuding an astonishingly poisonous atmosphere.

However, Xiao Yi knew very well that this group of virulence was useless.

This group is highly poisonous, and it looks unremarkable.

In fact, the poison inside has already turned into ice particles, and then automatically annihilated.

The wind blowing by is like a cold lifesaver.

In front, the figure of Jingzhejian had disappeared.

No, it's not disappeared, but has already fallen to the ground from a high altitude.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed and fell from a high altitude.

Jingzhejian is already a corpse.

The corpse was undamaged, and his facial expression was as indifferent as before death.

However, under Xiao Yi's perception, the internal organs, limbs, and a hundred skeletons in the Jingzhe Sword's body, including the flesh and blood, had already turned into powder.

Behind Jingzhejian, there was a towering tree.

Similarly, the surface of the tree is not damaged.

But Xiao Yi flicked the tree body with a clatter...

The whole tree instantly turned into ice particles.

"The ice storm is really amazing." Xiao Yi was secretly surprised.

Ice Venerable Saint Rune Art, Soul Thoughts Art, Ice Storm Soul Eater, these were the three methods that Xiao Yi obtained from Ice Venerable’s spiritual knowledge back then.

Among them, Ice Storm Soul Eater, as the strongest soul ability in the hands of Venerable Ice, has always been a powerful method that Xiao Yi cannot regret for his cultivation.

The reason was that Bingluan Sword could not cultivate ice attribute spirit power at all.

No, to be precise, it was cultivated, but it was automatically sucked away.

Therefore, Xiao Yi did not have the ice attribute power at all to use this ice storm soul eater.

It wasn't until the large amount of "soul pill" was obtained from the master of the Golden Soul Palace that Xiao Yi had a way to use it.

The soul pill, in short, is the soul master's pill.

This is like a martial artist's ordinary Yuanli pill.

The ordinary Yuanli pill, swallowed by the martial artist in battle, can quickly replenish the Yuanli.

And the soul pill is the pill that the soul master uses to supplement the soul power.

However, the soul pill is too rare, and its creator was a master hall master of the soul hall in ancient times.

And the prescription of the soul pill has been kept in the main hall of the soul hall.

Not even in the Yaozun Hall.

Only with the title of Deacon in the Soul Hall above can they receive a certain amount of Soul Pills in the main hall and branch hall of the Soul Hall.

Ordinary soul masters need quest points to redeem.

In the past, Xiao Yi also thought about the soul pill.

If he wants to, he can exchange it with the soul master or the master of the soul hall.

As long as the price is high enough, even if the soul pill is extremely precious to the soul master, there will be a soul master willing to change it.

However, in the past, Xiao Yi didn't want to replace him because he lacked the things for cultivation.

He had no doubt that the soul power required by the profound soul ability of Ice Storm Soul Eater must be extremely huge.

Therefore, there are too few soul pills to be useful at all.

In the past, he dismissed the idea.

Now that he has entered the Soul Palace, he has said two things.

One of the reasons why he entered the soul hall was also for this soul pill.

Xiao Yi took out a soul pill, swallowed it down, and felt it carefully.

The soul pill enters the belly, quickly enters the small world, and turns into soul power.

But at the same time, Bingluan Sword was also quickly absorbing this soul power.

Xiao Yi was secretly helpless and lost his perception.

Soul power will be used as the power of the Bingluan Sword to repair the cracks and will be automatically absorbed.

In other words, Xiao Yi could not take the lead in swallowing these pills, otherwise, he would be completely sucked in by the Bingluan Sword.

These soul pills can only be used during battle, taking a large amount in an instant, and then bursting out all the spirit power in an instant.

Xiao Yi glanced at the Qiankun Ring in his hand. There were originally ten bottles of Soul Pill in it, but now there are only five bottles left.

The cost of using Ice Storm Soul Eater is really huge.

But its power is also quite terrifying.

Xiao Yi looked at the ice storm wind that was now covering hundreds of miles around him, and took a breath again.

Soul skills need to be displayed with martial souls.

Ice Storm Soul Eater is the strongest soul ability in the hands of Venerable Ice.

In addition, the strongest martial spirit Bingluan sword in Xiao Yi's body is displayed. If he has enough spirit power, its power...

Xiao Yi didn't even doubt that if he had enough soul pill back then, he was afraid that it would not be difficult to kill the four old guy Jing Hua Shuiyue ten times or eight times during the **** moon formation.

"If you can get the pill of the soul pill... Tsk tsk." Xiao Yi thought for a while and smiled.

Of course, he can only think about it.

The soul pill is in the main hall of the soul hall.

If you dare to get involved, just wait for the endless pursuit of the world soul master and soul hall.

Xiao Yi shook his head, took the Universe Ring in the Jingzhe Sword, and then Yukong flew away.

It is estimated that it will take a few days before this raging ice storm winds dissipate, and Xiao Yi didn't bother to bother about it.


A few days later.

High in the sky, Xiao Yi turned into a black streamer and flew quickly.

"It should be almost out of the middle area." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, thinking secretly.


At this moment, Xiao Yi frowned and looked straight down.

Below, is a deep mountain forest.


Xiao Yi's figure fell like a silent ghost.

The figure is hidden in the dark.

In front, dozens of weird warriors in black robes gathered.

And before this group of black-robed warriors, a warrior with the same black robe but with a gloomy face seemed to be scolding something displeased.

That person is an acquaintance.

It is the poison robe.

What a coincidence in the world, Xiao Yi didn't expect that, he was just on the road, planning to go to Ye Liu's boy to have a wedding wine, but he had a hard time and met acquaintances along the way.


"What?" The tone of the poison robe was cold, with extreme dissatisfaction.

"They escaped again?"

"This is the second time that a disciple of the Tianzang Academy has escaped..."

The tone of the poison robe became more and more gloomy.

In Yinzhe's eyes, there was even a gloomy light.

The evil cultivators showed panic on their faces, and knelt down on one knee, "The guardian calmed down their anger."

"Then the extraordinary strength of Gu Feihua is extremely strong, I am afraid that ordinary elders are not his opponents now."

"Humph, a bunch of waste." Poison robe snorted coldly.

One by one evil repairs, their heads lowered, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.


The fist of the poison robe was clenched with a crackle, "This is something that the water girl personally confessed, so I can't go wrong."

"Only this protector can take action..."

"Huh? Who?" Poison Robe's eyes suddenly became cold, and he looked behind a big tree not far away.

Xiao Yi's figure walked out slowly.

While walking, under the **** robe, Xiao Yi was also secretly wondering, is Shui Ninghan again?

Moreover, a few days ago, the Tianzang Academy team encountered Xie Xiu, obviously not accidentally, but the Xie Monarch Mansion wanted to attack them.

"Your excellency?" Poison robe narrowed his eyes.

Dupao's heart was shocked.

How long did this weird man in black robes hide in secret?

With his strength, he hasn't noticed yet?

In fact, what Poison Robe didn't know was that if Xiao Yi didn't want it, the evil cultivators including Poison Robe would never find him.

Under the concealed breath of the ghost mask, coupled with Xiao Yi's own stealth ability, not to mention the poison robe, even a waiting legendary powerhouse would not be able to find him.

It was Xiao Yi who made a sound and walked out by himself.


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