Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1891: Natural soul master

"It's a pity." Senior Luo shook his head.

"What a pity?" Bai Changtian asked doubtfully.

Senior Luo said in a deep voice, "Poisonous way, very easily disturbing people's minds."

"Anyone who repairs poison has weird personalities and many sequels."

"And this kid, who has cultivated such a heaven-defying poison, and the backlash is so amazing, can still keep his mind clear."

"It's like a okay person, really amazing."

"This person's mind and talent must be the best choice, no one in the world."

Senior Luo took a deep breath, "As far as the young Tianjiao I have seen, there is only one person who can compare with him."

"That swordsman Tianjiao, Xiao..." Bai Changtian blurted out, but when he noticed Senior Luo's cold eyes, he stopped talking.

Senior Luo retracted his gaze and continued, "But I also said that Xiao Xun's body is extremely damaged."

"The internal organs, the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, are all highly poisonous."

"If I'm not mistaken, when this child is backlashed by the poison power, it will be extremely poisonous, erupting from the inside, and sweeping the whole body, resulting in now that people are neither ghosts nor ghosts, like monsters."

"Let's not say whether he can recover his face."

"Simply speaking, his life."

"Fate?" Bai Changtian's expression became even more confused.

"Yes." Senior Luo said in a deep voice, "If this kid continues to practice this poisonous technique, at the speed of his current practice, I can guarantee that he will die for at most one year."

"What?" Bai Changtian looked surprised.

"But." Senior Luo continued, "If this kid wants to save himself, this poisonous skill is his only and last chance."

"So I said, in the world, no one can save him, and only himself can save him."

"Everything depends on his own destiny."

Bai Changtian's face changed suddenly when he heard this.

He knows exactly what his master is.

If his master also said that there is no way, then this world, I am afraid there is really no way.

His master, what he has determined, is still correct, and his insight is like a god.

It is not how smart his master is, but his master has already penetrated countless mysteries of the world.

Even if he is the first apprentice who has been with him for countless years, he still doesn't know how many martial arts his master controls, I am afraid, more than the countless stars in this sky.

It's just like this world thing, never can't hide the laws of heaven and earth.

There are not many things in this world that can be concealed from his master.

Therefore, even though his master has always been throwing away his hand at the shopkeeper and ignoring temple affairs, for countless years, the Black Demon Temple has still been the Black Demon Temple, and no one dares to despise it.

Therefore, even if his master founded Heiyun Xuejiao outside, the martial arts teachers he found were all those who had countless enemies and involved the major forces in the Central Region and even the hidden forces.

However, no one has ever dared to trouble Heiyun Xuejiao teacher.

Because his master is not willing and not allowed.

"That..." Bai Changtian said in shock as if he had thought of something.

"If I didn't guess wrong, Master, you wouldn't have coveted those eighteen dangerous treasures."

"You let that kid go and get it, and then come back in exchange for the Poisonous Fruits, it's just a test for that kid."

"Since it has been tested, it proves that Master you intend to include him as a disciple, or even the successor of the main hall."

"But if that kid is dead, do these tests have any meaning?"

Senior Luo sneered when he heard the words.

"That is indeed a test, but it is only a test."

"I don't have any hope for him yet."

"If he is dead, then he is dead."

"If you can come back and satisfy me, that's another matter."

"Alright." Senior Luo, his face indifferent, "I'm finished asking what should be asked."

"Yes, Master." Bai Changtian nodded and bowed.

Senior Luo turned and left.

After a few steps, there was a sudden stop.

"You seem to be very interested in that kid."

"When you saw me in the past, you mostly drank on your own, even pretending not to see."

"Today, there are too many words."

Bai Changtian smiled, "I'm quite interested, that kid is an interesting guy."

"Just relying on how many conversations you had with him just now?" Senior Luo asked indifferently.

"No." Bai Changtian shook his head, "Master, you haven't seen him talking with Poison Robe."

"That kid, uh, how do you put it." Bai Changtian seemed a little indescribable.

"Anyway, it's interesting."

"It's up to you." Senior Luo shook his head and left completely.

Behind him, Bai Changtian chuckled, "Master, it seems that he is also quite interested in him."

The figure of Senior Luo paused, but did not speak any more, but left completely.

Standing in place, Bai Changtian would only smile.

He had indeed forgotten that his master, who hadn't tried for so many years, couldn't help being angry.

Because his master has always been angry when he is angry, and indifferent when he is indifferent.

But I couldn't help being angry. Last time, I still don't know how many thousands of years ago, that time, it was against him.

The difference between anger and uncontrollable anger is that in uncontrollable anger, there is over-repression of anger, even if only a little.

And most importantly, his master would even say, ‘what, Xiao Xun is so stingy in a dignified black robe? ’Such words like bickering.

Although, it is also only a little bit.

Or is it his master who is interested in this kid Xiao Xun?

Or maybe it was that kid's miserable face and bleak aura that made people feel pathetic and moved?

Bai Changtian doesn't know.

Today, he talked so much about Xiao Xun, even about the past, and even asked Master so much.

Perhaps, because of interest?

Or maybe, is it because Xiao Xun also made his master irritated?

Bai Changtian also didn't know.

However, he just wanted to chat with Xiao Xun.

Perhaps, that is the personal charm of this kid Xiao Xun?

Bai Changtian shrugged, shook his head, his figure flashed, and he disappeared into thin air.


In the main hall main room.

Senior Luo's figure appeared out of thin air.

At this time, I don't know when to start, the two old men are already sitting on both sides.

One, with a gray beard, but with sharp eyes.

The whole person sat there, but like a Wang Qinghu, extremely calm.

The other was slightly short, but his eyes were shrewd.

"How?" The head of the Tianji Temple asked first.

"Not bad." Senior Luo nodded.

The head of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets frowned suddenly, "But how do I feel that the figure of that guy looks like that annoying little thief?"

"Who?" the gray-bearded old man asked.

"Who else can it be?" The head of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets was unhappy and said, "Naturally it is the little thief Xiao Yi."

"Oh and, I always feel that the evil thief Yi Xiao in the Demon Hunting Palace, Yan Palace, and Yao Zun Palace are also very similar."

"These two boys, even if the old man looks at his back, he is extremely disgusted."

"It won't be them." Senior Luo shook his head and looked at the gray-bearded old man.

"What?" the gray-bearded old man asked.

Senior Luo said in a deep voice, "Twin Martial Spirits, one black and one purple, both are the pinnacles. That kid is a natural soul master."

"This successor, do you want the Soul Palace?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

The update is finished early today, everyone does not have to stay up late tonight, I hope tomorrow and the future will be as early as possible.

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